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Unit8 How are you?Period2 Fun time&Cartoon time教学目标:1.能熟练朗读课文。能熟练运用所学单词和句型打电话。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会用单词cough, headache; 句型How are you? Not so good.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用打电话用语。能根据fun time的道具和情境,有乐趣地进行小组对话。4.理解cartoon time的乐趣所在,趣味朗读并表演。5.培养学生关心同学、互相爱护的好品质。教学重、难点:1. 能让学生听懂、会说、会读、会用新单词和新句型。2.学生能根据实际情况运用打电话用语打电话。3.熟练朗读cartoon time的课文,体会其乐趣。教学过程:Step1 Review1. Lets read2. Memory game3. Lets play4. Brain storm5. Lets play. Whats the matter?6. Ask and answer回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Make a dialogue with your desk mates, using the new words and sentences we learned just now. Work in pairs.Step2 Fun time呈现材料,活用结构We have home-made telephones, can you make a phone to your classmates? Work in groups.Step3 Cartoon time1. Watch and choose: Where is Bobby?2. Read and answer: Whos on the phone with Sam?3. Lets read4. Read and act5. SummaryStep4 A picture book1. Look and find Look at the picture , we can find the name of the story, the writer of the story, the painter of the illustrated, the characters of the story.2. Watch and answer Who has a cold? Whose room is this? 3. Watch and tick What does Kim have? She has4. Read and order 5. Learn and saya. Teach and learn: at all, try to guide the students say the sentence emotionally.b. They talk too close. Can they talk like this? c. What do you think of Kim? Impolite.The teacher and a student act the scene of the story.T- Kim: I have skates. Can you come out to play?S- Lizzy(生病感冒状): No, I cant. I have a cold. T: I have a game. Can you play with me?S: No, I cant. I have a cold. T: I have a book. Can you read with me?S: No, I cant. I have a bad cold. 6. Listen and say What did Lizzy say?How does Lizzy feel? What about Kim?If you are Lizzy, what will you say?7. Reading time: Lets imtateKnow more 一般过去式的动词通常用动词的过去式形式来表示,而动词的过去式是在动词原形的基础上变化的。Step 5 Post-reading1. Make a dialogue Lizzy cared about her friend. So she went home and called to Kim. What do they say? Can you make a new dialogue?2. Think and say What do you know from this story?If someone has a bad cold. We can_. But we cant _.3. For you Good manners are very important in our life. Its easy for people.Step6 Homework1. Listen, read and act the cartoon.2. Preview Sound time, Rhyme time and Checkout time.3. Read the picture book again.金坛区白塔小学刘琴
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