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新概念英语第二册学习笔记60 59课第60课 The future1、Ata villagefair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller call Madam Bellinsky.fair 这里是集市的意思,在集市上,要用介词 atboo fair 书展,图书博览会job fair 工作招聘会trade fair 商品交易会Vanity Fair 名利场2、Shewill be arrivingthis evening andintendsto stay for a few days.will be arriving 将来进行时intend 打算怎么样,将来怎么样,所以这里用一般现在时 intends也可以表示将来。3、The momentyouleavethis tent, youwill geta surprise.the moment 这里相当于一个连词的作用,意思相当于 as soon as, 后面引导出一个时间状语从句。例句:The momenthe got out of the room, we all burst into laughter.注意主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。4、A womanyou know wellwill rush towards you.you know well 定语从句,修饰 a woman, 前面省略了引导词 whom, 充当宾语成分,所以可以省略。5、Your sister willbe hereinless than an hourand we mustbe at the stationto meet her.less than an hour 不到一小时注意be here 和 be at the station 这种用法:例句:Illbe theresoon.Can yoube at the airportbefore 11 oclock?6、Asshe walked away, Ifollowedherout ofthe fair.as 连词,当.的时候注意 follow 后面跟介词的用法:例句:Ifollowedthe crowdintothe hall.The dogfollowedusaroundthe park.7、在英语中跟来、去、离开、到达有关的动词,可以用现在进行时表示将来时态。例句:Im coming to see you.Shes going to the party this evening.Hes arriving tomorrow.Are you leaving now?第59课 In or out?1、Every timehe wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someoneopened the gate.every time 每当怎么样,每次怎么样,相当于一个连词,引导出一个时间状语从句。2、As the neighborscomplained ofthe noise, my husbandspent weeks traininghim to press his paw on the latch tolet himself in.complain of 对什么东西抱怨,也可以说complain aboutspend time doing sth. 花时间做某事,注意spend 后面要跟现在分词例句:Ispent a whole day writingpostcards.let oneself in 放自己进去例句:The door was open so Ilet myself in.3、Rex soonbecame an expert at openingthe gate.become an expert at doing sth. 成为做什么事情的专家、能手expert 常与介词at, in, on, with 连用an expert at teaching small childrenan expert in economicsan expert on foreign affairsan expert with the needles4、However, when I wasgoing out shoppinglast week, I noticed him in the gardennear the gate.go out shopping 出去买东西同样的结构:go swimming 去游泳go fishing 去钓鱼go picnicking 去野餐5、This time he was barkingso thatsomeone would let him out.so that 引导出一个目的状语从句,表示为的是怎么怎么样例句:Please speak upso thatthe people sitting at the back can hear you.6、Yesterday my husband removed the gate Rex got so annoyed we have notseen himsince.since 时间副词, 此后,通常和完成时态连用7、在英语中,表示目的的几种方式:to, in order to, so as to, so that, in order that例句:My husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latchtolet himself in.This time he was barkingso thatsomeone would let him out.We started out earlyin order toavoid traffic.I moved to the front of the busso as toget a good view of the countryside.He left the letter on the tablein order thatI might see it.
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