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5下 U7 Chinese Festivals滨海园区三余小学 徐美娟情趣导航单:Before class. Surf the Internet, find the imformation about Chinese Festivals.(上网搜集一些有关中国传统节日的信息,包括日期、食物和活动。)Chinese Festivals Names: _ _ _ _ When: _ _ _ _ Food: _ _ _ _Activities: 【教学案】:【教学目标】:知识与技能:1.能在故事情境中听懂、会读、会说单词:festival, dumpling, January, February, May, June , dragon boat ,race, place, rice dumpling, September, October, moon, moon cake, November, mountain。2.初步理解四个传统节日,能用The.is in.介绍节日所在的月份,了解会说人们在每个节日的通常会做的事。过程与方法:通过拆红包输口令密码导入,以获得的书为线索,贯穿于整个课堂。从命名书到完成书再到美化书!情感态度与价值观:通过对中国传统节日的了解和讨论,让学生更深刻地感受中国传统文化的意义,更深刻了解中国节日文化的博大精深。【教学重难点】重点:能正确理解对话内容,初步运用单词与句型。难点:掌握节日与月份的表达。【教具准备】未完成的书,节日图片,多媒体等。【教学过程】 Step 1.激情生趣,导入新知.1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a song: The months3. Discuss the homework in groups.4. Show a red packet, guess the password, then get a book Step 2. 培情涵趣,合作探究.1. Name the book A. Western Holidays B: Chinese Festivals2.Finish the booka. Watch and answer. -How many festivals are there? -What are they?(choose the festivals and put them on the right page)b. Look and match choose the pictures according to the festivals to make your book beautiful.c. Listen and match learn the months, use the sentence “Theis in”d. Read your own book fast in groups and Finish the form. Step 3.扬情溢趣,展示分享.1. Choose one festival in your book and decorate it to make your book more beautiful!2. Show time : have a report Step 4. 延情升趣,巩固拓展1.Enjoy some pictures , Know more Chinese cultures
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