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.Business planfor the pet marketMiracleNov.EXECUTI VE SUMMARYPets sold on the market today is very large, an increasing number ofyounger age groupsliketokeep as pets and to theirpartners.They notonlysatisfied with a simple feeding, but also regard them as their parents.Because theyhave thismentality,the other relevantmarket came intobeingand pets - pet grooming,healthcare and so on. At present,there are alreadymany such institutions abroad; many domestic first-line has also beendeveloped cities,a similarorganization,but due totechnicalreasons, andother aspectsof a singlenationalcomparison of many of theseinstitutionsIn developed city markets,there exists a lackage of all-packageorganizationfor all kind of petservices.Insecond line cities,someserviceorganizations for only one kind of pet still have a large market share,butwe need a more effective solution to develop market there.For theconsideration,our program is to design the market in Nanning,through theprogram,we can finda more effectiveway tolearn how thepet servicemarketworks and how to explore potential business opportunity.Table of Content1. Introduction2.Current marketing situation3. Swot analysis4. Objectives5. Marketing strategy6. Action programmes7. Budget8.Control9.Conslusion.1. Introduction1.1OrganizationHeadquarters: Chairman, General Manager (Finance Department, Investment Department, Marketing Department), deputy general manager (customer service department, advertising department), the department heads, employeesChain stores: store manager, medical groups, beauty group, photography group , public relations group, sales group2.Current marketing situationPet industry is currently on the market, there are many simple pet saleshop;However, regardingthe pet of the serviceagenciesin thecountry onlya verysmallpresence insomedeveloped smallerfirst-tiercities,structure,pet services,a single store, such as on pet care and beauty . Itwas learnedthat in foreign countries, many developed countries, on a variety of petservices, agencies have a perfect system, various agencies widespread.Technicallywe can learnfrom the introduction,forthe increasingly popularpet of the Wind, the pet services will be urgentlyneeded. Onehas a perfect,healthy body of the pet service will be the current market needs2.1 The macroenviromentWith the increasing living standards in China, pet gradually becomecloser and closer companion.Whether it isdogs, cats, birds,or fish orturtles, which housekeeping past nursing homes, small animals for humanentertainment, became an important member of the family. In anincreasinglycompetitivesocialenvironment,your petslovelyand livelyas is in the tensionof modern life,the humansending loneliness,increasethe fun and ease the pressure.China has 1.3 billionpopulation,and has farmed sinceancienttimes,a traditional pet, according to conservative estimates, China now thereare at least 100 million pets, pet market potential of the economy forat least up to 150 billion yuan, but Chinas current development levelof the pet market not in the true sense, with the world,In the currentmarket environment in China, petfood and suppliesto theretailindustryis still in the emerging stage. Since 2007, many international andauthoritative consumer market research institutions began to pay closeattentiontoChinas petindustry.A surveyshows thatChinese pettotalof 8 yearsin1999-2007 increasedby nearly500%, according to incompletestatistics, Chinas current pet dogs, cats and other types of pets formore than200 milliontotalin2015, thethefigurewillreach 500 million.In 2008, the pet industrys annual output of about 200 billion yuan, anannual growth rate of over 30%, accounting for 60% of the share of theworld, this transcript have benefited from Chinas major pet productsindustry,a completeindustrialchain.2010, pet industrysannualoutputvalue will be 400 billion yuan.International experience shows that when the
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