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English For Service IndustryPart One Courtesies 1. GreetingsA: Hello, Kate, Nice to see you here!B: Hello, Jane, Nice to meet you, too.A: Hows life, Kate? All right?B: Yes, Not too bad. Thanks. And you?A: Pretty well, Thank you. What about David?B: Oh, Awful! He is ill.A: Lets go to see him this afternoon?B: All right.A: See you this afternoon.B: See you later.Useful Expressions:1) Glad to meet you here. 很高兴在这里见到你。2) Glad to see you again. 很高兴又见到你。3) Havent seen you for some time. 有些日子没见到你了。4) Fancy seeing you here. 真没想到在这里见到你。5) Havent seen you for ages. 很长时间没见到你了。6) Hi! 你好!7) Good morning! 早晨好!8) How are you? 你好吗?9) How are things going with you? 近来过得怎么样?10) Much better. Thank you! 谢谢你,好多了。11) Well, not too bad! 唉,不算太坏。12) Well, not too well yet. 唉,不算太好,不过比过去好些。13) Good-bye, and all the very best. 再见,万事如意。14) Remember to drop me a line. 别忘了给我写信。15) All the best. 万事如意。16) Be in touch. 保持联系。17) Look after yourself. Bye! 你自己多保重,再见!18) Remember me to your family. 代问你全家好。19) See you tomorrow. 再见!20) Take care. Bye! 保重,再见!2. Introductions (一)Self-introductionsA: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?B: Yes, Im John Smith. Im from England. I have a booking for tonight.A: Let me see. John Smith . yes, your booking was for a single room for two nights.B: Yes, Thats right. (二)Introducing PeopleA: Id like to see your manager, please.B: Just a moment. Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith, This is our manager, Mr Li. Mr. Li, This is Mr. Smith.C: How do you do, Mr. Smith. Nice to see you.A: How do you do, Mr. Li.Useful Expressions:1) May I introduce.? 请让我介绍.?2) Allow me to introduce . to you. 请允许我把.介绍给您。3) Allow me to introduce you to. 请允许我把您介绍给.4) Mr. ., let me introduce Mr. 先生,让我介绍.先生。5) Id like you to meet Mr. 我想让你见见.先生。6) Meet my friend. 见见我的朋友.7) Miss., this is Mr. 小姐,这是.先生8) Allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍一下我自己。9) I dont believe weve met. Im John Smith. 我觉得我们没有见过面。我是约翰史密斯。10) -I think, Ive seen you somewhere before. Are you Mr. Smith? -Im York. 我想,我以前在什么地方见过你,你是史密斯先生?我是约克。11) Ive heard so much about you. 久仰你的大名了。 3. Asking the TimeA: Hello, John. How are you?B: Hi, Bill. Pretty well, Thanks. And you?A: Im very well. By the way, what time is it by your watch? My watch stopped. I must have forgotten to wind it last night.B: My watch says its five to nine.A: Oh, thanks. I must go now. Ill have a meeting at half past nine. See you tomorrow!B: See you tomorrow!Useful expressions:1) Could you tell me the time? 您能告诉我现在是几点吗?2) Do you have the time? 现在几点了?3) What day is today? 今天星期几?4) What time, please? 请问现在几点了?5) Whats the date today? 今天几号了?6) Whats the time by your watch? 你的表现在几点了?7) My watch has stopped. 我的表停了。8) My watch is out of order. 我的表坏了。9) My watch keeps good time. 我的表很准。4.Whats the Weather Like in Your Country?H: Where are you come from?J: I am from England.H: Whats the climate like in your country?J: Its mild. But its not always pleasant. It is often cold in the north and windy in the east. Its often wet in the west and sometimes warm in the south.H: Which seasons do you like best?J: I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short .The sun rises early and sets late.H: So do I.Useful Expressions:1) What does the weather forecast say? 天气预报怎么说的?2) Whats the temperature to day? 今天的气温怎么样?3) I dont think the rain would last long. 我想这场雨不会持续多久。4) It looks as if its going to rain. 看来要下雨了。5) Its clearing up. 天晴了。6) Its going to cloud over, Im afraid. 恐怕天气要转阴了。7) The rains beginning to let up. 雨开始小了。8) The rain is setting in. 雨下起来了。9) A lovely day, isnt it? 天气真好,是吗?10 I hope it stays fine. 我希望天气一直晴朗。11) It seems a glorious day today. 今天看来是个大晴天。12) Its good to see the sun again. 真高兴又看到太阳。13) Its quite cool here in August. 这里的八月挺凉快的。14) Its rather changeable, isnt it? 天气变化无常,不是吗?15) The temperature has climbed to 35 气温上升到摄氏35了。 5. A Telephone CallA: (Answering telephone) 5-0-5-2-8-5-3, Qinhuandao Vocational Technical School, Can I help you?B: Yes. May I speak to Mr. Zhang, please?A: Please hold on.B: All right.A: Sorry, he isnt in; hes out.B: Im sorry to hear it. Could you take a message?A: Of course!B: Ask him to call me back when he comes back .My name is Wang Ying.A: May I have your telephone number.B: 0-3-3-5-5-0-5-4-0-4-3.A: 0-3-3-5-5-0-5-4-0-4-3. I have got it. Ill be sure to let him call you back as soon as he comes back.B: Thank you very much. Thats very kind of you.A: You are welcome.Useful Expressio
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