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Module 5 Foods we needUnit 10 Different tastes第二课时教学设计广州市荔湾区西关培正小学 叶素华一、 教材:广州教科版英语Book 9 二、 课题研究:1)在Phonics教学基础上的小学英语绘本阅读实践研究;2)广州教科版英语新教材课例研讨。三、 教学内容分析和学情分析: 这节课是Unit 10 Lets read第二课时。Module 5 与上个模块的学习内容紧密相扣,都是同学们最喜欢的食物话题,经过学习,同学们初步掌握了运用简单的英语谈论和描述自己喜欢的食物I hope everyone likes It smells/tastes/looks/feels What do you think of ? Its/Theyre salty,还有点餐用语What do you want for? Do you want or ? What should we ?等句型。在Unit10 的第一课时中,老师组织同学们学习了一些词汇和短语,今天是第二课时,着重解决课文的精读和上口,熟练理解、掌握和运用课文中的新知识,最终达到能够流利、发音准确地背诵课文,并在controlled writing中能够运用新知识。我校五年级的学生英语学习兴趣比较浓,基础比较好,养成了较好的学习方法。但也存在个别学困生,需要课堂教学中多关注。四、 课型:新授课五、 教学目标: 1、语言知识1)掌握本课的四会单词和短语;2)能流利朗读所学课文,语音正确清晰,语调自然。3) 知道基本的中西方饮食偏好和用餐方式。2、 语言技能1)能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的有关本模块话题的文段;2)能用正确的语音语调朗读课文;3)能询问和表达对食物的评价。4) 能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的有关能力和特长的文段。3、情感态度1)通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。2)培养学生热爱生活的情感。3)培养学生的英语阅读兴趣。4、学习策略1)通过听说读写的操练,使学生对课文内容熟悉,并扎实地掌握;2)通过游戏、竞赛、等活动激发学生的兴趣,提高学习英语的积极性和自信心;3)通过对课文的学习,培养学生的自学能力。 5、文化意识: 1)知道中西餐常见食物名称;2)了解中国不同地域的饮食偏好;3)享受英语绘本故事学习,在阅读中拓宽视野和知识面。 6. 教学策略:1)通过听说读写的操练,使学生对课文理解并熟练掌握;2)通过游戏、竞赛、阅读英语绘本等活动激发学生的兴趣,提高学习英语的积极性和自信心。六、教学板书设计:Unit 10 Different Tastes概念图 We can smell things with our nose from far away. Chinese and western food/people等词组Chinese and western food is often very different. like eating.use 六、 教学重点:1、课文的理解;2. 知道基本的中西方饮食偏好和用餐方式。3. 本课教学的重点是调动学生的主动性,使其大胆开口,积极参与语言的实际交际,培养学生学习英语的兴趣及用英语思维的习惯。根据小学英语教学的要求,学生的年龄特点及认知规律,本节课的教学难点是让学生在看看、说说、玩玩中增强对语言的感受,在愉快和谐的氛围中学习英语。4. 英语阅读习惯的培养, 与Phonics教学相互促进。八、教学难点:1、课文的理解;2、知道基本的中西方饮食偏好和用餐方式。九、教学资源准备: 金太阳教学软件,PPT以及多媒体教学平台,图片,醋(装在杯子中),绘本故事书“I Can Smell That!”(节选),连句成篇的练习包,初次写作worksheet,概念图十、教学过程:StepsTeaching and Learning AidsTeachers ActivitiesPs ActivitiesTeaching and learning aimsI. Warming up Big Book: “I Can Smell That!”1.Page by page, tell the story in a fun way.Sit around the teacher and enjoy it. Raise any questions if they like.Enjoy English reading and story telling. Have fun. Get ready for the lesson. BlackboardCups of vinegar2. Put the book away and get ready to start lesson. 3. Q: Whats the main idea of the book?4. Let out the sour smell in the classroom.Go back to their seat and get ready for the lesson.P1: We can smell things with our nose from far away.Feel the smell.Organize Ps seated in groups.Leading in.Link the story with the learning aims.Surprise Ps and lead into todays learning.II. Presentation and practiceBlackboardMultimedia computer5. What foods do Chinese/Japanese/Western people think of with this sour smell? What do they use when they eat their meals?6. Present the useful chunks on the blackboard.P1: Sweet and sour food, chopsticks and bowlsP2: Sushi, chopsticks and bowlsP3: salad, a plate with a knife and forkB. Read aloud after T and memorize them.Use Ps imagination, whats more, have fun and cultural consciousness. Get Ps aware of the eating habits and different tastes.Learn voluntarily and pick up chunks. Present the useful chunks.Present the first paragraph with the disc.Sentences in envelopes and a large card for each group.7. Play the disc paragraph 1. 8. And ask Ps to rearrange the sentences to the order.Watch and learn. Rearrange the sentences to the order.Learn Paragraph together.Put the chunks in the sentences and in context.textbooks9. Open their books and read Paragraph 1 together. 10. Ask Ps to observe and guess what foods are on the Chinese table or the western table.Read aloud after T, then together.P1*10: tell Chinese foods or western foods.Further practice.cultural consciousness. Get Ps aware of the eating habits and different tastes.Mind map on the blackboard11. Sum up paragraph 1 and draw the mind map on the blackboard.Look, listen and say together, sum up the first paragraph.Sum up paragraph 1 and link to Paragraph 2.Ps can recite it with the help of the mind map.textbooks12. Leading in: Chinese people and western people have different tastes. What about people in China? Do they have different tastes, too?Ask Ps to read quietly.Ask Ps to read aloud together.Read on purpose and get the important information quickly.Read quietly.Read aloud.Read on purpose and get the important information quickly. Reading skills training unconsciously.Practice reading the text fluently.Mind map on the blackboard13. Ask Ps to retell the paragraph.Try to retell.Use the chunks fluently.III. Developmentpractices fluently. paragraph.t informations qundese table or the western table.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMind map on the blackboard14. Ask Ps to recite the text togely.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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