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九年级英语上册9A Ui 1综合测试卷一、选择填空 ( )1. Id ike you to tel e sothingau Biingmsory, but neiher Heen norI _ treAhae beB. has been C. havegone D a gon( ) 2_ o his pant i i goo heath, b _ o the work hard. on; all Nethe; o .Nitr; rD. h; neithe( )3. Wer gong to Hanghou by bs. You an comeit u _ycan meetus tee ltr. bu B. so C.and D. or( ) . w os yuboher lik tesatr?_ this sweate _ tht ne r stberhim. H lie theAEthe;or B Not oly;but ls Coth;ad D. Neiher; nor( ) 5 Myotheri _o listn o ylong stor.A.pteeougB ooatiet .enogaient D.impaten nuh( ) 6 Its everybodys utyt join n e Clen our PtCampag.Sur suldryo _al footht wee oreredA. ve up B.eaup C. shoup . trn up() 7.Thema screaiv eng_so mny nice toys for his dauter. A. byin B aking . to buyD. toak()8. hy d yo ot foSal? seshe iery _ anhe ever show ofA. cuiouBmdest Cprcica. prou() .Scienstsare tyig t _ new ways to treath errble diseae calle H N9.A. tl bot gi uC cmeu wit. oo forwar to() 0. Is necsary oyou totakeone hours xrcis evy day. I agree _ you. to . nC. ithD. bout( )1 _ Simo _ Kttpeaks goodChne, oth can takwth eah other n ChineeANeithr; nor B. Not only;butals C.oh; and DEihr; or( ) 12.Saly, u ar w dss ay fitme well, _ te lour isnot m favourit.A.ad B buC. soD. or() 1. MrLiis a kd eace. e deves o of s tme _ swth ou essn.A o hel B. to heling . help D. hlpin( ) 4. ou hve nev en t Beijing before, heyou? _, I have.A. irs f ll BAs a rsult In ct D. By te way( ) 15. I can buy _ oo _ ditoycas don haeenough ny f bth.A.both;n B. ntnly; ut alsoC. ith; r D. neter;nor二、完形填空he acient peol ofabyl and Egyt _ thesars ithe sk and creed the odc (黄道十二宫图)_2 ers go. At firstit _3_ cn ie. ate, my eopl used testars to dsrie aprsns_4_ and t foetell(预言) what ould happn in eft.Aersonsodiacl sig_5_ hisr erit_6_Somebelive tsig can l aouta persons chrctr. o eaple, smethnk thata peron _7_under tsin o ancer (between June 2 and July 22) iskndnd _8_ .nmany _9_ i Asia, popl blve te hinese hroscpe (星象) an screcharcerand oretell fuureevts.n the Cinee horocoe, ereare _ animls A pers anml signi cnnetto hi or er bith _11_. Eachanimalhs a iffern yp character. Peple bon i the er o the Rat arefrdl and careful hoe bonin th Year of the Money are mat and _ at kin money.InAsi, apros blodtype s also ued to descrbe charcter Popl _13_the blotye are calm d serou, bu heymay be selish.eoplei the loo te arendpndt bt aye azy eol with e blood typ _14_ ones, anpeple with hebld tye O are tlkatie (健谈的)Notevybybelievethat tar signsorblood type can descibe caracte. Bu reding te hrscop canstill b a lot of _.() 1 AstudyB. studi Clearned. learn( ) 2. A. toad o B hosand C. thousandsf D.tsads( ) 3. A. is sd to B.was usd for . used D was udto( ) . . name caracter .ag D. obb( ) A. is cncted t B.connts t C. onnected o asconected to( ) 6 A. place B. year . da .ti( ) 7 A. asbnB. wee o C.ibrn.born( ) 8. A.selfishB. hom-loig C. sllyD. disloyal() A. counrieB. ciie C.ton shools( ) 1. ten.eeven C twelve D trte( ) 11. A wek. daCmthD. yer( ) 12. A bd B. odC. common D litl() 13. A with . wthi C hasD hav( ) 4. A. re sC. ws D. e( )15. . uny B. fun C. funs
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