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5B Unit 1 Cinderella 丰县人民路小学 魏琳琳课时: The first period ( Story time)教学目标:(一)知识目标:列出三会,四会要求1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:prince, fairy, why, because, clothes, let, put on, before, have to, try on, fit2. 基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:Why? Because ?并理解句型的意思;3. 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Come and help me Let me help you. I have to 4. 能较流利有感情地朗读故事。(二)能力目标: 1. 学生能够阅读并理解故事;2. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事;(三) 情感目标:让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。教学重点: 1. 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型Why? Because ?2. 能够从整体到局部理解内容;3. 能以正确的语音语调朗读故事,合作表演故事。教学难点: 1. 单词princes, clothes, before的读音和拼读,put on, try on, have to的理解,教师可以通过TPR及直拼法等教学方式进行进行教学2. Why? Because 句型教师可充分利用生活实际和文本帮助学生理解3. 本课故事的结构由讲述和对话构成,建议在整体理解的基础上分场景进行详细分析和描述。教学准备: 1.教师准备:PPT,服装,2.学生准备:自读故事,初步了解故事内容。教学流程: Before classSay a rhyme (复习旧知 put on)Sing a song (活跃气氛, 引出话题)Free talkT: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, Joyce. We listened to a song about New Years Day.a. Try to ask T: Can you ask me some questions about my holiday? S1: Do you often have a good time on New Years Day? T: Yes, I do. I always have a lot of fun. S2: What do you usually do on New Years Day? T: I usually visit my friends. Do you visit your friends? S3: Do you buy new clothes? T: Yes. I often buy new clothes for my son. How about you?b. Lets chat T: Now, lets have a chat. If were the same, try to say “Me, too”, but if we are different, you can say “I like/I ”Presentationa. Try to guessTeach: Why?/Because.T: Do you remember which season do I like? Why? (present the new word) Ss Use “Because you can ” to make a guess Teach: put on Use put on to make some phrasesb.present the titleT: I like summer and Im happy today. Do you know why? Because Ill tell you a sweet story. See, the handsome man is a prince. The pretty girl is Cinderela.(present the title)c. Try to read T: Theres a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go. Listen, who are shouting? Ss:(picture)two sisters and the stepmother T: What do they say? Try to read like the bad sisters Ss read the sentencesd. Watch and answerT: The two sisters can go to the party happily. But Cinderella cannot go, so she is very Ss: Sad.T: Why she cannot go to the party and who helps her? Lets watch the cartoon.check the answerTeach: a fair/a witch (tell the differences)e. Act in two Read after the computer Teacher make an example Act in twof.About the party1. Listen and sayT: Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes. What does the fairy say? Teach: before/after(作为板书)2. Read and underline Cinderella is at the party. The prince sees her. What would he say?Ss: What a pretty? Would you ? T: She has a good time at the party. (钟声) Does she want to go home? Ss read and underlineT: Please tell me the sentences you underlineTeach: have to make some new sentencesT: She left her shoe. So the prince shout:Ss: Hey, your shoe. T: How do you think of Cinderella? Ss: 守信守时 Teacher show two important sentences 4. Read and orderT: Cinderella has to go home.Q: What does the prince do? Does Cinderella try on the shoe at first? Ss read and answerg. Read and match T: Do you like my story? Do the exercise (Read and match together)Read and act the story1. Reading timeRead after the computerRead after the teacher2. Act the story3. retell the story4. Talk about the writerHomework1.听录音熟练朗读story time2.小组内表演故事3.阅读这本故事书Cinderella板书设计visit every house try on the shoe tries it on It fits! The princes party come and help me where are my Why? Because come back put on have to go your shoe cant go to the party dont have any nice clothes or shoes
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