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倒装句出于口头表达的需要,在汉语里,我们经常把急于说的内容先表达出来而形成倒装,如“她去德国留学了,我听说。”“真调皮,这孩子!”在英语里,倒装不仅经常出现在口语中,而且广泛应用于书面表达中。在倒装语序中,如果谓语的全部都在主语之前,称为全部倒装;如果谓语的一部分(通常是助动词、情态动词、连系动词或表语)位于主语之前,则称为部分倒装。引起倒装的原因有两个:一是由于语法结构的需要,二是由于加强语气的需要。通常来说,在语法需要时,倒装是必须的,否则会容易出现语法错误;在加强语气需要时,倒装是任意的,目的是为了强调,否则还可以还原为陈述语序。值得注意的是,许多由于加强语气而形成的倒装结构已经固化,成为固定句式。一、因语法结构需要而引起的倒装(一)大多数疑问句都是倒装语序,用完全或部分倒装例如:What is that in your backpack?你背包里装的是什么?How often do you go to the seaside in summer?夏天你多长时间去一次海边?Do you go to church every week?你每周都去做礼拜吗?I dont think that you are often attentive in class, are you?我认为你课堂上不经常集中注意力,是吗?Does your son prefer business or finance?你儿子喜欢商科还是金融?【注释】以疑问词或疑问词修饰的词作主语时,要用陈述语序。例如:What is on the chair?椅子上是什么?Who spread the scandal last week?上周谁散布了谣言?Which boy broke the window?哪个男孩打破了窗户?Whose father is a carpenter?谁的父亲是名木匠?(二)there be句型及其变体用倒装语序在there be句型及其变体(即用其他表示存在意义的动词代替be,如live、remain、stand、lie、exist、seem、appear等)中,按语法需要,谓语动词全部位于主语之前,成为全部倒装语序。例如:There is a vocational and technical school near our residential area.在我们住宅小区附近有一所职业技术学校。There used to be a shoe shop around the street corner.在街道拐角处,过去有一家鞋店。There has been and will be little real change in the small town.这座小镇一直以来没有什么变化,将来也不会有。There must be concord between a verb and its subject in English.英语中动词与主语必须一致。There happened to be a friend of mine in the park.碰巧在公园里有我的一个朋友。There exists little evidence that immigrants displace native workers.没有证据证明移民会冲击当地人的就业。There only remains the question of the training venue to be discussed.现在只有培训地点需要讨论了。There stands a bronze statue in the centre of the park. 公园中央矗立着一尊铜像。There lies the real reason why Linda is so friendless.这是琳达如此孤独无助的真实原因。(三) 某些副词开头的句子用倒装语序在以here、there、now、then、in、up、away、down、off等副词开头并且谓语为be或come、go、fall等表示方位或位置转移的不及物动词的句子中,一般使用全部倒装。例如:Here is your boarding pass and passport.这是你的登机牌和护照。There goes the last train.最后一班火车开走了。Now comes a new medicine for the pain in your joints.现在有一种治疗你的关节痛的新药问世。Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas.下雨了,伞都撑起来了。Out rushed the audience.观众都冲出来了。Sniffing at the bone, away went the dog.那条狗闻了闻那块骨头,然后走开了。【注释】在这种句型中,当句子主语是人称代词时,不使用倒装语序。例如:Off you go to school!你去上学吧!Look, there he comes!看,他来了!Down she went.她下去了。Here you go!干得好!(四)以so、neither或nor引起的表示和前面句子意思相同的句子用倒装语序以so开头、表示上句中谓语所述情况也适用于另外的人或事物的肯定句要用倒装语序,其句式为“So+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”。例如:Logan is an electrician. So is his son. 洛根是位电工,他儿子也是。The Jutas went to Europe last summer. So did the Longmans.去年夏天朱塔一家去了欧洲,朗曼一家也去了。【注释】如果so开头的句子用于肯定对方所说的内容时,要用陈述语序。例如: It was a sunny day yesterday.昨天是个大晴天。So it was.是的。Justin has gone to Shanghai.贾斯廷去了上海。So he has and so as his wife.是的,他妻子也去了以neither或nor开头的句子,表示“也不这样”时,要用倒装语序,其句式为“neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”。例如:Judith isnt a member of the Youth Hostels Association,neither/nor is her twin sister, Martha.朱迪思不是青年招待所协会的会员,她的孪生妹妹玛莎也不是。If she doesnt attend the training workshop on early childhood education, neither/nor shall I.如果她不去参加幼儿教育培训班,我也不去。Do you know that Rex has been fired by his boss?你知道雷克斯被老板解雇了吗? I dont know,neither/nor do I care.我不知道,我也不关心。He hasnt been to Vancouver,neither/not has his business partner. 他没去过温哥华,他生意上的伙伴也没去过。(五)as引导的让步状语从句用倒装语序as引导让步状语从句时,必须采用倒装语序。这种倒装包括:把状语提前;把表语提前,句首单数可数名词不能带任何冠词,如名词前有形容词修饰,则应加冠词;实义动词提前,助动词放在主语后面,如实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。这种结构as可以被though所替代。例如:Best as he speaks English in the class,he is not satisfied with himself.虽然他在班里英语讲得最好,他仍然对自己不满意。Hard as he tried, he couldnt make his mother change her mind.尽管他做了很大努力,却没法让他母亲改变主意。Girl as she is, she runs faster than all the boys in the class.尽管她是个女孩,她却跑得比班上所有的男孩都快。Ill-mannered and badly dressed he looks, he always keeps his room neat and tidy.他虽然看起来缺乏教养并且衣着邋遢,他却总是把房间收拾得干净整齐。Try several times as they would, they couldnt solve the maths problem. 他们试过多次了,却仍解决不了那道数学难题。Dancing with her friend at Lucys birthday party as she was, she couldnt get her mind off her three- year-old daughter at home.她尽管在露西的生日聚会上和朋友跳着舞,但仍然惦记着家里三岁的女儿。(六)表示虚拟语气的条件状语从句若省去if时用倒装语序表示虚拟语气的条件状语从句若省去if时,要将had、were或should等置于从句的主语之前。从句是否定句时,否定词要留在主语之后。例如:Were I you,I would leave her immediately.如果我是你,我会马上离开她。Should you bring your children this evening,I would be happy.如果今晚你把孩子们带来,我会很高兴。Had I been informed earlier, I could have offered some help.如果我早点被告知,我会提供些帮助。Had they not offered kind advice to us,we could not have done it so successfully.如果没有他们好心地出主意,我们不可能把那件事办得如此成功。(七)直接引语前置,引述句中名词作主语时用倒装语序直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首,引述句中名词作主语而谓语部分较短时,要用完全倒装。例如:“Dont get there too early or youll have to hang around,” said Mrs. Kern.“不要太早到那儿,否则,你就得闲待着,”克恩夫人说道。“Leave me alone, son, shouted Mrs. Sparks,“go to the street for help quickly!” “别管我,儿子,”斯帕克斯夫人喊道,“快到街上求救!”【注释】如果引述句主语为代词,或谓语部分比较长,则仍用陈述语序。例如:“What do you think of the new teacher?” she asked. “你认为新来的老师怎么样?”她问道。“I dont care what they will say,” he said. “我不关心他们说什么,”他说。“Were moving to Chicago next
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