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第五章作业(中英文对照) 第 五 章 受弯 构件 一、选择题 1对于承受均布荷载的热轧 H 型钢简支梁,应计算( ) A抗弯强度、腹板折算应力、整体稳定、局部稳定 B抗弯强度、抗剪强度、整体稳定、局部稳定 C抗弯强度、腹板上边缘局部承压强度、整体稳定、容许挠度 D抗弯强度、抗剪强度、整体稳定、容许挠度 1. For hot rolled H-shaped cross section steel beam bearing distributed load, ( ) should be checked. Abending strength, equivalent stress on the web, overall stability and local stability. Bbending strength, shear strength, overall stability and local stability. Cbending strength, local bearing stress at upper edge of the web, overall stability. Dbending strength, , shear strength, overall stability, allowable deflection. 2以下计算,使用毛截面特性的是( ) A梁的弯曲正应力 B梁的剪应力 C折算应力 D疲劳验算 2. In which of the following calculation, the gross-section characteristic is adapted? ( ) ABending normal stress of the beam BShear stress of the beam CEquivalent stress DFatigue check 3某一在主平面内受弯的实腹式构件,当截面上有螺栓孔时,下列何项计算要考虑孔洞削弱?( ) A构件变形计算 B构件整体稳定性计算 C构件抗弯强度计算 D构件抗剪强度计算 3. For solid-web members bending in principle plane, supposing that bolt holes appears in the cross-section, weaken factors of the bolt holes should be considered during the calculation of ( ). Acalculating the deformation of the member Bchecking the overall stability of the member Cchecking the bending strength of the member Dchecking the shear strength of the member 4设计焊接工字形截面梁时,腹板布置横向加劲肋的主要目的是提高梁的( ) A抗弯刚度 B抗弯强度 C整体稳定性 D局部稳定性 4. In the design of the welded I-shaped cross section beams, the main target of arranging transverse stiffeners to the webs is to ensure the ( ) of the beam AFlexural stiffness BFlexural resistance Coverall stability Dlocal stability 5梁的支承加劲肋应设置在( ) A弯曲应力大的区段 B剪应力大的区段 C上翼缘或下翼缘有固定作用力的部位 D有吊车轮压的部位 5. Bearing stiffeners should be arranged at ( ) of the beam Awhere the bending stress is great Bwhere the shear stress is great Cwhere the concentrated force acted Dwhere the wheel load acted 6在梁的整体稳定计算中,若稳定系数为 1.0,说明该梁( ) A处于弹性工作阶段 B不会丧失整体稳定 C梁的局部稳定必然满足 D不会发生强度破坏 6. During the calculation to the overall stability of the beam, the condition that the stability coefficient is 1.0 indicates that ( ) Athe beam is in elastic stage Boverall buckling would not happen Cthe beam would satisfy the requirements of avoiding local buckling Dthe strength failure would not happen 7梁承受固定集中荷载作用,采用以下何项措施是合适的?( ) A加厚翼缘 B在集中荷载作用处设置支承加劲肋 C增加横向加劲肋的数量 D加厚腹板 7. For beam bearing the determined concentrated load, which of the following effects is favorable? ( ) AThicken the flange of the beam BArrange bearing stiffeners at where the concentrated loads applied CIncrease the number of the transverse stiffeners. DThicken the web of the beam 8验算无集中荷载作用时工字形截面梁的折算应力,公式为 f12 23 b t s + ,这里s、 t 应为 () A验算截面的最大正应力和最大剪应力 B验算截面的最大正应力和验算点的剪应力 C验算截面的最大剪应力和验算点的正应力 D验算截面中验算点的正应力和剪应力 8. While checking the equivalent stress of the I-shaped cross-section beam without bearing concentrated loads, the expressionf12 23 b t s + is applied. In this expression, s , t represents ( ). Athe maximum normal stress and shear stress of the checking section; Bthe maximum normal stress of the checking section and the shear stress of the checking point; Cthe maximum shear stress of the checking section and the normal stress of the checking point; Dthe normal stress and shear stress of the checking point in the checking section 9跨中无侧向支承的焊接截面梁,当验算整体稳定不满足时,宜采取以下何项措施?( )。 A加大梁的截面积 B加大梁的高度 C加大受压翼缘板的宽度 D加大腹板的厚度 9. For welded cross section beams without the lateral supports in the mid-span, if the overall stability could not be satisfied, which of the following measures should be adapted? ( ) AIncrease the cross-section of the beam BIncrease the height of the beam CWiden the width of the flange under compression DThicken the web of the beam 10受压翼缘由刚性铺板连牢的梁,不必考虑计算的是( )。 A强度 B刚度 C整体稳定 D局部稳定 10. For beam that rigid decking is securely connected to the compression flange of it, it is not necessary to check the ( ) of the beam. Astrength Bstiffness Coverall stability Dlocal stability 11双轴对称工字形截面梁,经验算,其强度和刚度正好满足要求,而腹板在弯曲应力作用下有发生局部失稳的可能。在其他条件不变的情况下,宜采用下列何种方法可以保证梁的局部稳定?( ) A增加梁腹板的厚度 B降低梁腹板的高度 C用强度更高的材料 D设置加劲肋 11. For double symmetric I-shaped cross section beam, local buckling is possible to appears under the action of the flexural stress while the strength and the stiffness can just be satisfied through the checks. If maintaining other conditions being equal, which of the following measures could ensure the local stability of the beam? ( ) AIncrease the thickness of the web BReduce the height of the web CAdapt materials with higher strength DArrange lateral supports 12验算工字形截面梁受压翼缘的局部稳定性时要求 / b t 应小于某一限值,这里,
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