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PEC电气工程专业英语证书考试-Glossary and Definitions of Basic Electrical and electronics TermsElectronics is the branch of science that deals with the study of flow and control of electrons (electricity) and the study of their behavior and effects in vacuums, gases, and semiconductors, and with devices using such electrons. This control of electrons is accomplished by devices that resist, carry, select, steer, switch, store, manipulate, and exploit the electron.Here are the Most Commonly Terms and definitions used in Electronics and Electronics Engineering:A (amp)- Ampere AC/DC-Alternating current or direct current ADC -Analog-to-digital converterAFT -Automatic fine tuning AFC -Automatic flow controller, used in controlling the flow of gasses under pressure into a vacuum systemAGC-Automatic gain control AM/FM -Amplitude modulation or Frequency modulation AMM -Analog multimeterantilog - AntilogarithmAp -Power gainApc-Automatic phase controlAv -Voltage gainAVC -Automatic volume control AWG -American wire gaugeAC- Alternating currentA/D-Analog to digitalAF-Audio frequencyAFC -Automatic frequency controlAh -Ampere hourAM-Amplitude modulationAi -Current gainc -Centi (10-2)C -Capacitance or capacitor CAD -Computer aided designCAM -Computer aided manufacture CATV -Cable TVCB -Common base configuration CB- Citizens bandCC -Common collector CE-Common emittercm Centimeter cmil -Circular milCPU- Central processing unit C (Q)-CoulombCR cr -Junction diode CRO- Cathode ray OscilloscopeCRT -Cathode ray tube CT -Total capacitancecw -Continuous transmissionE DC- or Erms Difference in potentiale -Instantaneous difference in potential ECG- ElectrocardiogramECL -Emitter coupled logic EHF- Extremely high frequencyEHV- Extra high voltage ELF- Extremely low frequencyEMF-Electromotive force EMI-Electromagnetic interferenceEW- Electronic warfareG- Gravitational forceG -ConductanceG- Giga (109 )JFET-Junction field effedt transistorL- Coil, inductanceLC- Inductance-capacitanceLCD- Liquid crystal displayL-C-R -Inductance-capacitance-resistanceLDR- Light-dependent resistorLED- Light emitting diodeLF- Low frequencyLM- Mutual inductanceLNA- Low noise amplifierLO -Local oscillatorLSI- Large scale integrationLT -Total inductanceN -Number of turns in an inductorN-Revolutions per minuten-Nano (10-9)N- NegativeNA- NanoampereNC- Normally closedNCNo- connectionNEG, neg NegativeNF-NanofaradnH -Nanohenrynm- NanometerNO-Normally openNPN- Negative-positive-negativeNs- NanosecondNW- NanowattOP AMP- Operational amplifierR-PotentiometerR- ResistanceRAM- Random access memoryRC- Resistance-capacitance, also Radio controlledRcvr-ReceiverRect- RectifierRef- ReferenceRf- Radio frequenciesRF-Radio frequenciesRFI-Radio frequency interferenceRL-Load resistorRLC- Resistance-capacitance-inductanceRMS, rms- Root mean squareROM-Read only memoryRpm- Revolutions per minuteT- Tera (1012)T -TorqueT -Transformert- Time in secondsTC- Time constant, also temperature coefficientTE-Transverse electricTemp-TemperatureTHz-TerahertzTM-Transverse magneticTR-Transmit-receiveTTL-Transistor-transistor logicTWT-Travelling wave tubeTV - TelevisionW WattXC -Capacitive reactanceXL -Inductive reactanceY -AdmittanceZ ImpedanceZin -Input impedanceZo -Output impedanceZp -Primary impedanceZs -Secondary impedanceZT -Total impedanceB -Flux densityBCD -Binary coded decimalbfo -Beat frequency oscillatorBJT -Bipolar junction transistorBW-Bandwidthd- Deci (10-1)D/A or D-A-Digital to analog DC-Direct currentDIP-Dual in-line package DMM -Digital multimeterDPDT -Double pole double throwDTL-Diode transistor logicDVM-Digital voltmeter FrequencyFET-Field effect transistorFF-Flip Flop fil -FilamentFM- Frequncy modulation fr -Frequency at resonancefsk -frequency-shift keying FSD- Full scale deflectionH- HenryH- Magnetic field intensityH -Magnetizing fluxh- hecto (102 )h -HybridHF- High frequencyhp -HorsepowerHz -Hertz I -Currenti -Instantaneous currentIB -DC Base currentIC -DC Collector currentIC- Integrated circuitIe- Total emitter currentIeff- Effective currentIF- Intermediate frequencyImax -Maximum currentImin -Minimum currentI/O- Input/outputIR- InfraredIR- Resistor currentIS -Secondary currentIT -Total currentK- Coefficient of couplingk- Kilo (103 )kHz- KilohertzkV- KilovoltkVA- KilovoltamperekW- KilowattkWh-Kilowatt-hourM-Mega (106 )M -Mutual conductanceMI -Mutual inductancem- Milli (10-3 )mA-Milliamperemag- Magnetronmax MaximumMF- Medi
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