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第六篇文章Topic: Best IdeasThe best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things.SAMPLE-1 (score 6)Even the most brilliant thinkers, from Socrates to Satre, live lives in time. A childhood, an adolescence, an adulthood; these are common to me and you as well as the greatest writers. Furthermore, many of the great thinkers we esteem in our Western culture lived somewhat uneventful lives. 前面的铺垫说明伟人也和我们一样,生活本身是平凡的。What distinguished their life from say a common laborer was their work. 这里指出了是伟人的作品才使伟人成为伟人。这里看似是一个简单的背景陈述,实际上作者的目的是简化讨论的范围,排除了时代背景的差异的因素。有了这样的铺垫,我们后面的论述就可以只关注伟人的作品,而不用讨论时代背景。Therefore, what provided the grist for their work? One might say that they were brilliant and this alone was sufficient to distinguish their lives from the masses. Intellect alone can not devise situations or thoughts from no where;这里的背景铺垫是排除了伟人本身智商的因素。从而再次使问题简化。there must be a basis and that basis is most common, if not always, observation of the common, of the quotidian.本句话是主题句,清楚的点明了伟人依靠的究竟是什么东西,即对平常事务的观察。Critics of this idea may argue that these thinkers were products of fine educations and were well schooled in the classics. This, they may point to, is the real basis for their knowledge. 提出了一种可能的反驳的看法,实际上通过后面的回答达到了使问题再次简化的目的。I would argue that although it may be a benefit to study classics and be well schooled in diverse disciplines, these pursuits merely refine and hone an ability each and every person has, the ability to study human nature. 我们发现每一次作者在假设反对意见并回答时,总是先让步的承认一些,再提出自己的观点。这样的的做法的优点是显而易见的,使得文章很有说服力,因为文章这样的结构让那些像挑刺反驳的人没脾气,同时在官方的awintro中要求我们要考虑哪些观点会反对我们的观点,并学会合理的解释澄清,看来官方范文确实做到了awintro中的要求。Where best to study human nature than in the day to day routine each one of us can witness in him or herself or those around us.这里的后半句话的意思不就是obserbation of the common吗,这里就是再次解释了主题句。从这个开头我们可以看出来,核心是第一个棕红色的句子,其他的都是为说明这个句子而服务,目的是简化命题排除他因,只不过前面的是事实分析,后面的是假设反驳再回答。显得很有多样性。I propose that the two best disciplines to understand this power of the commonplace and its ability to cause a groundswell of thought are philosophy and literature.本句话统领了全文的论证,指出了要从哲学和文学两个方面论证。这里也对应awintro上的两点,一是awintro告诉我们要把一个命题应用到不同的领域去,看看具体是什么情况,第二是awintro告诉我们我们的观众是academic audience,所以选择领域的时候就有讲究了,最好要选择学术化的,academic audience所熟识的,这样才更容易产生共鸣。哲学和文学就是大学里很重要的课程阿。 Every school of philosophy, from the Greeks to our day, share a common mission or intent and that is to understand and explain human existence, with all of its concomitant features.本段后面是论证哲学家(分两类哲学家进行讨论)是通过平常事物来了解自身的。这里是第一个分支论点。这句话指出了所有的哲学流派的共同点都是要解释人类存在。Generally speaking, the Greek philosophers, epitomized in Aristotle, attempted to set down rules for human behavior founded on logic. These rules applied not only to the rare forms of human behavior but largely focused on the more mundane motions of daily life. Many of Aristotles rules were based on his observations of others as well as himself.到这里为止论证了苏派哲学家们通过观察平常的事物来了解人类的存在。 Contrast this venture with the existentialists of our century who attempted to look behind the real motivations of human behavior as well understand mans relation to the Universe. To do this, what did these philosophers do? They studied those around them; they submerged themselves in the commonplace, in cities with hordes of anonymous people. 到这里为止论证了存在主义哲学家们也使通过把自己置身于平常事务中去才去探索人类的存在。这里和上一小层构成了两个不同的时间序列,即古代的哲学家到现代的哲学家,这样使得证明更加有力。同学们这里有一点可能是大家不知道的,根据我查的资料,所谓的existentialist就是指近代的哲学家,他们中的代表人物就是sartre,而上一层次所说的greek philosophers指的是经典的古代的哲学家,他们中的代表人物有Socrates,发现什么了吗?原来这两个人物就是开头的第一句话提出来的!人家官方范文是如此完美的用开头暗示了全文的结构,又是如此充分的用论证证明了开头。由此我不得不想起来新东方某老师分析本文开头的时候说到“这开头就是吓唬人的,提出两个人名显牛b,后面压根没有提到有关Socrates,sartre两人的情况”,同学们,是没有提到吗?!还是这位新东方老师没有看出来呢。我想说的只是,新东方老师说的不是真理,有错的时候,而且有的时候会误导大家,所以只能参考,最重要的就是ets官方给的所有的材料,只有这些材料弄透了才是最有价值的。While the existentialists, as well those philosophers before, exploited their uncommon education and intellect, the basis for their movement was ordinary human behavior and existence.最后解释了一下尽管这些思想家工作不平凡,但是最本质的来源都是平凡的。Finally, literature is similar to philosophy in that it seeks to explain and understand human behavior and therefore rooted in the commonplace. 本段论证文学的方面。首先在第一句就指出了和哲学有相同之处,从而在后面就只讨论不同之处,即文学相对于哲学的特点。这样的论证手法是很好的,避免了论证的重复,使得论证更为有效。Nevertheless, its relative strength over philosophy is literatures ability to emotionally and spiritually move the reader through the use of contrived situations and fictional characters. It can do this when even the central theme of a piece maybe love between a man and a woman (e.g. commonplace). 第一个特点就是文学由于可以任意创作所以有更强的感染力,能使得读者更为感动,尤其是涉及爱情的方面。Literature also distinguishes itself from philosophy in that the breadth of the fiction may be huge. The plot and the detail can be quite ordinary or fanatastic. However, this does not mean that the central themes of all literature, whether ordinary or fantastic, deal with human beings and the problems they find in the world, something which we all share.第二点的意思比较不容易理解,文学还有一个特点就是特别长,尽管文学作品在细节上可能是有些幻想的色彩,但是从中心思想上来说,一定是来源于人们平常生活的思想,一定是要反映某些普通的事物。打个比方来说,鲁迅先生的作品中的血馒头存在吗?其内涵是为了表达对于生活中的
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