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Unit 7 How much are these socks? The Third Period: (Section B, 1a2c)Teaching aims and language points:1. Learn these words and be able to say, read and write these words:l ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty2. Be able to say and read these words: buy, sell3. Be able to talk about clothing and prices like: l How much is the white bag? l Its seventeen dollars.l How much are these green sweaters?l They are only $12!Teaching steps:教学设计说明 1. 通过订正3b和完成与2e相仿的对话完成对上一课时内容的复习。1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习) (1) Daily greeting to the students(日常问候)(2) Revision(复习): Check the answers to 3b.(3) Complete the conversation. Woman: _Mary:Yes, please. I need a _ for school.Woman:OK. What color do you want?Mary:_. Woman: How about _?Mary:It looks nice. _? Woman: Nine dollars. Mary:_. How much are those _? Woman: _ and eight dollars for two pairs.Mary:Great! Ill take two pairs. Woman: _Mary:Thank you. Woman: Youre welcome.2. 由于数词的变化有一定的规律,让学生通过听读生词,将单词读音与拼写配对的方式学习这些数词是可行的。注意引导学生发现和掌握10-99的数词构成规律。 2. Presentation (呈现新知识) (1) Review numbers from one to nine. (2) Work on 1a. Listen and repeat after the recording.(3) Listen and match the words in 1b with the numbers in 1a.(4) Find out which rows of the numbers are in the wrong places.(5) Study cardinal number on P80.(6) Introduce the Chinese monetary unit, yuan.Show the pictures of dollars and RMB. T: How much is this?S: Its fifty-six dollars.T: How much is this?S: Its twenty-one yuan.3. A game: Who is the Lucky Star?Make Ss guess the prices of the bag and shoes.T: How much is this red bag?3. 以猜价格的方式让学生们练习使用刚学到的数词和人民币的货币单位yuan。游戏使学生在紧张学习中得到放松,同时得到必要的语言练习。SA: Is it 12 dollars?SB: Is it 22 dollars? T: Lets see who is right? T: How much are these white shoes?SA: Are they 15 yuan? 4听力练习前先讨论图片,一是为了再次巩固生词clothes store, 二是为下一课时提前引入生词sell. 此外,1e的对话练习是Section A的句型,只是更多地练习了本课时新学的的数词,这样可以帮助学生更好地达到听力的要求。4. Preparation for listening. (为听力作准备)(1) Talk about the picture in 1d. Present the new word, sell. Whats this in the picutre? It is a clothes store. What does it sell? It sells How much are these things? (2) Get the Ss to look at the picture and ask and answer questions in pairs like the sample conversation in 1e.5. Listening practice. (听力练习)(1) Work on 1c. Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a and check the answers: No. 1 is No. 2 is (2) Work on 1d. Listen again and circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check the thing Kate buys.5由于有了听前活动为听力练习作了充分的准备,学生可以比较轻松地完成听力练习, 所以可以较快完成。注意在订正答案时引导学生用英语交流,为学生提供可使用的句型,培养学生用英语对话的能力,使学生养成在课堂上用英语对话的习惯。Learn the word buy.(3) Get them to check their answers in pairs first. A: They talk about B: Kate buys (4) Check the answers together.6. Work on 2a.(1) Ss write their own answers in their books.(2) Ss check their answers in pairs. A: I think a skirt is $3.B: Yes, I think so. / No, I think its $15.7. Reading.(阅读)(1) Read the ad in 2b and fill in the price tags. Then, check the answers.(2) Read again and complete the conversation in 2c.(3) Check the answers together as a class. (4) Practice the conversations in groups of three.(5) Get some groups to present their conversation to the class.8. ChantRead aloud. How much is the sweater? Sweater, sweater, sweaterTwenty dollars, twenty dollars, its twenty dollars.How much are the shorts? Shorts, shorts, shortsThirty yuan, thirty yuan, theyre thirty yuan.9. Homework(家庭作业)1) Read the ad again in 2b and study the new words and expressions in it.2) Recite the conversations in 1c & 1d.
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