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模块6 Unit 18 Beautylesson 1 What Is Beauty?.单项填空1We chose her for the job because she was_to the others.Ainferior Bsuperior Csensitive Dsensible解析:句意为:我们选她做这份工作是因为她比其他人优秀。superior高级的,上等的;be superior to比优越,优于,符合题意。inferior低级的;sensitive敏感的;sensible明智的。答案:B2We _red,and on big occasions we often decorate our home in red.Aadmire Badore Crespect Dregard解析:句意为:我们非常喜欢红色,在重大节日里我们常用红色来装饰我们的家。adore非常喜欢,符合题意。admire钦佩,羡慕;respect尊敬;regard注重;把看作。答案:B3Wherever Mr Wang goes,his pet dog named Joy will_him.Aaccompany Bappoint Ccompany Daccomplish解析:句意为:不管王先生走到哪里,他那只名叫乔伊的宠物狗都会陪伴他。accompany为动词,意为“陪伴,陪同”,符合题意。appoint任命,委任;company为名词“陪伴,陪同;公司”;accomplish完成。答案:A4With the progress of society,some of ancient customs have_and been taken place by new ones.Adied away Bdied of Cdied out Ddied for解析:句意:随着社会的进步,一些古老的风俗习惯已经消失,并被一些新的风俗习惯所代替。die out(物种)灭绝,灭亡;(风俗等)消失,符合题意。die away(声音、光等)逐渐消失;die of因而死;die for为而死。答案:C5When we worked in the same office,we_often have coffee together after work.Amight Bshould Ccould Dwould解析:句意为:以前在同一个办公室上班时,我们经常下班后一起喝咖啡。根据前面的时间状语,可知是发生在过去的事;再根据句中的often,可知是过去常常做某事,故选would。答案:D6Girls used to_fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just as many.Atake Btaking Chaving taken Dtaken解析:句意为:比起男孩,女孩过去很少选高等数学课程,但现在都一样了。used to意为“过去常常做某事”,后接动词原形,故选A项。答案:A7My new apartment is_easy reach of the city library,so I,as well as my daughter,often go there after supper.Abeyond Bwithin Cnear Daround解析:句意为:我的新公寓离市图书馆不远,所以晚饭后我和女儿经常去那里。within easy reach of在附近,为固定搭配,符合题意。beyond超出的范围;near在附近;around在周围。答案:B8You can completely rely on Helen helping you do the task.What she does is always _with what she says.Aallergic Brelevant Csensitive Dconsistent解析:句意为:你完全可以依靠海伦帮你做这项任务,她一向言行一致。根据前面的rely on依靠,依赖,可知海伦言行一致,故用consistent一致的。allergic过敏的;relevant相关的;sensitive敏感的。答案:D9The doctor told him to _in deeply and then breathe out.Abreath Bbreathe Cbreathless Dbreathing解析:breathe v呼吸。答案:B10_the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.AThe president will attend BThe president to attendCThe president attended DThe presidents attending解析:动名词的复合结构用来作句子中的主语,须用名词的所有格,而不能用名词的普通格。若作宾语或表语,则两种形式皆可。 答案:D.单词拼写11I was so weak that three flights of stairs would leave me_(气喘吁吁的)答案:breathless12She_(非常喜欢) going to the volleyball match very much.答案:adores 13No corporate board in the US is_(高级的) to law.答案:superior14The northern side of the mountain is almost_(垂直的)答案:vertical15We had to get through the narrow opening_(向一边)答案:sideways 16.He was_(起重的) so he went on a diet,and got his weight down quite a bit.答案:overweight17He was not_(一致的) in his speech.答案:consistent 18.Our perception of things is often influenced by_(主观的) factors.答案:subjective 19.She_(陪同) her friend to the concert last weekend.答案:accompanied20Taking exercise is one way of keeping_(苗条的) and healthy.答案:slim.选词填空用所给单词的正确形式填空。leave,adapt,rely,die,attract,consider,used,slim,superior,consistent21.This western restaurant is_ to the one we went to last week.答案:superior22Your ideas are_with mine in many ways.答案:consistent23The young woman has been on diet to keep_.答案:slim24Because of serious pollution,some kinds of birds are_out.答案:dying25Bell is_to have invented the telephone.答案:considered26China is no longer what she_to be.答案:used27Please find out who_the door unlocked last night.答案:left28It is not so difficult for the young to_to a new environment.答案:adapt29The people on the island_on the supplies that were brought from the mainland.答案:relied30The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _new customers to its stores.答案:attract.阅读理解A BLUE is the most attractive eye colour according to new research.Blue eyes like those belonging to sexy star Angelina Jolie are the most appealing colour according to a poll of 3,000 18 24 year olds by FreshLook One Day Colour.Angelina,her partner Brad Pitt and his exwife Jennifer Aniston all have blue eyes and have all been named in a top twenty of the worlds most desirable eyes. The survey found that young folk with blue eyes are generally seen as being more sexy and kind. And when asked if they would change the colour of their eyes if they could,only one in ten blueeyed people wanted tosignificantly less than people with other colour eyes. One in three people who didnt have blue eyes wanted a chang
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