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9A Unit1 GrammarTitle (课题):牛津版初中英语 9A Unit 1 Star signs GrammarPeriod (课时) :Period 4Aims and demands:A: Knowledge (语言知识) 1. To use it is+ adjective + of + (not) to-infinitive to express opinions about a persons actions.2. To use the verb to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive to describe a persons characteristics and abilities.B: Language skill (语言技能)C: Feeling (情感态度)To enable the students to use the structures to express their ideas and understand the complicated sentences better.To develop the students good personal qualities and learn to encourage and appreciate others.Teaching procedures(教学过程):一、情境创设,新知导入Step 1: Warm-up & revision 1. Check the words in groups.2. SelfintroductionT: Boys and girls! There are many teachers in our school. What do you think of Mr Wu?S1: He is handsome and humorous.(笑声)S2: He spends a lot of time explaining things to us. T: Good! Thats to say “Its patient of Mr Wu to explain things to us.” (自然引出本课句型)【设计意图】复习已学句型,自然引出本课句型二、合作探究,自主学习Step 2: PresentationA. Present the first pattern.T: Its lucky of you to have such a patient teacher in your school. Can you remember many words to describe people? (用头脑风暴法让学生回忆描述人物性格的词汇。)(学生思考,积极发言)Ss: nice, careless , clever, foolish, modest, selfish, polite, honest, dishonestT: OK! Can you give me some words to describe peoples characteristics? 把这些单词写在卡片上展示,如: nice, careless , clever, foolish, modest, selfish, polite, honest, dishonest and so on.T: Please use some words to make sentences.S1. Its generous of Sandy to donate money to charities.S2. Its kind of you to help me in need.S3. Its careless of Jack to make such a mistake.S4. Its foolish not to forgive others. T: Lets make another sentences.(带领学生回忆8B第六单元语法部分学过的一个句式: Its + adj +for +sb +to do sth.的句型,并用来比较Its + adj +of +sb +to do sth.的句型。)S1.Its important for us to learn English well. S2. Its impossible for her to finish the work in an hour.T: Can you tell me the differences of the adjectives between “Its + adj +for +sb +to do sth.” and “Its + adj +of +sb +to do sth.”总结:It + is + adj. + of sb. + to do sth. 句中的形容词表示的是 sb.的特征或品质, 即句中 sb. 和 adj. 构成的主谓关系合乎逻辑.常见的词有:right, kind, nice, clever, wise, polite, brave, wrong, strong , foolish, good, silly, honest, selfish, generous It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是 = Doing/ To do sth. is + adj. = It is + adj. + that-clauseEg: It is important for us to learn English well = To learn English well is important for us. = It is important that we learn English well. 常用形容词有:hard, difficult, easy, important, interesting, necessary, unnecessary, possible, impossible , useful, useless等. 这里的形容词是对所做的事的好坏等性质的修饰、说明。 C. Present the second pattern.T: Please make the two sentences have the same meaning.(运用句型改写自然过渡到下一句式。)1. David is curious. He asks his parents many questions every day.David is _ _ _ _ his parents many questions every day. (curious enough to ask )2. Its very kind of you to tell me this news.You are _ _ to tell me this news. (kind enough)T:告诉学生我们也可以用( to) be + adj.+ enough to do (某人在某方面已达到做某事的程度)来讨论一个人的性格和能力.(注意主语和 be 一致性,形容词前没有任何诸如 very , quite 之类的词)(教师用投影仪呈现以下表格,教师引导、学生探究、合作、体验,让学生左栏中的形容词和右栏中的一个词组,根据提示完成句子.)T: Please use the following words and phrases to make sentences.boringto forget to do my homeworkcarelessto make me fall asleephard-workingto pass all her examskindto think more of others than of himselfimaginativeto sleep all daylazyto write interesting stories(1) Is Susan a good student?Yes. She is _ enough _.(hard-working; to pass all her exams)(2) Do you like John?Yes. He is _ enough _.(kind; to think more of others than of himself)(3) Is that TV programme interesting?No. It is _ enough _.(boring; to make me fall asleep)(4)Did you make a mistake?Yes. I was _ enough _.(careless; to forget to do my homework)(5) Eddie is very hard-working, isnt he?No. He is _ enough _.(lazy; to sleep all day)(6)Can Sandy write stories?Yes. She is _ enough _.(imaginative; to write interesting stories)【设计意图】呈现关键句型,教师引导、学生探究、合作、体验三、专项操练,精讲点拨Step3: Practice (Pair-work)T: Do you want to be a good student? T: Do you know what good qualities a good student should have? (结合课件引导学生说出以下句子)1. Its imaginative of you to have strange and different ideas.2. Its generous of you to buy your friends nice gifts.3. Its confident of you not to be afraid of making a speech.4. Its patient of you not to give up easily.【设计意图】利用形容学生自身的形容词,进一步加深理解,提高能力。Step 4: Production (Activity 1)T: Can you make sentences with these adjectives and cartoon characters using the two patterns above? 每组学生从三个纸盒中分别拿一张印有下列单词短语的卡片,让他们运用刚学的句式创造性地造出一些有趣
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