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初中英语现在完成时 、过去完成时,过去时练习单项选择。1.Jim tur ned off the lights andthe ntheclassroom. was leftB. had leftC. has leftD. leftBoth hisA. knewHe hasparents look sad . Maybe theywhats happened to him .A. alreadyThe train fromA. has arrivedHave you metA. justThe famous writerA. is writi ngOur countryB . have knownC . must knowD .will knowbee n to Shan ghai, has he ?B .neverC .everD. stillBeiji ngB. was arriv ingMrLiagoten minu tes ago.C. arrivedC .beforeone new book in the past two yearB .was writinga lot so far .D. had arrivedD . a moment agoC .wroteD .has writte nYes . I hope it will be eve nA. has changed ; wellB . changed ; goodC . has changed ; better D . changed ; better8.Zhao Lanalreadyin this school for two years .A. was ; study ingB . will ; studyC . has ; studiedD. are ; study ing9.WeXiao Lisi nee she was a little girl .A. met B . have met C . have known D. knew10. The stude ntstheir classroom whe n the visitors arrived.A . have cleaned B. had cleaned C. was cleanedD. have been cleanedA. have comeB . cameC . havencomeD .come12. These farmershave been tothe Un ited States .Really? WhenthereA. will they goB . did they goC . do they goD . have they gone13. youyour homework yet ?Yes . I it a moment ago .A. Did; do; finishedB . Have; done; finishedC . Have; done; have finishedD . will; do; finish14. His father the Party since 1978 .A. joined B . has joined C . was in D . has been in15. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, J the dinner already.A had cookedB. cookedC. have cooked D. was cooked16. Do you know him well ?Sure .Wefriends si nee ten years ago .A. were B . have been C . have become D. have made17. How long have you here ?About two mon ths .A. beenB . goneC . comeD . arrived18. She had written a number of books the end of last year.A. forB. inC. byD. at19. Hurry up ! The playfor ten minutes .A. has begunB . had begun C . has been on D . began20.21.22.2324. years since he left the army .A. isB . hasC . willD . wasMiss Green isnt in the office. She to the library .A .has goneB . had wentC .wentD . has beenI 1000 En glish words by the time I was ten.A. have lear nedB. was lear ning C. had lear nedD. lear ntMy parents Shandong for ten years .A. have been inB . have been toC . have gone toD. have beenHe in Beijing for six years. He in Shanghai now.A. lived; livedB. has lived; livedC. have lived; livesD. lived; liveshas Mr White bee n a member of Gree ner China since heto China?A. How soon, comesB.How often, gotC. How long, cameD.How far, arrivedHis uncle for more than 9 years.A. has come hereB.had bee n hereC. has lived thereD.has left the uni versityHe in the factory for three years before he joined the Army.A. has worked B. worksC. had workedD. will workI m sorry to keep you waiting.Oh, not at all. Ihere only a few minu tes.A. have bee nB. had bee nC. wasD. will be my glasses?A. Do you see; have see nB. had you see n; have see nC. Would you see; sawD. Have you see n; saw30. I from Henry for a long time.A. don hearB. had nheardC. have heardD. have nheard31. My motherin that factory at the age of 18.A. had workedB. has worked C. worked D. works32. Youdon t need to describe her.her several times .A. had metB. have metC. metD. meetlate this week.B. areD. will be33. It is the third time youA. had bee nC. have bee n按正确的形式填空1. We (live) in the house for three years.2. That rich old man (make) a will before he(die).3. They (study) the map of the country before they(leave).4. The robbers (run away ) before the policemen(arrive).5. I (turn off) all the lights before I (go) to bed.6. She (come) for a long time.7. The old manlast year. He for a year. (die)9. Miss Gao left an hour ago.(同义句转换)Itan hour since Miss Gao三翻译句子。1. 从上次见他到现在已经六年了。(提示 since)2. 到上个星期为止,我已经读了七本书。(提示 by)3. 我到这里已经三年了。(提示 have been in )4. 当他醒来时,雨已经停了。(提示: when )答案解析:我们将会以时间轴的方式来分析句子到底是哪个时态单项选择:1. 过去现在将来T关灯 离开题意:Jim关灯后紧接着离开了教室。由时间轴可以看出“离开”是在“关灯”以后,所以不是过去完成时,排除B;离开是主动行为,排除A;再由于本题没有线索显示“离开”是说话时刚刚结束的,也不是现 在完成时;表示做完“关灯”动作紧接着是“离开”中间间隔很短,所以是一般过去时, 故选D。2. J过去现在将来t发生在son身上的事看起来伤心,可能知道了题意:他的父母看起来很伤心。可能他们已经知道了发生在他身上的事。由look原形可以看出,父母 现在看起来伤心,所以可能现在已经知道了发生在儿子身 上的事,到说话时完成刚刚的事要用现在完成时,故选B。3. 因为反意疑问句用的是has he?所以主句应该是一个否定的形式, 只能是never了,故 选B。4. 过去现在将来 t$ 0 ten minu tes ago 时间点(至U达)ago和before是有区别的:以下举例说明two days ago :j过去现在将来t ft0从现在往前推两天的时间 点two days beforebefore无限往过去延伸宀过去现在将来tjztwo days ago时间点(之前的时间)before表示从 两天前的点再无限往历史的方向延伸的 时间段。是一
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