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专题八冠词和代词基础闯关题组题组一冠词1.Inhottest reality show Running Man III,Lu Han is only new member.A.a;/B.a; an C.the; theD.the; /2.Unlike humans,horses recover very quickly from the effects of crossing time zones because their bodies are not strongly attached to24-hour cycle.A.the;the B.the;anC./;theD./;a3.Bringing housing prices down toreasonable level is the short-term target,and our long-term goal is to build effective and healthy housing market. A.a;an B.a;theC.the;an D.the;the4.Life is likelong race where we compete withothers to go beyond ourselves.A.a;/ B.a;theC.the;the D.the;/5.Do you have any idea ofexact date when he cycled to the Taibai Mountain?No.I only remember it wasSaturday.A.an;a B.the;theC.an;the D.the;a6.Mr.Joe,professor at the University of Fribourg,is famous for his academic achievements inWorld History.A.the;/ B.the;aC.a;the D.a;/7.What about supper yesterday?Well,most delicious one indeed.A./;the B./;a C.the;theD.the;a题组二代词1.When I asked if would help me, Tony was the first to volunteer. A.everyoneB.noneC.anyone D.all2.The exam is easy,wasnt it?Yes,but I dont think could pass it.A.somebodyB.anybody C.everybodyD.nobody3.My close friends,after they heard about my experiences in South America,said it was totally out of their imagination.A.which B.themC.allD.who4.Its hard to believe he learned English so well,for of his parents spoke the language.A.both B.neitherC.any D.none5.Mr.Declan was very angry when he found his son hadof his warning and went to the bar with his friends.A.nothing B.neither C.noneD.either6.Its important for graduates to find a proper job,in which they can bring their potential into full play.A.that B.whatC.one D.the one7.You seem busy these days.Yes.Im looking for a house.Its really not easy to find with a garden.A.this B.oneC.it D.that8.Talking about buying cars,I prefer a car less than 100,000 yuan to over the amount. A.this B.it C.thatD.one9.Jenny,did you see the manager ?If I had been there 5 minutes earlier,I would have met him. A.itself B.himC.herself D.himself10.Most Americans would prefer to keep their problemsthemselves and solve their problemsthemselves.A.to;by B.by;toC.for;to D.in;on能力提升题组1.(2019北京朝阳期中,2)Peter,when shall we talk about our project, Wednesday or Thursday?. Ill be away in Paris the whole week.A.None B.Either C.Both D.Neither2. (2019北京朝阳一模,22)When shall I come to see you, in the morning or afternoon?.Ill be at home all day.A.Either B.NeitherC.Both D.None3.(2019北京西城一模,25)Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is .A.one B.other C.othersD.another4.(2019北京石景山一模,23 )I cant remember whenturning point occurred exactly, but it might be summer morning during my vacation.A./;a B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the5.(2019北京海淀期中,35)Tina has got a new dictionary and Im eager to have as well.A.that B.it C.this D.one6.(2019北京东城一模,21)The use of computers has made possible for more people to work at home.A.it B.that C.whichD.what7.(2019北京西城一模,21)The Internet has made easier than ever to start a business.A.itB.that C.this D.one8.(2019北京朝阳一模,21)The Oxford English Dictionary is necessary for learning English, so youd better buy .A.this B.thatC.it D.one9.(2019北京石景山一模,33)Though suffering from a deadly disease,Steve loses of his hope for recovery.A.nothingB.all C.neitherD.none10.(2019北京西城期末,28)Dont be afraid of failure.It is just stepping stone to greatness.A.other B.anotherC.every D.each答案精解精析模拟预测题组训练基础闯关题组题组一冠词1.C句意:在最火的真人秀节目奔跑吧兄弟第三季中,鹿晗是唯一的新成员。 本题考查冠词。 第一个空后hottest 为形容词最高级,最高级前面通常加 the; only意为“仅有的,唯一的”,前用定冠词,故选择 C 项。2.D句意:马儿不像人类,它们会很快从跨时区影响中恢复过来,因为它们的身体并不强烈地依附于一个24小时的循环。humans为复数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故用零冠词;第二空后的中心词为cycle,在本句中表示泛指,故与不定冠词连用。3.A句意:把房价降到一个合理的水平是短期目标,我们的长期目标是建立一个有效而健康的房地产市场。设空处后的level和market都是单数名词,在本句中均表示泛指,且第一空后的reasonable以辅音音素开头,第二空后的effective以元音音素开头,故答案为A项。4.A句意:生活就像一场长跑比赛,在比赛中我们和别人竞争来超越自我。第一空选a,与race连用表示“一场比赛”;第二空不填,others泛指其他人。故选A。5.D句意:你知道他骑车去太白山的确切日期吗?不知道。我只记得是一个星期六。第一空后的date在本句中表示特指,故用定冠词;不定冠词可用于一星期中某天的名称前表示具体某一天。如:She died on a Tuesday.她是在一个星期二去世的。6.D句意:乔先生Fribourg大学的一位教授因自己在世界史方面的学术成就而闻名。本题考查冠词的用法。根据句意可知,第一空表泛指;World History作为一门学科,不需要加冠词。故选D项。7.D句意:昨天的晚饭怎么样?噢,的确是一顿美餐。第一空:用the特指“昨天的晚餐”;第二空:a most=a very,表泛指。题组二代词1.C句意:当我问是否有人愿意帮助我时,托尼是第一个自告奋勇的。 anyone 在疑问句中,而设空处所在的宾语从句是由一般疑问句转化来的,故答案为 C 项。2.C句意:这次考试很容易,不是吗?是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过它。本题考查代词的部分否定。否定词not与everybody连用表示部
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