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外研版(三年级起点)三年级下册I like football.Module3I like football 一教学目标1知识目标:(1)能听、说、认读单词:football,basketball,table tennis, like, morning exercises(2)能听懂会说并熟练在情景中运用“I like.”和”I dont like.”句型谈论自己的喜好。2能力目标:培养学生说英语,正确运用英语进行表述的能力3情感目标:培养学生运用英语表达自己的情感,积极参加课堂交流活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;二、 教学重难点重点:能够运用句型“I like” 和 “I dont like.” 谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目。难点:1) morning exercises的读音三、教学准备 单词卡,点读笔,图片四、教学过程Step1.Warming-up1 Greetings2 Sing a songOLD MACDONALD HAS A ZOO Step2.Lead inThe old Macdonald has a big zoo,there are many animals in the zoo.Lions are big,cats are small,monkeys are short ,elephants are tall.Look ,this is a panda,he is very fat,but he likes sports. I like sports,too.Do you like sports?Step3、Presentation New words:1.出示简笔画“football”指名读,开火车读单词football。引出句型I like football。板书题目M31I like football.2.出示简笔画“basketball”大小声读3.table tennis Listen and guess 生各种形式读,加上动作读,并板书:table tennis4.Learn”morning exercises” 做早操动作引出单词morning exercises ,通过分解复合单词,范读,跟读,指名读,分男女角色读,边做动作边读,读准“exercises”的发音。板书:morning exercises5. Practice (1)Read the words three times. (2)游戏:“Whats missing?” (二)Learn new sentences“I like .I dont like .”1.T:I like morning exercises,I dont like football. 板书:I like出示笑脸,带读like /I like,学生个人,男生,女生,全班读。I dont like football.做不喜欢的表情,板书:I dont like出示哭脸,解释并领读dont及dont like.2.操练句型I like I dont like.3.Game:passing the ballStep4.learn the text (1)Listen to the tape,what does Panpan like?(2)Listen and repeat.(3)Listen ,repeat and do the action.Step5、DevelopmentLook at the picture,discuss in your groups and talk about you like or dont like.Step6.Homework;(1) Read the text three times. (2)Talk about you like or dont like with your parents.板书设计:Module3 unit1 I like football.图片 football like图片图片II片 basketbabasketball table tennis dont like图片 morning exercises
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