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吉林省长春市实验中学高中英语 百词竞赛3. In about two weeks, you will be able to know what sort of person he _(实际上) is. 1. In the _(东部)part of the country, people like to fly kites with red paper in the field in spring. 2. We are supposed to protect this kind of animals to keep the balance of _(自然).3. The book isnt intended to enlarge _(词汇量).4. We _(请求)them to attend the opening ceremony the other day.5. He _(不同意)with what his boss said at the meeting yesterday. 6. Leave the area slowly and _(逐渐)move faster when you are more than 200 meters from the fish. 7. The country hasnt r_ from the effect of the war. 8. The children played o_ on a fine day. 9. I live several b_ away from my office, and the traffic every morning is terrible. 10. He went s_ to London without staying in Paris.11. Last week our boss c_ that all of us go to collect market information. 12. Though he has lived in Beijing for ten years, he still speaks with a heavy a_. 13. He remained c_ in face of danger in his childhood. 14. Now ask yourself which answer is better, the former or the _(late).15. With the help of his classmates, his English improved _ (gradual).16. Young children often have difficulty _ (expression) themselves.17. Ive not seen her for ten years and she has changed beyond _(recognize).18. He is very rich though he is always in r .19. They shouldnt treat their mother in a rude m . They should respect her.20. As a child, you are not p to smoke.21. Mary listened to his long story with p .22. D is the sweet food served after the main course of a meal.23. The explorer told the boys about his (冒险) in the Arctic.24. The boy was (漫步) around.25. I had thought it was a terrible film. On the (正相反), it was exciting.26. I want to see him now (确实).27. Her excuse for being late was totally (难以置信的).28. The professor has brought in a good (系统)of teaching language from abroad.29. There are many t about the origin of life.30. Children should not be allowed to watch v movies.31. I believe the affair is h to the company.32. The old lady e only on coffee and bread.33. She listened with a p expression on her face.34. The moons p on the sea causes the waves.35. The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly_(气氛)36. They _(漂浮)the canoe out into the middle of the river.37. The bad weather _ (说明) for the long delay of the plane.38. In the accident, only two people s_ at last. survived39. The building is specially d_ for the homeless people. 40. Enough e_ can help him a lot in the court. 41. He is a man of good q_. 42. Everybody v_ in favor of the new law on pollution. 43. Im afraid your name e_ me now. 44. Different people have different o_.45. I got a very friendly _ (接待) when I arrived there. 46. I have some _ (怀疑) whether they will come here on time. 47. He _ (移开) his trousers and I found the wound. 48. The _ (奇特的) style attracted a large number of people. 49. It is unfair that he gets very little in _ (报酬)for his hard work. 50. Are you _ (胜任的)to doing the task?51. He was _ (宣判) to death.52. He showed little _ (怜悯) to the prisoners.53. I greatly _ (感激) your help.54. The dog _(咬) the thief in the leg.55. The number of traffic accidents has _ (减少) this year.56. She is very _ (敏感) to the cold. 57. The _ (爱) of parents to their children is great. 58. The little girl _ (浸、蘸) a piece of bread into her soup.59. The scenery in the countryside is very _ (迷人的).60. Drinking too much will do you lot of h_ .61. This kind of food c_ plenty of vitamins.62. If you work hard, you will s_ in time.63. It is unwise to a_ too much importance to the information.64. He e_ his living by teaching at a language school.65. You may r_ on it that he will come to meet you.66. The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold m_ in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. 67. A_ from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years.68. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as h_.69. She was a_ into the party in the year when the Peoples Republic of China was founded. 70. They often do some p_ exercise whenever they are free. 71. She didnt like the plan, but p_ I see nothing wrong with it. 72. The 21st century is the century of information t_.73. There are so many different t_ of bread that I didnt know which to buy. 74. Im trying to c_ ho
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