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七年级第二学期(Unit 1Unit 4)基础自测一、词汇拓展1.central(adj.)_(n.)中心2.relax(v.)_(adj.)让人放松的_(adj.)(人)感到放松的3.limited(adj.)_(v.)限制_(n.)限制,限度4.interview(v.)_(n.)采访_(n.)采访者5.danger(n.)_(adj.)危险的_(adj.)(反义词)安全的6.reason(n.)_(adj.)合理的7.describe(v.)_(n.)描述8.disability(n.)_(adj.)残疾的,丧失能力的9.seriously(adv.)_(adj.)严重的10.explanation(n.)_(v.)解释;说明11.careful(adj.)_(adj.)(反义词)粗心的12.imagine(v.)_(n.)想象;设想二、短语归纳 1.如今;而今 2.黄昏后;天黑后 3.出国_ 4.砍掉_5.关心_ 6.出现_7.不少;相当多 8.在某种程度上_9.确保 10.关掉(开关)_11.take part in . 12.from place to place 13.communicate with_ 14.do ones best to. _15.stop . from doing . _ 16.in ones opinion_17.be connected to_ 18.on the safe side_19.answer the telephone_ 20.lean out of_要点聚焦一、词汇精讲1.send n. 文化课文:When we go abroad on holiday, we often send postcards to our friends at home. 当出国度假时,我们经常给国内的朋友们寄明信片。拓展:send word 带信send for help 求救 send letter off 寄信send it out 分发Have the invitations been sent out yet?请柬分发出去了没有?活学巧用:用适当的介词填空:Im sending the E-mail _ to my boss tomorrow.When you are in danger, it is better to send _ help.Every day, so many ads are sent _.2.produce v. 生产;产出课文:Stop factories from producing harmful gas, plant more trees, and make classrooms less noisy. 阻止工厂生产有毒气体,种植更多的树和减少教室噪音。拓展:produce goods 生产商品 production line 生产线 highly productive 高产量的 movie producer 电影制片人 辨析:produce, product produce尤指农产品,也包括其他种植或制造的产品; product 指制造或制造的产品;活学巧用:用produce的适当形式填空:. of the new goods will start next year.My father is a movie .My car BMW is in Germany.3.damage v. 损害;破坏课文:Two rooms were damaged and many others were full of water, but no one was seriously hurt. 两间房被损坏,许多房子充满了水,但没有损坏严重的。辨析:damage, hurt, harm, injure damage只是针对物的伤害,即其对象一般为事物。伤害不是彻底的,是可以恢复的。 hurt指对身体或感情的伤害。可以做动词或名词。 harm指各种各样的伤害,是不可数名词。常用搭配do harm to.和be harmful to.。 injury指意外事故对人体造成的伤害,比如伤到腿脚、手等。 The tree was damaged by the sandstorm. 树在沙尘暴中受了损坏。 He hurt my heart deeply. 他深深地伤了我的心。 Air pollution is harmful to our city. 空气污染对城市有害。 I am injured by a knife. 我被刀划伤了。活学巧用:( )Smoking seriously your health. A.damagesB.hurts C.injuries D.harmful to4.advice n. 忠告;建议课文:Here are three of them, and advice on their use. 这是其中的三个和它们的使用说明。拓展:give advice 提供咨询 follow doctors advice 遵从医嘱 a piece of advice 一条忠告辨析:advice, suggestion advice表示“忠告、意见、指点”,是指具有丰富的知识、足够的经验、正确的判断 和明智的观点的人对另一个人的“劝告”或“见解”。既可以是对严肃的事情,也 可以是对琐碎的事情提出意见。 suggestion表示“意见、建议、提议”,特指为了改进或解决某一问题而提出建议, 办法等,但不一定正确,仅供参考。语气比advice客气、委婉。 The trip was made at his teachers suggestion. 这次旅行是由他的老师建议组织的。 I want to give you a little advice on your work. 我想就这工作给你提出一点小建议。活学巧用:我想知道是否我可以得到你的指点。 你有什么建议吗? 5.invention n. 发明;创意课文:Electricity is said to be one of the greatest invention in human history. 电被认为是人类史上最伟大的发明之一。辨析:invention, discovery invention意为发明出世界上不存在的新事物; discovery意为发现了世上本就存在但未被人发现的事物; Edison has many inventions. 爱迪生有很多发明。 The discovery of oil on their land made the family rich. 这家人因在自己的土地上发现了石油而发了财。活学巧用:( )Fax machines are a wonderful , isnt it? Yes, I think so. A. invent B.invention C.discovery D.discover6.electric adj. 电的;用电的课文:It cooks food in electric cookers and heats it in microwaves. 在电炉灶里烹饪食物,在微波炉里加温。拓展:electric light 电灯 electric switch 开关 electric blanket 电热毯 electrician n. 电工 electricity n. 电能,电 The electricity is off. 停电了辨析:electric, electricalelectric 意为“靠电来工作的,导电的,发电的”;electrical意为“电学的,与电有关的”;活学巧用:通过学习有关电学的知识,他知道了如何换电灯泡。_二、语块积累go skiing 滑雪live in the old castles住在古老的城堡里take a long time花很长时间put them carefully into the river将它们小心翼翼地放入河中 watch them sail away看着它们飘远give out harmful gases 释放有害气体make a lot of noisy制造很多噪音a lot of traffic on the road道路交通堵塞take part in a tree-planting campaign 参加一个植树活动protect our environ
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