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Unit4 See the doctor (第一课时Story time)江苏省邳州市车辐山中心小学 李平一.教学目标:1.会听说读写词组 drink some warm water, eat sweets, brush ones teeth,have a rest ,take medicine2.学会用句型“Whats the matter with .?”和“What should. do?”。3.了解并掌握情态动词的用法。4.读准字母组合ch的发音。5.了解华氏度与摄氏度之间的区别。二、教学重点:1. 能理解Story time的内容,并会复述。2.会使用如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用:(1)Whats wrong with .? .have/has(2)What should .do? .should.3.掌握情态动词的用法。4.掌握字母ch组合的发音。三、教学难点:1.会复述Story time的内容。2.会自如使用如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用。(1)Whats wrong with .? .have/has.(2)What should .do? .should. 3.了解并掌握情态动词的用法。4.单词medicine temperature的发音四.教学准备 PPT, 听诊器,病历五.教学过程step1 Free talk Hello everyone!I am glad to see you . But yesterday l was not at school.Do you know why?Step2 Presentation(让学生猜测)The teacher show the medical record and say:Now,Do you know whats wrong with me?(投影病历)can you tell me what should l do.板书: Whats wrong with me? headacheT:Now ,can you tell me what should l do.生说师呈现投影have a resttake some medicineRecently my body is not so good.Last month l had a (投影显示)Can you tell me what should l do?(生说师投影)同样方法学习单词fever和巩固句型。让学生了解华氏度和摄氏度的区别。Show the PPT,Step 3 Teach the students retell the text.1.The teacher show the PPT.Let the students practise saying 2.Show the PPT, and let the students try to recite the text.Step 4 congratulation1.Let the SS remember the words and the sentences .2.Let the SS act the dialogue in their groups.3.Choose some SS to act in the front.(教师给予奖励)Step 4 Summary教师总结强调学生需要掌握的句型。Show the PPTStep5.Emotion teachingThe body is the capital of revolution身体是革命的本钱!Step 5.Homework1.Use these sentences skilled.2.Make dialogues with these sentences
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