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内部推荐制度Internal Referral Policy目的Objectives:拓展招聘渠道,增加各岗位招聘工作的针对性,提高招聘效率,及时为公司引进优秀人才。Expand recruitment channels, enhance the pertinence of the recruitment work of each position, and bring in excellent talents for the company in time.激励并倡导全体员工共同参与公司管理事务,公司的人才引进是所有员工的共同责任。Encourage and advocate that all the employees jointly participate in the management affairs in the company. Talents introduction of the company is the joint responsibility of all the employees. 实施对象Implementation Objects:推荐人对象:全体XX员工及临时工(人力资源部人员除外): Referees: All employees and temporary workers of XX(except the staffs of the HR department)被推荐人对象:经理级别员工、主管级别员工、技术主管/人员(产品研发部技术主管/人员、质量保证部技术主管/人员,工程师级别人员)The referred: manager level employees, supervisor level employees, technical supervisor or technologist (technical supervisor or technologist of PD department and QA department, engineer level employees)被推荐人必须满足应聘岗位的任职资格,并提供个人简历、相关证件的复印件及联系方式。The referred must qualify the position qualifications of the application posts and provide resume, the photocopies of related certificates, and contact methods.推荐人不可推荐本部门的空缺岗位。Referees cannot make referral for the job vacancies of their own department.推荐程序Referral Procedure:空缺岗位公布The announcement of vacant positions:人力资源部将根据空缺岗位的任职资格要求,岗位职责在公司内部进行公布及更新,空缺职位由人力资源部根据申请时间和次数统一编号并存档.HR department will announce and update the job qualification requirements and job descriptions of the job vacancies. The job vacancies are uniformly numbered and filed by the HR Relation department according to the application frequency and number. 推荐流程Referral procedure推荐表获取:员工可到人力资源部领取推荐申请表及应聘申请表The acquisition of referral forms: referral application form and job application form are available in HR department. 推荐信息填写:推荐人按推荐表及应聘申请表的要求提供被推荐人相关信息。The filling of referral information: the referees provide related information about the referred according to requirements in the referral application form and job application form. 推荐资料建档:员工可以书面形式或电子文档形式将推荐资料交给人力资源部专职负责人,待申请确认后为每份推荐资料统一编号建档,纪录相关推荐信息.The documentation of referral materials: employees can submit the referral materials in written to the assigned staff in HR Department who is responsible for referral information collection. After the application is confirmed, every referral material will be uniformly numbered and filed in record related referral information. 反馈制度Feedback 人力资源部在收到书面或电子文档的推荐简历表后,两周内向推荐人反馈被推荐人是否获面试资格,但具体面试时间由人力资源部同用人部门负责人沟通后决定。After HR department receives the referral resume forms in written form or e-file, it gives feedback to the referees if the referred candidate meets the interview qualifications. But the specific interview time is decided after the communication between HR department and the hiring departments. 人力资源部将在收到员工推荐表后一个月内处理完毕,并将结果反馈给推荐人及被推荐人。如有特殊情况未能在此期限内完成,将以书面形式向推荐人说明。HR department will handle all the matters within one month after the receipt of employee referral forms and give feedback to the referees and the referred about the results. If they cannot be completed within this time limit, HR will give explanation to the referees in writing. 奖励办法Reward Methods 成功推荐经理级别员工,奖励总金额为人民币1200元。Those who successfully refer a manager level employee will be awarded with a total amount of RMB 1,200:第一次:被推荐人通过试用期考核后,奖励推荐人RMB800元/人。The first time: after the refereed passes the test of probation, the referees will be awarded with RMB 800 /person第二次:被推荐人工作满半年后,奖励推荐人RMB400元/人。The second time: after the referred complete half a years work, the referees will be awarded with RMB 400 /person成功推荐主管级别员工,奖励总金额为人民币500元:Those who successfully refer a supervisor level employee will be awarded with a total amount of RMB 500:第一次:被推荐人通过试用期考核后,奖励推荐人RMB300元/人。The first time: after the refereed passes the test of probation, the referees will be awarded with RMB 300 /person第二次:被推荐人工作满半年后,奖励推荐人RMB200元/人The second time: after the referred complete half a years work, the referees will be awarded with RMB 200 /person成功推荐技术主管/人员,奖励总金额为人民币1000元:Those who successfully refer a technical supervisor/employee will be awarded with a total amount of RMB 1,000:第一次:被推荐人通过试用期考核后,奖励推荐人RMB600元/人。The first time: after the refereed passes the test of probation, the referees will be awarded with RMB 600 /person.第二次:被推荐人工作满半年后,奖励推荐人RMB400元/人。The second time: after the referred complete half a years work, the referees will be awarded with RMB 400 /person. 被推荐人自被推荐之日起,一年内有效,逾期则不予奖励推荐人。The referred are effective within one year since the day on which the referred are referred. After one year, the referees will not be rewarded.被推荐人在有效时期内,根据个人资历,可以应聘不同的职务。Within the effective period, the referred can apply for different posts according to their personal qualifications.推荐人获得的奖金标准将以被推荐人实际被录用的工作岗位为准则。The prize a referee gets will be guided by the position for which the referred is actually employed.以上奖励的奖金税由获奖人自己承担,公司代扣代缴。The p
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