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广州版英语四年级上册教案备课SWE 四年级 (上)教课设计Module 1ClothesUnit 1BuyingClothesUnit 2Different ClothesUnit3DevelopmentModule2PeopleUnit4FriendsUnit6DevelopmentUnit5OurHeroes And HeroinesModule3OccupationsUnit7OurFuture JobsUnit8My family members jobsUnit9DevelopmentModule4PeopleWhoHelpUsUnit10TheNewNeighboursUnit 11TheyCanHelpUsModule5TimeUnit13OurArrangementUnit14Time to go to schoolUnit15DevelopmentModule6DaysoftheweekU16Gameswe playRevision Long-Term ObjectivesSuccess with English aims to help pupils to achieve the following objectives:To enjoy learning English;To be motivated to learn English;To become independent learners and users of English;To want to be able to continue learning English after the course; To become accurate users of English;To become fluent users of English;To become appropriate users of English;To become effective users of English;To become effective listeners of English;To become effective speakers of English;To become effective writers of English.Module 1ClothesI. Objectives( 目 )1. Language skill (Listening speaking reading writing)(1) know about clothes in English(2) can talk about clothes and ask the price of the clothes I want to buy.2. Language knowledge(1) Vocabulary:4 skills: shirt, blouse, dress, skirt, coat, pair, a pair of ., shoe, shorts, shop, can, help, I buy much, how much, yuan, forth, them, twenty, thirty, fifty, eighty, hundred, T -shirt, sock, pound, whose d lik3 skills: clothes, jacket, sweater, trousers, jeans, assistant, shop assistant, t ake, I ll take it, sport, sport shoe, sir, bye, madamDrills(2) * Can I help you, sir / madam?* I d like to buy a pair of shoes.* How much is the T-shirt?* It s twenty yuan.* How much are the trousers? They re forty pounds.* Whose is the coat?It s John s.* Whose are the long socks?They re my sister s.(3) sub-topic:Unit 1: Buying clothesUnit 2: Different clothesUnit 3: Development3. Affect(1) To give pupils chances to share their knowledge.(2) To increa se pupils confidence &-esteemself(3) To provide challenges(4) To have fun(5) To develop cultureal awareness(6)To open the pupils minds(7)To promote imagination4. Learning Strategy(1) Cognitive strategy(2) Regulating strategy(3) Communicative resource strategy5. Cultural Consciousness(1) The Eskimo woman wears her fur coat in winter in order to keep warm.(2)The Japanese woman wears her kimono at ceremonies because it s traditional.(3)The African woman wears her grass skirt when she i s dancing.This is because it s traditionaland it keeps her cool.II. focal points:1. Can I help you sir / madam?2.I d like to.3.How much is / are?It s / They re 4.Whose is / are?III. Difficult points1.Usage of “ a pair of . ”2.Practice in numerals.IV. Schedule: 8 long-periodsV. Materials: Textbook, Activity book, Tapes, Teacher s book, word cards.Unit 1BuyingClothesI. Subjects1. vocabulary:can, help, buy, much, yuan, dress (4 skills)shop assistant, clothes, take (3 skills)2. Can I help you?I d like to buy.How much is it?It s.3. Culture:“yuan外”来 , 复同形II. Focal and difficult pointsCan I help you?I d like to.How much is it? It sI ll take itIII. Processes1. Leading inA. Review numeralsTen, twenty ninety ninety yuan (show) “ yuan ”外来 , 复同形 B. P1 T: Guess! Which one is worth 90 yuan?Yes, the dress.(教 dress pl dresses)2. PresentationA. P 2 T: Now, the woman is shopping at the shop. T 分 两角,重复 两次配合 作 生认识 。B. 第三次 板 ,并教新 :T: 重 句:Can I help you?Yes, please.I dlike to buy that dress.How much is it ?I ll take it.C. Ps try to listen to the tape after teacher s guide, then read after the tape (2 times)3. PracticeA. read in pairsB. ask students to readC. use coat, shirt, skirt, jacket, instead of dress (teach the new words) (P 3 dialogue 3A)4. Summing upA. Whole class read the new wordsB. 生 数物件的 法Homework:1. 达成 2. recide the dialogue3. P5Shop assistant: Good afternoonCan I help you?Lily: Yes, please. I d like to buy that jacket.How much is it?Shop assistant: It-fives eightyuan.Lily
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