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在“七彩云南”生物多样性保护国际论坛上的欢迎辞云南省人民政府副省长 顾朝曦2007年10月17日尊敬的李干杰副局长,各位来宾、女士们、先生们:上午好!今天,由国家环境保护总局和云南省人民政府共同主办,亚洲开发银行、欧洲委员会、德国技术公司协办的“七彩云南”生物多样性保护国际论坛隆重开幕了。在此,我代表云南省人民政府,向出席论坛的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。云南地处中国西南边陲,与缅甸、越南、老挝接壤,边境线长4060公里,在39.4万平方公里的土地上居住着汉、彝、哈尼、壮、傣、苗等26个民族4500万人。由于复杂、独特的地理环境和多样化的气候条件,云南几乎囊括了中国所有的陆地生态系统类型,成为世界上生物多样性最为丰富的地区之一。我们已建立了自然保护区192个,保护区面积占全省国土面积的 8.5%;西双版纳和高黎贡山2 个国家级自然保护区加入了“世界人与生物圈保护区网络”;昭通大山包、香格里拉纳帕海和碧塔海、丽江拉市海4个国家和省级自然保护区被列入“国际重要湿地名录”;滇西北“三江并流”地带和石林被列为世界自然遗产地;建立了10多个植物园和树木园、10多处野生动植物驯养繁殖中心和野生动物收容拯救中心,对野生动植物进行迁地保护,开展了动植物胚胎、体细胞、生殖细胞、基因库等离体保护工作,为世界生物多样性保护做出了贡献。为实现全省经济社会又好又快的发展目标,云南省全面启动实施了“七彩云南保护行动”,以促进人与自然和谐相处,经济社会与环境协调发展。 此次论坛的召开,将对推进生物多样性保护的国际合作,促进生物多样性保护和可持续利用产生积极而重要的影响。让我们携起手来,尊重自然,保护环境,发扬文化,延续历史!最后,我代表云南省人民政府对国家环境保护总局、亚行、欧洲委员会和德国技术公司,以及国内外关心和支持云南环保事业的机构、组织和环保界人士再次表示衷心的感谢。预祝本次会议取得圆满成功,祝各位来宾在云南期间身体健康,工作顺利,万事如意!谢谢大家。英文欢迎辞“Colorful Yunnan” International Forum on Biodiversity Conservation Welcoming address delivered by Mr. Gu ZhaoxiVice Governor of the Peoples Government of Yunnan ProvinceOct.17, 2007H.E. Deputy-Minister Li Ganjie, dear guests, ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!Today, the “Colorful Yunnan” International Forum on Biodiversity Conservation, co-sponsored by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China and the Peoples Government of Yunnan Province, with great assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Commission, and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), is formally commenced. Its a pleasure for me, on behalf of Peoples Government of Yunnan Province, to extend a warm welcome to all guests present here today. Yunnan is located at the southwest frontier of China, sharing 4,060km long border with Myanmar, Vietnam, and Laos. 45 million people from 26 nationalities, such as Han, Yi, Hani, Zhuang, Dai and Miao, are living on this land of 394,000km2. Owing to complicated and unique landform and various climate types, Yunnan has nearly all types of terrestrial ecosystems in China, and is one of the places enjoying the richest biodiversity. Presently, there are 192 nature reserves already set up in Yunnan, the protected area accounts for 8.5% of the total land area. Two national nature reserves, Xishuangbanna and Gaoligong Mountain, have been listed in the Man and Biosphere Reverses Network by UNESCO. 4 national and provincial nature reserves have been listed in the Wetlands of International Importance, namely Dashanbao of Zhaotong City, Napa Lake and Bita Lake of Shangrila County, Lashi Lake of Lijiang City. The Three-paralleled Rivers in northwest of Yunnan and Stone Forest have been listed as World Natural Heritages. More than 10 botanical gardens and arboretums, and 10 more wildlife domestication and reproduction centers and rescue houses have been built up to conserve wildlife. Conservation on embryo, soma, germ cell and germ plasm of animals and plants has contributed to world biodiversity conservation.In order to achieve sound and sustainable economic development and social progress in Yunnan, the “Initiative to Protect Colorful Yunnan” has been launched and implemented in an all-round way in the province, for the purpose of promoting a harmonious co-existence for human and nature, and a wellcoordinated development between socio-economy and environment. The opening of the forum will exert very positive and important influence on promotion of international cooperation, sustainable utilization and conservation on biodiversity. Lets join our hands, admire the nature, protect our environment, promote our culture, and carry on the history! At last, on behalf of the Peoples Government of Yunnan Province, please allow me to extend our sincere appreciation to SEPA, ADB, EC and GTZ, and to all institutes, organizations, and personnels from home and abroad who care and support environmental protection in Yunnan. I wish todays forum a great success!I wish all guests good health, successful career and all the best! Thank you very much!
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