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WhyWhatTools How Additional advice & course descriptionArrangement of the textbook HomeWhat to learn?To learn and refine your own English(扎实的基本功,法律语言句式复杂,长句多)Acquire the language of lawAcquire knowledge of the basic legal conceptsSome features of legal languagecommon words with special meaningOld and Middle English wordsLatin words and phrasesFrench wordsUse of argotLong sentenceWORDS LEGAL MEANINGaction 诉讼Consideration补偿/对价/约因 Counterpart副本 executed签名使契据生效Hand签字 Instrument文件 eg. Legal instrument: legal document(1) common words with special meaning WORDS LEGAL MEANING Letters 许可证Party 诉讼方、合同缔结方、当事人 Prayer诉讼请求 Presents本文件 this legal documentSaid上述的mentioned beforeEg. the said witness 该证人 Serve送达Specialty盖印合同 sealed contractProvide for 规定Remedy补救办法(2) Old and Middle English wordsIf any of the terms or provisions of this Contract shall be declared illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, then the parties hereto agree to do all things and cooperate in all ways open to them to obtain substantially the same result or as much thereof as may be possible, including the amendment or alteration of these presents 若主管法庭宣布本合同任何条款或规定非法或无效,双方同意将尽最大努力采取一切可行措施,包括修改或更换合同,以取得大体相同或尽可能多的效益here words: hereafter(此后、将来), hereby(籍此), herein(此中、此处), hereinafter(在下文), hereof, heretothere words: thereby, thereof(因此), therein(在那里), thereon, thereto, theretofore, thereupon, therewithaforesaid如前所述said (used as an adjective)Such上述的forthwith立刻thence从那时起, thenceforth从那时起/其后Where words: whereby(由是、因此), whereof(关于它)witness (used in the sense of testimony by signature, oath, etc. as “In witness whereof, I have set my hand, .” 签字盖章,特此为证witnesseth鉴于(meaning to provide formal evidence of something, the Old English present indicative, third person singular verb form.) (3) Latin words and phrasesalias别名, 化名推荐精选Alibi不在犯罪现场的证明/不在犯罪现场一种辩护形式bona fide善意/真诚的versus(4) French wordsAction 诉讼Agreement 协议Appeal 上诉arrestarson 纵火assault 袭击attorneys 律师battery 殴打罪bill 法案、议案claim 索取Condition 条款contractevidence 契约法、合同法execution 执行guarantee担保物/抵押品infant未成年人judgesjudgment 审判jurors 陪审员justice(5) Use of argot The language of the law, sometimes even a particular word, has a dual aspect. Lawyers use language that is intended to speak to lawyers and laymen, as in contracts, jury instructions, notices, and even laws. Lawyers also use language that is intended to speak primarily to each other, as in pleadings, opinions, argument and in the day-to-day negotiation and discussion that is the lawyers life. In this aspect, a portion of the language of the law is ARGOT, a professional language. E.g.:alleged有嫌疑的casecause of action 原告的起诉原由damages 损害赔偿due care 应有注意inferior court 下级法院issue of fact关于事实的争论点issue of law关于引用法律的争论点 pursuant to stipulationreversed and remanded发回重审superior court 高级法院Any person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, while having dealings of any kind with any other public body, offers any advantage to any public servant employed by that public body, shall be guilty of an offence. 任何人与其它公共机构进行任何事务往来时,无合法权限或合理理由而向受雇于该公共机构的公职人员提供任何利益即属犯罪。 statute n. 制定法,联邦、州、市或县的立法机关均可制定,专指以立法形式创设的法律。 legislation 立法;立法活动;制定法(总称)code:法典n. e.g.美国统一商法典(Uniform Commercial Code,简称UCC)civil law:罗马法;罗马法系;大陆法系;民法法系common law:普通法;普通法系;判例法系After-class assignment 1:What are the major legal systems in the world today?The difference among them? Explain within 8 mins.Common law 普通法 Judge-made law 法官制定的法Precedent 判例、先例(早些时候发生的案例,其判决结果可作为现在及将来类似案件的判决依据)推荐精选Civil law system 大陆法Precedent/previous judicial decision is binding and is considered as a source of law (the distinctive feature of common-law system)1. legislationParliament-the supreme legislative authority (House of Lords; House of Commons)British legislation includes: Acts of Parliament(议会立法), subordinate or delegated legislation(授权立法), and Community legislation(共同体立法)Acts of Parliament are the supreme form of law-the validity of which can not be questioned by any English court2. Courts and tribunalscourt 法庭tribunal 裁判庭arbitration 仲裁exercise v. 执行、行使Court of Appeal 上诉法庭Court of first instance/ Trial court 初审法庭the supreme court 最高法院3. judgesLord Chancellor (英国上议院的)大法官the most important judge in Britain 4. hearinghear v. 审理adversarial procedure辩论式诉讼程序 adversary system对抗制诉讼模式,此制度允许双方当事人为了获得有利于自己的判决而进行辩论,法官只能就辩论的范围以第三者的姿态加以决断。其区别于大陆法系国家纠问制诉讼模式(inquisitorial system) plaintiff原告testimony证词cross-examine交叉盘问,向(对方证人)反询问 Self-reading: p264-2675. Legal profess
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