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俄罗斯高温气冷堆.txt遇事潇洒一点,看世糊涂一点。相亲是经销,恋爱叫直销,抛绣球招亲则为围标。没有准备请不要开始,没有能力请不要承诺。爱情这东西,没得到可能是缺憾,不表白就会有遗憾,可是如果自不量力,就只能抱憾了。 本文由mtlzc2010贡献 pdf文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 1 Development of HTGR technologies in Russia: experience, activities, plans Prepared by OKBM, Nizhniy Novgorod and RRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow Presented by A. Sedov, RRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow = Villigen, PSI November 27, 2009 HTGR APPLICATIONS Weapons Plutonium TRISO Electricity Co-generation : Ammonia production Ethylene production Petroleum processing Synthetic fuel production Hydrogen LWR Spent Fuel TRISO TRISO Fuel in graphite blocks Pu, U-Pu, U-Th, LEU TRISO Reactor GT-MHR 3 HTGR PROJECTS: EXPERIENCE AND ONGOING Design of a test-industrial 2-circuit nuclear installation with the steam-turbine cycle for development of HTGR technologies (1971 1984) Final Design of a pilot-industrial nuclear power plant for generation of process heat and electricity in the steam-turbine cycle (19731987) Final Design of a pilot-industrial nuclear power plant of modular concept for generation of process heat and electricity (1987 1992) GT-MHR VGM VG-400 VGR-50 Design of a gas-turbine modular helium reactor for generation of electricity in the direct closed gas turbine cycle with burn up Pu fuel (development started in 1995) MHR-T Conceptual design of a nuclear power plant for generation of process heat for hydrogen production and electricity in the direct gas-turbine cycle (2004) 4 RUSSIAN TEAM OF DEVELOPERS Rosatom OKBM - Customer - GT-MHR chief designer of reactor plant and organization responsible for entire project development - GT-MHR general designer of NPP - Project scientific supervisor - Chief designer technologist of fuel compact development - Mastering and transfer of compacting and coating application technology - Fuel irradiation tests and post-irradiation examinations VNIPIET RRC “Kurchatov Institute” VNIINM NPO Lutch NIIAR 5 VGM REACTOR PLANT 1 reactor core; 2 vessels block; 3 intermediate heat exchanger; 4 steam generator; 5 gas circulator; 6 emergency cooldown system; 7 fuel reloading system; 8 RSS; 9 helium purification system; 10 relief valve N=200 MW (th); Tinlet=300C; Toutlet=950C; P=5P; Core-pebble bed 6 Helium Loop PG-100 in Reactor MR (Kurchatov Ins) Reactor Power, MW Pressure of Helium Coolant, MPa Flow Rate, g/s - in the Loop - in Test Channel Helium leakage, %/day oC Temperature of Helium, - in the Loop - in Test Channel - in Test Section Temperature of fuel in CPs oC Duration of irradiation period h Fluence of fast neutrons, n/cm2 Burnup (FIMA) % 27 - 33 3.8 4.1 230 - 250 38 - 100 0.25 0.5 15 150 150 600 300 600 500 - 900 13 500 0.7 12*1021 4.9 12 1 Reactor pool; 2 Core; 3 Test Channel; 4 Receiver, 5 Safety membrane; 6 Pressure reductor; 7 Shutdown gas receiver; 8 Recuperator; 9 11 Helium Blowers; 12, 13 Heat Exchangers; 14 Heater; 15 Copper oxidizer; 16 Cooler; 17 Decaying GFP storage; 18 Zeolite Filter; 19 Regenerator; 20 Cryogen Graphite Filter; 22, 23 HXs; 24 Metalceramic Filter; 25 Vacuum Pump; 26 Safety membrane; 27 Receiver; 28 Control Valve; 29 Safety valve; 30 - Vacuum Pump; 31 Accident Receiver 7 In Pile Test Channels in Helium Loop PG-100 8 POSSIBLE OUTLINE OF HIGH-TEMPERATURE REACTOR TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA Commercial nuclear cogeneration plant Main nuclear cogeneration plant Commercial NPP Main NPP FGR GT-MHR Demonstration gasgasturbine modular helium reactor for highly efficient generation of electric power Demonstration module for power technology application and production of hydrogen MHR-T Demonstration highhightemperature fast gasgascooled reactor for electric power and/or hydrogen production Fuel production Reactor and power conversion system technologies Fuel technology High-temperature heat exchanger technology Hydrogen production technology Modular helium reactor is the basis for implementation of various HTGR technologies 9 MAIN AREAS OF GT-MHR PROJECT ACTIVITIES High-burnup fuel Fission products transport with experimental validation and upgrading of computer codes and data bases Experimental and analytical validation of reactor neutronic characteristics, verification of computer codes Reactor system Power conversion system Designs of components and systems 10 GT-MHR REACTOR SYSTEM Reactor key features CPS assembly Reactor vessel Reactor core Integral layout of the reactor equipment inside a single vessel Annular reactor core Reactor fuel in the form of multi-layer coated particles compacted in graphite fuel elements Passive
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