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启东市徐龙小学英语组备课专用纸学科英 语 年级五 执笔 崔庆庆 第3单元 课题At a Music Lesson 第 4教时 总第16个教案教学目标:1. 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:lesson, sing, song, dance, play; 能听懂,会说,会读: swim, skate, ski.2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型: Can you? Yes, I(we) can. / No, I (we) cant. What can you do? I can 3. 掌握元音字母a的发音规则。4. 在交流时能流利地得体地表达自己的意愿。教学重点:四会单词及句型Can you? Yes, I(we) can. / No, I (we) cant. What can you do? I can .教学难点:能理解并熟练地把句型运用到交际情景中去。课前准备:录音机、图片、小黑板、表格先学提纲:1.想一想,填一填 I can dance, but my brother cant. He can make a puppet. My father can _ , but my mother cant. She can _. My sister can _ , but my brother cant. He can _.总结:can 是情态动词,后跟_,其否定形式为_.学生自己造一个句子:_ 2.听一听,想一想,仿一仿:(请听听E部分磁带,大概一下内容,并试着回答以下问题) Can the boy put a book on his head? _(猜测一下put on 的意思) Can he have an ice cream? _(猜测have的意思) 听录音模仿E部分对话3.读一读, 背一背:(根据after中“a ”的发音,来记住音标/a:/的发音) /a:/ 考考你:还有哪些单词中字母“a”发/eI/?_圈出发音不同的一个1. many scarf any2. ball park party 3. water rabbit watch 4. jacket wash panda教学步骤:Step 1 Preparation1. Sing a song: .2. Look, listen and answera. Can Fan Zhiyi play football?b. Can Tang Seng ride a horse?c. Can the boys sing?d. Can the girls dance?e. A: What can Lang lang / Li Yuchun /the monkey/the dogs do?B: He/She /It/They can.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. 1.Review Part Ga. Read the words and guess their prounciation.plane cake table skate make grape bag apple can jacket lamp map basket basketball class glass dance cant afternoon b.总结规律 a+辅音字母+e结尾发a+辅音字母结尾发a+s/f/th前发2. 2.Review the words and phrasesa. Show the words and phrases on the blackboard and then read one by one. (swim, ski ,skate, fish, row , jog , climb, play basketball, play baseball, play football, play table tennis, play volleyball, play the accordion, play the violin, play the guitar, play the piano, sing, dance, make a model plane/car ,make a doll/kite/chair) b. Make a dialogue A: A: Can you_?B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. I can_. 3. Review Part A. Read Part A one minute and then try to complete.根据课文,完成填空: It is oclock in the . The students are the room. They having a Music .Their music is Mr Green. He asks the students to sing the song We can sing and .But they . So, he lets them sing In the classroom (首先).Ben cant sing, but he can the .At last(最后), the students learn the song We can sing and dance and sing it .Step 3 Production My school life (我的学校生活)I study at_ Primary School(小学), I have a lot of teachers and friends. I learn a lot from them. I often learn _ from my_ teacher.I can_ at the music room . I can _ in the playground. I can _ in the art room. I can _ at the Computer Study lessons. Im happy all the time.Step 4 Progress学校举办的亲子活动即将开班啦!我们开设了Class 1:Handcraft class手工班、Class 2:PE class体育班、Class 3:Art class美术班、Class 4:Music class 音乐班,请根据各自的兴趣爱好到组长处为你和你的父母报个名吧。四个同学一组进行报名工作。NameAbility(能力)Father/MotherAbilityClass 1/2/3/4Mikerun Father jump 2参考对话内容:(期待着您的创新!)1) 1)S1: Hello, xxx. I want to join Class 1/2/3/4.T: Can you ? S1:No, I cant. T: What can you do? S1: I can_. T: What can your father/mother do ? S1:He/She can_. T: OK, you can join Class 1/2/3/4.Step 5 Homework一、 英汉互译 1、又唱又跳 _ 2、at a music lesson_3、在教室里 _ 4、colour song _ 5、拉小提琴 _ 6、listen to the song _7、学习这首歌曲_ _ 8、跟我学 _ _ 9、弹吉他_ 10、All right _11、你能做什么?_ 12. Lets sing . _ 二、句型转换1.I can swim. (对划线部分提问) 2. He can play football. (改为否定句) 3. I can open the door. (改为一般疑问句) 4.Lucy can find your ruler. (对划线部分提问) 板书设计: Unit 3 At a music lessonCan you? Yes, I(we) can. / No, I (we) cant. What can you do? I can 二次备课教后反思:
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