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Unit 2 Wheres the post office?Teaching Goal:1. General aims: A. Ask for directions on the street B. Give directions on the street2. Particular aims: A. Language Focus. (1). Ask the way on the avenue. (2). Show the directions on the street.B. Language goals(1). Is there a bank near here? Yes, theres a bank on Center Street.(2). Wheres the supermarket? Its next to the library.(3). Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right.(4). Go down off the Fifth Avenue.(5) . Take a walk straight.C. Language structures:(1). Special question with where(2). There be . (pay attention to be singular or plural)(3). Preposition with position(4). Sentence with yes.D. Useful words and phrases: Words: hotel, bank, park, supermarket, street, avenue, new, clean, quiet, big, small, dirty, old, busy, left, right, near, pay Phrases: post office, video arcade, next to, pay phone, across from, betweenand, turn left /right, go straight, take a walk, excuse me, go through, take a taxi, arrive at/inE. Grammar language: (1). There be (2). Where is the place? (3). Position prepositionF. Learning strategies: (1). Using what you know (2). Inferring contentG. Interdiscipinary: (1). Geography (2). Art (3). SocietyH. Emotion and manner: (1). Expression (2). Help othersTeaching time: 6 periodsTeaching procedures: Period One (p7)Step 1: Warming up1. Greeting First wish the class have a happy, healthy new year.2. Warming up What do you do during the Spring Festival?Step 2 Presentation1. Leading-in For example: (say to myself) I go to Nanping Park. I go down the Shanhu Avenue, There is a hotel, a bank, two pay phones and so. Turn left and go straight to the Jiefang Street. Its on my right. Draw a picture and write down some places on the blackboard as I am talking.2. Teaching the new words.Post office, video arcade, pay phone, bank, supermarket, hotel, library, street, straight, turn, left, rightStep 3: Practice1. Ask students to act out about turn left/right. (each team every time, at last only one who wins gets a award.)2. Section A 1a readingAsk Ss to read the places and match the words with the pictures.3. Guess the place where I am.For example:I am standing here. (point to the picture) Go down Bridge Street and turn left at the first crossing. Go along Fifth Avenue. Its on my right. Its next to library. Where am I going?Show them in the screen.4. Ask Ss to follow the conversation above and complete the conversation.5. Have the line in the classroom as the street and desks as the buildings and practice the conversation above. (1). Teacher tells four students each time to act out, others judge if they walk in the street correctly. (2) Ask Ss to judge “wrong” or “right”.6. Section A 1b listeningPlay the recorder, ask Ss to circle the place they hear on the picture in 1a.7. Pairwork: Have Ss ask and answer the question following 1c about other places in picture.Step 4: Homework1. Copy the words in 1a.pay phone 2. Make a conversation like 1c. ShangHu Street AJiefang treetsupermarketlibraryHotelPost officeVideo arcadeNew parkSchoolbankStep 5: Classwork: Translation:1. 图书馆在超市的对面。 2. 公园在银行的旁边。3. 超市在第五大街上。4. 投币电话在电子游戏中心和超市之间。Design Blackboard:Unit 1. Wheres the post office?1. Is there a near here? between and2. Wheres the ? next to Its on /across from on the left /rightTeaching note after class:Period Two (P8)Step 1: RevisionRevise the words of 1a using the following pictures.next to supermarketVideo arcade Sixth Avenueacross fromhotelbetween andbankcinemalibraryStep 2: Presentation1. Teach these words using the pictures:across from next to betweenand on2. Help them make sentences with these words. The hotel is across from the bank. The cinema is between the hotel and the library. Video arcade is next to the supermarket.Step 3: Practice1. Section 2a reading Get the students to read the sentences in the box first. Then match each sentence with one of the pictures.2. Section A 2b listening and understanding First read the words in the box together. Play the recording twice for the students to write down the words they hear. Play again, let the class know these conversations: -Where is ? - It is -Is there a ? -Yes, 3. Section A 2c oral practiceLet the students look at the picture of Page 1. Ask and answer in pairs (or in a T-S way) Then ask several students to repeat some of their conversations for the class.Step 4 Homework1. Copy and master the sentences in 2b.2. Finish sentences in 2bStep 5 Classwork1. Choose the best answer:
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