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The Family Man scriptThe Family Man Plane Engine Droning People Chattering Woman : This will be the final boarding call for flight to London, Heathrow. Okay. Sighs Im not even gonna (going to) say it, Kate. Then itll be like I never left. Okay? Wait. I have a really bad feeling about this. (About the plane? You think its gonna (going to) crash? Dont say that.) No. Look, I know that weve talked about this a thousand times, and we agreed that going to London was the right thing to do. But in my heart. this feels wrong. Dont go, Jack. (You mean dont go at all? Well, what- what about my internship?) Believe me, I know- I know what an incredible opportunity this is for you. (For us, Kate.) Right, for us. But Im afraid that if you get on that plane- Look. Were at the airport. Nobody ever thinks clearly at the airport. So we should just trust the decision we already made. Youve been accepted to one of the best law schools in the country. Ive got this internship at Barclays Bank. We have a great plan, honey. You wanna do something great, Jack? Lets flush the plan. Lets start our lives right now, today. I mean, I have no idea what this life is gonna look like, but I know that it has the both of us in it, and I choose us. The plan doesnt make us great, Jack. What we have together, thats what makes us great. - I love you, Kate. ( - I love you too. I do.) And one year in London is not gonna change that. A hundred years couldnt change that. 13 Years Later Experts are predicting a mild rally in the bond market. Continues Indistinctly Woman Last night was incredible. Huh? I said, last night was great. (You are an amazing lover.) Thanks. Youre not bad yourself. (- I wanna see you again.) - Id like that too. (Tonight.) Its Christmas Eve, Jack. (So? Ill pour eggnog over you. Laughing ) - Growls - I have to go visit my parents out in Jersey. Jersey? Do you have any idea what the traffics gonna be like? Thats why Im taking the train. It was nice meeting you, Jack. # La Donna EMobile Singing Along With CD #Sempre un amabile # # Leggiadro viso # # Inpianto o in riso # # Emenzognero # # La donna e mobil # # Qualpiuma al vento # # Muta daccento # # Edipensier # # Edipensier # # Luciano Pavarotti Vocalizing # No # # Vocalizing Along # Humming # Bomp, bomp, bomp bomp, bomp-bomp # Elevator Bell Dings Mrs. Peterson. (Hello, Jack. You dont have to stop singing on my account.) Oh, its because Im shy, Betty. So, when are you gonna leave that old corpse, Mr. Peterson, and run away with me? (You know you could never satisfy me the way he does.) Ah. Elevator Bell Dings (Merry Christmas, Mr. Campbell.) Howd you make out this year, Tony? (About four grand, and a bottle of 25-year-old Scotch from 9D. Im putting it all in commercial paper like you said.) Good, but just until the deutsche mark turns. (- Thank you, Mr. Campbell.) - All right. Good morning, Joe. Merry Christmas, sir. Campbell wants these available. Thanks, Adelle. Better you than me. If Med Tech shares fall any lower than 43, were in trouble with the stock valuations. So for Gods sake, please watch what you say to your institutional customers. We still have almost a full day of trading before zero hour, and I dont want any trouble. Sighs A penny for your thoughts, Alan. (Hmm? Oh, God, Im sorry. Jack, I was thinking about, you know, Dee and the kids. I promised Id be home for dinner. Its Christmas eve, Jack.) - Oh, is that tonight? - Polite Laughter You think I like being here on Christmas eve, Alan? (No. Well, maybe.) Laughter Okay. Okay, maybe I do have a touch of tunnel vision this holiday season. But in two days were going to announce. one of the largest mergers in U.S. corporate history. When a deal like this turns up, you get on it and you ride it till its over. You dont ask it for a vacation. December 26. After that therell be so much money floating around here, itll be like Christmas every day. December 26, people. If youd like to celebrate that day, you all have my blessing. (- Youre right. Im sorry.) - I dont want you to be sorry. I want you to be excited. I want my gift to you to be the first gift you open this year. You know why? - Stammering - Because my gift comes with ten zeroes. (Youre right. Im focused. Im there.) Good man. Everybody, turn to page 12 in your prospectus. All Chattering Indistinctly You have six messages. Two of them are imperative. Whoa. Im going home. Im not even here now. Good night. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Its only 8:30. Im disappointed. Got some last-minute shopping to do? You too? This holidays about giving. Im giving everything Ive got to this deal. So in a way, Im more Christmassy than anybody. Youre my role model, Jack. Oh, and Oxford called.
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