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Unit Three My Weekend Plan【第二课时】A Lets lean顺德大良李介甫小学 白玉婷Teaching aims: 1 Learn the new phrases: visit grandparents, see a film, take a trip, go to the supermarket2 Learn the new adverbial of time: this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week3 Practice the new sentences: What are you going to do_? Im going to 4 How to make a weekend planThe main points of teaching:1 Let the pupils read, listen, speak and spell the new verb phrases and the new adverbial of time2 Let the pupils know how to use the sentences: What are you going to do_? Im going to Teaching Steps:Step one Warmming up1 Greeting: T:Good morning boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms Bai.T: How are you? Ss: I am fine. Thank you.2 Daily English:T:Whats the weather like today? T:What day is it today? Ss:Its Saturday.T:Whats the date today? Ss: Its October 11th.【课件显示:10月12日的日期,然后继续问学生Whats the date? Ss:Its October 12th.】T: Yes, you are right.Today is October 11th. October 12th is tomorrow.【课件教tomorrow,并用课件显示ow的发音:follow,snow,know,borrow;now,how,wow,cow】Step Two1 T: Listen,here comes a message.Oh,the message is from Chenjie.Lets listen.【PPT呈现ipad微信聊天画面】【播放微信,微信内容:Hello,Ms Bai.I am busy today. I am going to read books this morning. I am going to do homework this afternoon. I am going to play ping pong this evening.What about you? Are you busy today?】【用What is Chenjie going to do this morning/this afternoon/this evening/tonight?等句子引出时间状语的学习】T: What is Chenjie going to do this morning? This morning means 今天早上S1:She is going to read books this morning?T: What is Chenjie going to do this afternoon? This afternoon means 今天下午S2: She is going to do homework this afternoon.T: What is Chenjie going to do this evening? This evening means 今天晚上S3: She is going to play ping pong this evening.T:You are so clever.Now I would like you to try some challenges.【点击课件让学生回答问题】2 Chnjie is busy today,am I busy today? Now please listen to my message to Chenjie.【播放微信,微信内容:Hi,Chenjie. Today,I am busy,too.I am going to the supermaket this morning.I am going to see a film this afternoon.I am going to visit my grandparents this evening.What a busy day! 】【教go to the supermarket, see a film visit my grandparents,四线板书,元音字母板书音标,用直拼法教新单词】T: What is Ms Bai going to do this morning?S4: She is going to the supermarket.【教go to the supermarket,go to the supermarket means go shopping in a supermarket,buy things in a supermarket】T: What is Ms Bai going to do this afternoon?S5: She is going to see a film.【教see a film,see a film means go to the cinema】T: What is Ms Bai going to do this evening?S5: She is going to visit her grandparents.T:Now,I would like you to try more challenges.Lets go.【点击课件,看中文翻译词组】3 T: My phone is busy,too.Message comes again.【微信内容:Ms Bai,halloween is coming,what are you going to do?】T:Yes,Halloween is coming.When is Halloween?S6: Its on Oct.31st.T: I am going to take a trip on Halloween.【教take a trip】【点击课件】T:How is Ms Bai going to take a trip? Ss: By train.T:Yes,I am going to take a trip by train.【知识点扩展,用课件继续显示去旅游的地方和时间,引导学生正确表达】I am going to take a trip by train.I am going to take a trip to Beijing by train.【继续用PPT展示,引导学生继续描述】4 T: Jimi and Lan are chatting on QQ,they are going to take a trip,too.But when and where are they going to? Lets read the message.Try to find out when and where they are going to take a trip.【让学生读完对话后回答问题。】Step Three Practice【时间隧道】and extention.1 T: Boys and girls, I have a time tunnel.I would like you to practice with your partner.One student choose a time and the other describe the pictures.【学生点击时间,根据时间描述图片。】2 Just now,you all did a good job.I have some exercises here.Lets do together.【PPT显示练习的题目,提问学生回答】3 【PPT显示单词库单词】T: Boys and girls,how to say the word?Ss: Bank.T: Yes,its a bank.But not for money.Its a word bank.There are many words. Take out the paper.I would like you to ask your friends plan and write down the plan.【给3分钟时间给学生准备,然后再请学生汇报】4 SummaryT: Today we have learned the new words,try to remember them and use them more often.
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