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新概念第二册41-50课新观点第二册 41-50 课词组整理Lesson41-42一、常用 和 言点1.say to sb. 某人来 ec: he said tothe guard:let him in.2.look at oneself in the照子ec: Shelooksmirrorherself in the mirror.3.in front of在前面 ec: She sitsin front ofthe classroom4.regret doing懊悔做 某事 ec;I regretdisturbing yo so long.我很对不起打 了你那么久 .5.at once马上, 上 ec; She criedat once ,她马上就哭了6.neech thave said没必需 么 (与 去事 that相反的虚 气 ) ec;Youneednthave said that, my wifeanswered.提 醒 某 人 ec;Itreminds me of thattime它 我想起了那段日子8.have a walk漫步 ec;I willhave atalkwithmyteachertomorrowgo for a walk去 散 步walksinec:.We thegofor fieldsoccasionally.9.have a rest歇息 ec:.Are we going tohave a rest ?我 要歇息一下 ?10.after a timeEc: After a time,he losthis nervousnessand beganto feelhimselfagain.了一会儿,他的 情 去了, 静了下来after a while了一会儿 ec:After awhile, he was asleep11.as soon as 一就 ec: Comehereas soon as you finish thework.工作一 束你就到 里来12.pick up 起,拾起 ec:Iwillpickup the pen on the ground.13.be covered with覆盖着(文中指 嵌着) ec:The grass was covered withfrostintheearlymorning.14.have a glimpse of看 一 眼 , 看一 下 ec: Heglimpsed at my new watchand saidit wasagoodbargain.他看了一眼我的新表 , 得很合算 .15.tell the difference 之 的不一样ec:betweenandwho cantellmethedifferencebetweenmanager,directorandexecutive?Lesson43-44一、常用 和 言点1.for the first time第一次 ec: Ivebeen herefor the first time.我是第一次来 里 .2.at first开初 ec: We didnt trusthim at first,but hischarmingmannercompletely disarmed us.我 开始 其实不相信他,但他令人快乐的 止完整除去了我 的疑 。3.be able to do能做 ec: Iam able todo the work.4.take photographs照像 ec: Let take somephotographsforthebeautiful flowers.5.run into troubleEc; The ship has to runinto the harbor when thesudden stormarises.暴 起 , 船只得赶忙 海港。get into trouble堕入窘境 ec: I get intotroublewithoutyourhelp.没有你的帮助,我陷入麻 6.at one point在 某 个 地 方 ec:Atonepoint,Ithoughtshewasgoingtorefuse,butinthe end she agreed.当 我以 她要拒 ,但最后她却赞同了。seemscertain似 乎 肯 定 ec:Itseemsthat certainthathe willwin.overthe越 山ec:Itcouldmountainsonlygetoverthemountains ifitrose toten thousand feet.9.in sight在中 (看 得) ec:Therewasnomoremountain in sight.10.take the risk冒的 ec: I dontwant totake the risk(of)trying this.我不想冒 去 11.rush up to 跑 到 跟 前 ec:: Iwanted to rush up and haveit outwiththem.Butwouldthatsavehim?Hardly.我想跑上去和他 道理,但 能救他 ?恐怕不可以 .12.have a picnic野餐 ec: I want to have apicnic this Sunday.13.at the edge of在 上ec:He isstandingattheedge ofthe cliff.他站在 崖的 上.14.so+ 形 容/ 副如 此 以 至 于 +thatEc:ThecarissoexpensivethatIcantafford it.15.out of breath上气不接下气 ec:Iam outof breath now.16.catch up with追上,超上 ec: Ifyou missalotveryof classes, difficult toitscatchup.17.go through翻看 ec: The piano willbarelygothroughthedoor. 琴 好能从 洞通18.such+ 名 +that.这样以致于ec:Itis such a beautifulthat I want to have a dayoff.dayLesson45-46一、常用 和 言点1.a large sum of money一大笔 ec: I need a large sum of money.我需要一大笔 。2.return to ec: Return toinnocence 返璞 真 .3.wrap up包 起 来ec: Incoldweather you shouldwrap upwell. 天气严寒 , 你 穿得温暖些。4.pay backec:He paid the moneyback.pay off清ec:Pay offyourcreditcards every month. 得每个月 清你的信誉卡。pay for 付ec:Right,Ill pay for the food andyoupayfor thedrinks.好吧,我付 菜 ,你付酒水。5.in this way用 种方法;以 种方式ec:Inthisway,wegetbetterresultsinteaching. 我 的教课成效就比 好了。6.a number of+可数名 多 ec: .Anumber ofstudentswere absent fromthe meeting.7.account for1) 明原由 ec:Jack couldnotaccountforhisfoolish mistake.杰克没法解 自己的愚笨 。2)占(多大比率) ec:*Leaguemembers accountforthemajorityofthestudentsin the class 8.the fact that9.It occurs to sb. 占 个班学生的大部分。Ec: I didn t go out because of the fact thatit was raining. 因 在下雨,因此我没出去。某人忽然想起ec:Itoccurredtome suddenlythatIhadmethimsomewhere.我忽然想起在什么地方 他。10.be astonished at 惊 于 ec: Youll beastonishedat how muchyoucan getd
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