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萧红小说特征与其人生经历关系 论人生经历对萧红小说特征的影响 摘 要:萧红在上个世纪,文学史上的地位是饱受争议的。不了解的人将萧红的文学作品,看作是与几个男人的情感纠葛后的发泄,也存在着一些所谓的批评家,觉得萧红的作品研究价值不大。主流的教科书上也是抗战作家,左翼作家来标榜萧红,总而言之,真正注视萧红小说内容本质,与其人生经历变化,关注萧红内心世界的作品极少。我认为,研究萧红,为广大读者,呈现一个真正立体的萧红,应该,从其小说特征的变化与其人生经历的方面去研究。 关键字:萧红,小说特征,人生经历 The relationship between the characteristics of Xiao Hongs novels and his life除 (删除 life。 。) ) experience (标题中的所有实词第一个字母大写。) (加姓名的英文书写。) Abstract: in the last century, Xiao Hongs status in the history of literature was disputed. People who dont understand Xiao Hongs literary works are seen as a vent after their emotional entanglement with several men. There are also some so-called critics who think Xiao Hongs works are of little value. The mainstream textbooks are also writers of the war of resistance, and the left wing writers are going to flaunt Xiao Hong. In a word, they really care for the content nature of Xiao Hongs novels, and they are very interested in Xiao Hongs inner world due to their changes in their life experiences. I think that studying Xiao Hong is a real three-dimensional Xiao Hong for the readers. It should be studied from the aspect of the change of his novels characteristics and his life experience. Key words: Xiao Hong, novel features, life experiences 目录(删除这一页。) 一、引言. 1 二、萧红的人生经历 . 1 (一)1932:踏上文学之路 . 1 (二)1933:以文为生 . 1 (三)1934-1935:情感的波澜 . 1 (四)1936:只属于写作的黄金时代 . 2 (五)晚年:生命的凝聚 . 3 三、萧红小说创作与认识经历的相互影响 . 4 (一)家族关系与家园小说情感变化 . 4 1.家族决裂与仇恨叙事 . 4 2.仇家到思家的叙事变化 . 4 (二)情感坎坷与对婚姻的抗拒 . 5 (三)女性生活感触与小说中互换女性意识觉醒 . 5 1.关注女性生育的苦难 . 5 2.唤醒女性意识 . 6 (四) 逃荒经历与生命感悟 . 7 (五) 战争经历与爱国情怀 . 7 四、结论. 8
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