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The ugly ducking.丑小鸭第一场景 丑小鸭出生场景:夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。丑小鸭躲在模拟的蛋壳内,鸭妈妈在蛋壳前面做孵蛋的样子。音乐:舞台布景组合出一幅恬静、温暖的乡村夏日风光图。画外音:It is warm, A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。)The little ducks come out one by one. They look around and come up to their mother happily.小鸭从蛋壳里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去。鸭妈妈:Oh, my babies! Im so happy to see you!(突然发现还有一枚蛋未破) Oh!, theres still one left. Whats the matter? 哦,我的宝贝,见到你们真高兴啊!哦,怎么还剩下一个蛋,怎么回事?小鸭1:Its such a big guy, mum! 真是个大家伙!小鸭2:Why not crack? 为什么还不出来呢?(突然,发出一声特别刺耳的破裂声,蛋裂开,丑小鸭慢慢伸伸懒腰钻出来,大家蹲在地上抬头仔细看着那只小鸭,先是非常惊奇,然后惊叫,4只小鸭倒地,鸭妈妈也非常失望地看着丑小鸭。)丑小鸭:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you!众小鸭惊异、交头接耳。小鸭2:Wow, her feather is gray, she looks so dirty!呀!他的毛是灰灰的,看起来真脏。小鸭3:Yes! And her mouth is so big。 瞧!她的嘴巴那么大。小鸭1:Oh, look at the way she walks, so funny. 哦,看她走路的样子,真好笑!大家哈哈大笑,齐声:Its just an “ugly ducking”! We dont like to stay with you.他可真是一只“丑小鸭”。我们不想和你呆在一起。鸭妈妈:Oh, no, my children! Dont laugh at her any more. Now, come and have some food. OK? 哦,不要这样,孩子们。她是你们的妹妹,再也不要嘲笑她了。现在,过来吃点食吧!小鸭们一哄而上争抢实物,把丑小鸭往外推。小鸭2:Dont give that ugly duckling any food.不要给那只丑小鸭任何实物。( 小鸭们把妈妈给的食物全部抢过来,不让丑小鸭吃。)小鸭3: Get out of here! 走开!(丑小鸭没有吃到任何事物,只能在一旁看。)小鸭1:Well! Im full. Shall we go and play games?好啦,我吃饱了,我们去做游戏吧!小鸭2、3: Good idea! 好主意!(播放的欢快音乐。小鸭们随着音乐玩耍,并不时发出嬉笑声。)丑小鸭在旁边很羡慕,想靠近他们:Dear sisters!Im loney. Im thinking thatthat if I can play with you. (小声地说)亲爱的姐姐们,我很孤独,和我一起玩吧。小鸭1:Are you kidding? Look! Youre so ugly . Go and play with the big cat.Ha,ha,ha! 你看什么玩笑?你这么丑,去和野猫吧!哈哈哈! 猫叫声,紧张的音乐。野猫出场小鸭1:oh, my god! The cat is coming!哦,天哪,猫来了。野猫:Aha! So many ducks. My tasty food! Let me catch them! 啊哈,这么多鸭子,我美味的食物!让我来抓住他们!(野猫开始追逐小鸭们,小鸭们惊慌失措,四处乱窜。)丑小鸭:(先是很害怕,发现猎狗径直朝小鸭们追过去,却没有理会自己。自言自语道:) Why didt he chase me ? Oh , I see. Because Im too ugly. 他为什么不追我呢?哦,我知道了,因为我太丑了!(先是很沮丧,但看着被追赶的小鸭们):No, I must help them!不,我必须帮助她们! (朝猎狗奔过去): Stop! They are my sisters!住手!不要伤害我的姐姐们!猎狗:停下来,很吃惊地看着她(其它小鸭趁机逃跑):What? Did you stop me just now ? You said theythey were your sisters? re you a duck? Let me take a good look at you ! Oh, my god!How dirty you looks! Youre so disgusting! 什么?刚才是你叫住我的吗?你说她们是你的姐姐? 你是一只鸭子吗?让我好好看看你。哦,老天,你看起来多脏啊! 真让人恶心!猎狗准备继续追赶其它小鸭,才发现其它小鸭已经逃跑了。顿时很生气:Oh! Very well! Now, I missed my lunch! How can you pay for it? Go to hell! 哦,很好!(阴险地)现在,我的午餐没有了,你说怎么办吧!见鬼去吧!(猎狗凶狠地朝他冲过来。)第二场: 丑小鸭流浪画外音: The poor duckling dropped into a small pond and finally escaped from the dog. 丑小鸭掉入了一个小湖里,最终才拜托了野猫的追赶。 丑小鸭:What a terrible day! Everybody hates me , why am I so ugly? (看看四周,没有一个人)Well, its lonely here, but at least, no one will laugh at me. 多么糟糕的一天啊!每个人都讨厌我,谁让我长这么丑呢!好吧,这里就我一人,虽然很孤独,但至少没有人会嘲笑我。(从水里走上岸,抖抖身上湿透的羽毛,将水溅到一旁的小鸟身上)小鸟(很生气地):Jesus! What are you doing? 天啊,你在干什么啊!小鸟:Who are you? 你是谁?(惊讶地问)丑小鸭:Im Im Im a duckling.我,我,我是一直鸭子。( 低着头,小声说。)小鸟:Ha, ha, look at your feathers. Why are they so grey? Look at yourself please, you are so ugly, arent you? 哈哈,看看你的羽毛,为什么是灰色的。再看看你自己的样子,这么丑,不是吗?(小鸟拍拍自己身上的羽毛,作炫耀状。)丑小鸭:Im ugly, but Im friendly. I can be your good friend. Lets make friends, OK? 虽然我很丑,但是我很友好,我可以成为你的好朋友,让我们做朋友,好吗?小鸟:Go away! Dont come here, I dont want to play with you. 走开,别过来,我可不想和你玩。丑小鸭: And I can swim, I can swim well. Look! 我还会游泳呢,我游得很好的,你看!(说着便在小鸟的前面游起来。)小鸟:Dont make the water dirty.不要弄脏了我的水!( 小鸟推开丑小鸭,然后飞走。) 丑小鸭:(看着飞走的小鸟,绝望地)Oh, Im so ugly that nobody loves me. I have no friends, no sisters, but I can do something helpful to others. Winter is coming, this small pond will become ice ,soon, our friends cant drink water again. Ill try to keep the water from frozen. 哎,我太丑了,没有一个人喜欢我。我没有朋友,没有兄弟姐妹。(伤心地哭泣)但是,(抬起头,找到信心)我能为别人做些有帮助的事情。 (看看四周)冬天马上要来了,这个小池塘马上就会结冰。到那时,我的朋友们就又要喝不到水了。 我要在池塘里游泳,那样的话,水就不会结冰了!画外音: The ugly duckling swims and swims about in the pond. She trys her best to keep the water from frozen. Finally ,she scuess. The pond isnt frozen .As time goes by, the ugly duckling never notice that her feathers are turning white. 丑小鸭在池塘里游啊游,她使尽了全身力气,为的是不让水结冰。最后,她成功了!池塘里没有结冰.时光匆匆而过,丑小鸭没有意识到,她的羽毛正在慢慢变成白色。第三场丑小鸭变天鹅场景:春天,绿树,花草,音乐。构成一幅湖边春光图。画外音:Spring comes, the flowers are blooming. Some swans fly here, they like the warm water here. The ugly duckling hide herself in the bushes, she is excited but sad.春天来了,花儿悄悄地开放。一些天鹅飞到这里来,他们喜欢这里温暖的水。丑小鸭藏在草丛里,她既兴奋又伤心。丑小鸭:Ah! Beautiful birds, you are so charming! How I wish I could be one of you. But Im so ugly that I even cant stay with you for a moment.啊!美丽的大鸟,你们是那样的迷人,我多么希望自己也是其中的一只啊。但是我太丑了,我连和你们待一会儿都不配。天鹅1:(发现了丑小鸭)Hello, my lovely friend, come and play with us!可爱的小客人,快来和我们一起玩吧!众天鹅:Come on! Come on! 快来呀!来吧!丑小鸭:(感到很惊讶)Are you talking to me? You are so kind. But, dont you feel me ugly?你们在和我说话吗? 你们真是太好了!可是,你们不觉得我很丑吗?天鹅2:No, you are a pretty swan! 不!你是一只漂亮的白天鹅呀!众天鹅:Look at yourself! 快看看自己吧!丑小鸭:(飞到湖边,对着湖面左顾右看)Oh, my god! Is this me ?Im no longer an ugly duckling, I am a petty swan!啊,上帝!这难道是我的影子吗?
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