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2022年6月英语四级考试高频词汇分层妙记法(17)cablekebln.缆绳,钢索cable railway缆车铁路电缆cable television有线电视(海底)电报 vt.给发电报,用电报传送News of his death was cabled to his family.他的死讯已电告其家属。真题例句:Fourth, control over programming is being passed from the networks to local cable operators and satellite programmers.(2022.6快速阅读)译文:第四,可以从网络传到当地有线电视运营商和卫星程序员那里调控节目。calculateklkjletvt.计算,核算,估量calculate the cost of sth.计算某事物的费用打算,准备be calculated to do sth.准备或打算做某事;calculated insult有意的或故意的污辱;calculate on sth./doing sth.希望或依靠某事物 We cant calculate on(having)good weather for the barbecue.我们不能希望着(有)好天气才去烧烤。calculating a.有私心的;精明的 a calculating businessman 精明的生意人calculation n.计算, 推算, 估量(的结果)打算;筹划capturekptvt.俘虏,捕获capture ones heart捕获某人的心;capture ones attention引起某人的留意 夺得,占据capture a town 占据城镇捕获(画面或影片中的某人/某物)capture a babys smile in a photograph 拍摄到婴儿的微笑; capture the headlines上(报纸/电视)头条 n.俘获,捕获the capture of a thief 捕获窃贼cashkn.钱,现款;现金,现钞pay(in)cash 付现金 vt.把兑现cash a cheque(for sb.)(给某人)把支票兑现常用短语cash down用现金支付cash in on 靠赚钱,从中捞取好处cash on delivery货到付款cashierk采集者退散n.出纳A cashier ran away with the days takings.出纳员偷走了当天的进款。casualkla.漠不关怀的,冷淡的his casual attitude冷淡的态度 任凭的,马虎的,非正式的a casual remark 漫不经心的话;casual wear 便装偶然的,碰巧的a casual encounter/meeting邂逅,不期而遇临时的,不定期的a casual labourer 临时工 稍微的,外表的,浅薄的a casual acquaintance泛泛之交真题例句:Perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.(2022.6阅读2)译文:或许有人随便瞥一眼你的信用卡购物单或手机账单就会发觉你的购物喜好或者是打电话的习惯。catalog/cataloguektlg/ktlgn.名目(册)an online catalogue在线名目 一系列a catalogue of terrorist crimes一系列恐惧犯罪 vt.将编入名目,将(书籍,资料等)编目catalog all these books给全部这些书编名目categoryktgrn.种类,类,类别place things in categories 分门别类;five categories of workers五类工人;fall into/belong in/fit into a category属于一个种类
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