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附录1 中文翻译目前,我国专用车生产企业有600多家,如果改装客车厂家也计入则达到700多家,年产专用车50余万台套。据国内有关资料统计,目前国内专用车品种已达1550多个,专用车已占商用车产量的20%25%左右。由于专用车市场容量有限,因此大多数企业生产规模都较小,只有需求量较大的品种,比如自卸车、牵引车、半挂车、货厢式车,集装箱平板车等产品的生产批量较大。国内有的企业既生产基型车也生产专用车(如一汽、东风公司生产自卸车、半挂牵引车,金杯公司生产救护车,东南(福建)生产邮政车、运钞车等)。但大多数专用车由专用改装车厂生产。如高空作业车,起重汽车、水泥搅拌车、油罐车等等。据了解,目前国内专用汽车市场开发较为缓慢,市场细分程度不够,目前专用汽车占普通载货汽车比例在40左右,产品雷同性大,满足用户个性化要求差。产品生产工艺环节硬件方面国内外差距正在明显缩小,但在生产工艺管理、要求及执行度方面国内外企业差距较大。因此,无论从国内还是从国际市场形势来看,我国专用汽车都还有巨大的提升空间。在国外专用车是主要的商用车型,一般占其商用车产量的80%以上,而在我国,专用汽车仅占我国年汽车产量的20%左右。其次,我国专用车生产品种太少,国外专用车品种在6000种左右,我国600家专用车厂只有1000多个品种。我们的专用车品种还需充分细化,否则不可能满足市场的多样化需求。第三,技术开发和研究水平太低。我国的专用车生产基本停留在仿制阶段,创新少,设计雷同,产出的基本上都是技术含量低的普通型专用车。第四,在生产工艺工装方面,我们目前的专用车企业,由于缺少规模的技术改造,国产设备、自制设备比重大,工人工艺水平低,限制了产品的质量和档次的提高,制约了专用车的发展。第五,我国专用车生产技术进步的两大关键-专用底盘与专用装置的开发能力较弱。我国专用汽车在产量上已具有相当的规模,但大多为劳动密集型中低技术含量的产品如半挂车、自卸车。一些技术含量较高的产品及关键零部件仍需进口。目前我国专用车制造企业多以规模较小的汽车改装厂为主。它们从整车厂购买汽车底盘,根据需要进行改装,研发创新能力不足。与国内不同的是国外专用汽车生产企业的特点是,品种多,小批量,厂家多,规模小。 由于专用车生产批量大多数较小(挂车、自卸车、厢式货车等除外),开发新产品投入又较大,企业在技术上投入不足,在资金上缺乏,大多为仿造国外车型,个别车型为引进国外产品的关键技术、关键件。同时,国内一些大的汽车生产厂在产品技术和资金投入上,也存在重基型车、轿车、客车而轻专用车的现象。今后专用车是具有发展潜力的车型之一。我国专用车专用装置的关键件总体水平不太高,如液压件、泵类、阀类、控制仪表等现在还未达到较高的技术水平,因此制约了高水平专用车的开发生产。例如:国外的消防车水泵体积小、压力高、流量大。国内部分消防车水阀、三通阀、泡沫比例混合器调节阀易锈死,而国外采用镀铬球阀,不易生锈,可靠性好于国内。专用汽车的发展,首先需要在“专”上下功夫,专门化和专业化是发展方向,如高空作业车、牵引车、集装箱运输车等。其次,专用汽车需要在“特”字上求发展,即应满足用户的特殊要求,如高空作业车、混凝土搅拌运输车、混凝土泵车、车辆运输车、特种消防车等。 近年来市场对专用汽车产品技术含量的要求越来越高,一些能够满足特殊功能要求的专用汽车底盘相继推出,一些高新技术产品和特殊(专用)装置开始在专用汽车上得到广泛的应用,如液压举升装置、排料卸料装置、计量测量装置、机械作业装置、制冷保温装置、安全防护装置、自动控制装置等。在一定程度上满足了用户对专用汽车产品的多样化需求。目前,折叠臂式高空作业车的发展动向是实现“六化”、“三性”,以提高折叠臂式高空作业机械的适用性。“六化”:即液压化、最优化(采用计算机辅助设计)、轻量化(采用高强度材料、减轻构建重量)、机电液一体化(如安全保护、报警装置等)、通用化、系列化。“三性”:可靠性、安全性和舒适性。经调研发现,目前,折叠臂式高空作业车具有一定需求市场,但生产厂家相对较少,主要在于其结构较为复杂,因此难以形成批量生产,为使折叠臂式高空作业车能够完善其结构和性能,提高折叠臂式高空作业车的功能,形成小批量生产。本设计重点对折叠臂式高空作业车主要工作装置所采用的各种方案进行比较分析,分别列出各方案的优劣点,以便选择最合适方案。综上所述,在目前的折叠臂式高空作业车的生产水平上,改进折叠臂式高空作业车的工作性能,开发研制机动灵活、技术含量高、安全可靠的高空作业机械具有重大意义。折叠臂式高空作业车广泛用于建筑、市政、机场、工厂、园林、住宅等场所,从事消防、抢险救灾、安装、维护等工作。可以说折叠臂式高空作业车将是汽车产业必不可或缺的一部分,在国内外市场的需求与竞争下,发展我国的折叠臂式高空作业车产业具有很好的前景。附录2 外文 At present, Chinas Special Vehicle manufacturers are more than 600, if the modified passenger car manufacturers are also included in more than 700, with an annual output of more than 50 million vehicle-specific sets. According to relevant statistics, the current Special Purpose Vehicle has reached more than 1550 varieties, special-purpose vehicles account for 20% of the commercial vehicle production to 25%. Private car market because of limited capacity, so the majority of enterprises are small scale of production, only the demand for larger species, such as dump truck, tractor, semi-trailer, Huo Xiang-car, flatbed container products such as large-volume production. Some enterprises have not only domestic car production base is also a dedicated car production (such as FAW, Dongfengs production truck, semitrailer tractor, an ambulance company Gold Cup, South East (Fujian) Post production car, truck, etc.). However, most of the special cars from the production of special modification of the depot. High above the ground, such as cars, appliances automobile, cement mixer, tanker, and so on. It is learned that a dedicated domestic auto market has been relatively slow to develop, not the degree of market segmentation, currently accounting for Special Purpose Vehicle in the proportion of ordinary Truck around 40% of similar products, customized to meet user requirements poor. Production technology links the hardware is obviously to narrow the gap at home and abroad, but in the process, requirements and implementation of the degree of connection between large enterprises at home and abroad. As a result, in terms of domestic or international market situation, the Special Purpose Vehicle in China are still great room for improvement. Private car outside the main business model, its commercial vehicle production in general more than 80%, while in China, the Special Purpose Vehicle in Chinas auto production accounted for only about 20%. Second, our little species-specific production of cars, foreign car-specific varieties in about 6000 kinds of Chinas 600 precincts, only the depot more than 1,000 varieties. We have a special car needs to fully refined varieties, it is impossible to meet the diverse needs of the market. Third, technological development and research level is too low. Chinas Special Vehicle production remained at the basic stage of imitation and innovation in small, similar to the design, production technology is basically the low-general of the special vehicles. Fourth, in the production process equipment, we are dedicated car companies, due to the lack of scale technical transformation of the domestic equipment, home-made device than a major, low levels of technology workers, restrictions on the product, the quality and level of increase in the special constraints The development of the car. Fifth, Chinas Special Vehicle production of two key technological progress -
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