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中国中学网络辅导专家24小时名师针对性辅导简单学习网讲义学科: 英语 轮次:初一英语同步复习课程-下学期专题:构词法(下)主讲教师:郑艳 北师大二附中英语教师 www.etlearning.cn北京市海淀区上地东路1号盈创动力大厦E座702全国24小时免费咨询电话 4008-110-818总机:01058858883初一英语同步复习课程-下学期专题:构词法(下)主讲教师:郑艳第一部分 金题精讲综合练习Dolphins are _ (interest) animals and _ (research) find them smart to watch. They have no hands, but can use tools to solve problems,、 just like us. There is no evidence that dolphins have a language of their own, but they can understand many sign languages. They can respond(反应) quite _ (correct) and quickly. Dolphins live in a very different world, but they are good at doing our “intelligent (智能的) tests”. 构词法专练按合成法特点,从B组中选出可与A组组成合成词的词。A:kilo sun home south no down moon week rain book loud hard glass take may break grand tooth my get B:stairs work body cake coat seller light east end speaker topped away working fast children ache be self meter together 派生法:通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词。如:happyunhappy(加前缀) happiness(加后缀)(1)You look(worry)_,whats happened? (2)We cant leave the children by(they)_. (3)Two(visit)_have just arrived,they are(America)_. (4)The sun shines(bright)_here every day.(5)That sounds(interest)_.Im always(interest)_in new films. (6)The(travel)_were(happy)_because they had lost all their money. (7)A telephone is a very(use)_(invent)_. (8)Its too(noise)_behind my(build)_,so I can hardly fall(sleep)_. (9)Its(real)_cold here,youd better put on your(wool)_sweater. (10)February is the(two)_month of year. 转化法:由一个词类转化为另一个词类。 如:water(n.)水 water(v.)浇水写出下列划线单词转化前后的中文意思。(1)a. He often uses the lift to go up and down.(n.)_ b. Lets lift the box onto the bed.v.)_ (2)a. Open the door,please!(v.)_ b. Keep the windows open,its hot.(adj.)_ (3)a. Its very cold outside.(adj.)_ b. Hes got a bad cold.(n.)_ (4)a. We often play football together.(v.)_ b. That play will be put on again next week.(n.)_ 你是否对下列词语的缩略语形式耳熟能详?(1)the United States of America_ (2)telephone_(3)bicycle_ (4)aeroplane_(5)television_ 第二部分 名师寄语第三部分 课后自测1. The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in _. A. longer B. length C. long D. longing 2. To my _,I passed the exam easily. A. suprise B. suprising C. suprised D. suprisingly3. Canada is mainly an _ country. A. English-speaking B. speak-English C. spoken-English D. English-spoken 4. How_ he is! He is always acting _ .He is really a _. A. foolish;foolishly;fool B. fool;foolish;fool C. foolish;fool;fool D. foolishly;foolish;fool 5. The necklace that she lost is very expensive. Its of great _. A. valuable B. value C. valueless D. unvaluable 参考答案:第一部分 金题精讲综合练习答案:interesting researchers correctly解析:interesting, 动词interest+ing变成形容词。researchers, 动词research+er变成名词。correctly, 形容词correct+ly变成副词。构词法专练按合成法特点,从B组中选出可与A组组成合成词的词。答案:sunlight, kilometer, southeast, raincoat, grandchildren, loudspeaker, downstairs派生法:通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词。答案:(1)You look worried,whats happened? (2)We cant leave the children by themselves. (3)Two visitors have just arrived,they are American. (4)The sun shines brightly here every day. (5)That sounds interesting. Im always interested in new films. (6)The travelers were unhappy because they had lost all their money. (7)A telephone is a very useful invention. (8)Its too noisy behind my building, so I can hardly fall asleep. (9)Its really cold here,youd better put on your woolen sweater. (10)February is the second month of year. 转化法:由一个词类转化为另一个词类。 如:water(n.)水 water(v.)浇水写出下列划线单词转化前后的中文意思。 答案:(1)a. He often uses the lift to go up and down.(n.)电梯b. Lets lift the box onto the bed.(v.)抬起(2)a. Open the door,please!(v.)打开 b. Keep the windows open,its hot.(adj.)开着的 (3)a. Its very cold outside.(adj.)冷的 b. Hes got a bad cold.(n.)感冒(4)a. We often play football together.(v.)踢,玩 b.That play will be put on again next week.(n.)戏剧你是否对下列词语的缩略语形式耳熟能详?答案:(1)USA (2)phone (3)bike (4)plane (5)TV第三部分 课后自测1. 答案:B2. 答案:A3. 答案:A4. 答案:A5. 答案:B3
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