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望谟县 2017-2018 学年度第一学期期中教学质量监测试卷九年级英语注意事项:本试卷总分 150 分考试时间 120 分钟 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填涂在答题卡上。2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,非选择题用黑色签字笔在答题卡上书写作答,在试卷上作答,答 案无效。第卷( 选择题,共 80 分 ) . 情景交际:根据所给情景选择最佳答案。(10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)1. Sorry, I am late for class again. Come in, please.A. You are welcomeB. It doesnt matterC. Thats rightD. No problem2. I had a backache. I cant sleep.A. Dont worryB. Not so wellC. Im sorry to hear thatD. OK3. Dont keep water running when you wash hands.A. I hope soB. Im afraid notC. Sorry, I wontD. Its nothing4. Im going to take my driving test tomorrow.A. CongratulationsB. Id love toC. Good luckD. Thats a good idea5. Whos that speaking ?A. This is Han Mei speakingB. I am speakingC. Han Mei is meD. I am Han Mei6. Ill will go to Yunnan Province with all my good friends for my summer vacation.A. Thats very badB. Nice to meet youC. Have a good tripD. Its very kind of you7. ? Ive got a headache and a cough.A. Whats wrong with youB. Whats the wrong with itC. Can I help youD. How are you8. Fine, thank you.A. How do you do?B. Nice to meet you.C. Are you Mr. Wang?D. How are you?9. Welcome to our school.A. OKB. ThanksC. Excuse meD. Hello10. Lets go fishing this afternoon.A. Good ideaB. Yes, Id love toC. I like fish a lotD. No problemII. 单项选择 .(20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)(A). 从所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选择最佳答案。11. Tom has made great progress recently., and.A. So he has, so you haveB. So he has, so have youC. So has he, so have youD. So has he, so you have12. More and more trees were cut down. , many animals are dying out.A. In the endB. So thatC. As a resultD. At last13.Mike, wheres todays newspaper?Well, you dont need to read it because there is not in it.A. something interestingB. nothing specialC. important thingD. anything new14. There are several chemical factories waste water into the river.A. pouringB. pourC. poursD. poured15. Its difficult for me.A. breathB. breatheC. to breathD. to breathe16.Lily, you your ticket?Not yet!A. did; findB. have; foundC. has; foundD. do; find17. What can we students do the environment?A. to protectB. protectedC. protectingD. protects18. He wants to make contributions the environment.A. protectB.to protectC.to protectingD.protected19. he is very tired , he still goes on working.A. Although, butB. But, althoughC. Although, /D. But, /20. Dont give up you will never succeed.A. andB. butC. whileD. or21.How long have you lived in this town?2001.A.SinceB. InC. ToD. For22. Mrs. White isnt here. She London.A. has been toB. has gone toC. went toD. has gone23. In our school, about of the students are girls.A. three fifthB. third fifthC. third fifthsD. three fifths24. He to school by bike, but now he to school on foot.A. used to going; gets used to goB. used to go; gets used to goingC. used to go; gets used to goD. get used to going; used to go 25.How many people are there in the meeting room?.A. NothingB. No oneC. NoneD. A little (B) 从四个选项中,选出与所给句子画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。26. The school provides students with new books.A. supplyB.suppliesC.offerD.offers27. Thanks to your help, I have passed the exam.A. BecauseB. Because ofC. Thank forD. Without28. Hi, have you found your lost watch?Not yet, I have looked for it everywhere, but I still havent found it.A. at those placesB. here and thereC. somewhereD. over there29. Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.A. keptB. putC. takeD. prevent30. All people ought to fight against all kinds of pollution.A. shouldB. mayC. mustD. canIII. 完形填空 .(10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)The world is divided into two main parts, the poor and the 31 . The poor countries 32 “the developing countries”, which have special 33 . Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything 34 . Many people never get enough food 35 ,and the children starve(饿死). Help should be given by the rich countries, butrich countries have problems, 36 . The air isnt fresh and the rivers are 37 dirty to swim in or 38 water from. Also the roads are too 39 to drive along. And sometimes, large numbers of people 40 not have,pleasant houses to live in. So something will have to be done about the problems.31. A. richB. richerC. goodD. poorer32. A. is calledB. are calledC. callsD. calling33. A. friendsB. problemsC. placesD. conditions34. A. onB. inC. a
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