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学海无涯不理解父母作文4篇篇一:渴望父母的理解渴望父母的理解人生,短短几十年,挥之即去。常听人家说:“人生苦短,欢乐最重要。可要活得真正洒脱,真正欢乐却没几个人。俗话说:“青年不识愁滋味。但我想说:“非也。在沉重的学业负担下,在家长的严峻呵斥下,我们能无愁吗?在成长过程中少不了确实实是苦恼,困难,我又何尝不是呢?从小学开始,我和我表哥就在同一所上学,他比我高一个年级到了四年级,表格的成绩不断在班中名列前茅,而我的成绩却呈直线下滑。每到双休日,家中最多确实实是父母的唠叨声,说得最多的话确实是表哥如何用功,如何明白事。到了五年级,表哥以优良的成绩考入名牌中学,这又使爸妈唠叨个没完。我如今的处境真是“四面楚歌啊!记得表哥刚考入初中的那个寒假,亲朋好友都到小姨家聚会,每一个人都欢天喜地的,个个都吃得津津有味。在这种场合少不了“谈天说地。可他们聊什么不好,偏要聊我和表哥,真是哪壶不开提哪壶。妈妈说着说着矛头又指向了我:“我们家的儿子要有豪豪的一半就好了。接着又是爸爸的猛烈的炮火:“豪豪成绩那么好,又明白事,我要有这么个小孩就好了。外公平时不断寡言少语的,而今天却像吃错药似地,滔滔不绝地讲成绩,谈工作啊等等一系列的大道理。我那时候的心像被尖刀刺穿一样痛。他们那种无休止的办嘲笑,办鼓舞的话,简直像在我受伤的的心上抹上一把盐。想大声地叫出:“不要拿我去和别人比拟,我也有本人的特长,本人的性格,我也特别优秀。我多么渴望父母能改掉这个缺点别把我与别人比拟,我受不了如此的攻击,我只希望活出最确实本人。我渴望父母的理解。篇二:如何和父母相处英语作文共4篇1.Good morning, ladies and gentlemean:Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.These days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Many of the teenagers often have a fight with their parents. They even dont talk with their their parents for several days. Why Because our parents think the grades are so important that we must get good grades. But its hard for some students. To solve these problems, we should have a good communication with our parents. We can tell them that it is possible for us to get good grades quickly. We need enough time. And we must study hard, the harder we study, the happier our parents will be. Then we can get along with our parents.2. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.These days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Some students often have a fight with their parents. They dont talk with their parents for a few days. The main reason is that the parents want their children to get good gradesand give them a lot of pressure. I think we should understand them. We must remember they love us so much. And we should communicate with them. We could tell them that we neet to relax ourselves. Oh, we must stop arguing with them, because arguing with them cant solve any problems.3.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.These days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Teenagers these days often argue with their parents. Why Beacause parents give us a lot of pressure. They want us to get good grades and get into a good college. We should understand them. We should talk to parents and let them understand us. All parents love their kids. We could share housework at home , our parents will be happy. All parents love their kids,we should understand them.4. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:Today my speech topic is learning to get along with our parents.These days most of us feel it hard to get along with our parents. Some studentsoften argue with their parents. Then they dont talk to their parents. Our parents care about our grades, so we are angry with them all the time. We should understand our parents. They love us so much. After we argue with them, we should communicate with our parents. We could often talk with them. Wed beeter not fight with our parents. We should get on well with our parents.篇三:我心中的妈妈作文4篇我心中的妈妈作文篇一我心中的妈妈就像一条小船,船的一头载着我,一头载着家。清晨,我扒在妈妈的肩膀上,细心肠看者妈妈白净的皮肤,细数着妈妈那一缕缕乌丝。妈妈的眼睛大大的,一眨一眨的,嘴角微微翘起,看着我,妈妈甜甜地笑了,看着妈妈的笑容,我也不禁笑了起来,没错,在家里,有妈妈,确实是如此的温馨!妈妈总是那么勤快。下班回家后,休息片刻,第一件事确实是协助奶奶做些家务。晚饭过后,妈妈总是争先恐后地拾掇碗筷,生怕别人强走她的饭碗似的!忙完手中的活儿,她有像哄小孩似的,陪着我做智力题,唉没方法,谁让我在她心中总是长不大呢!也许,这是母爱的一局部吧。周末,她像只小白兔,左蹦右跳(因此,这里是忙成如此)她先是出门够买一些家里所许的日用品,然后,又带着爷爷奶奶出去逛逛,散散心。最后,妈妈还忘不了我,总是记得她容许我的承诺,带我去吃kfc。妈妈尽管勤快得活像个小蜜蜂,但也不失幽默。平时,只要一有空闲,她总会倍至地关心我。她讲得珍珠的故事,把我逗得捧腹大笑,前仰后合。这个故事不管讲几遍我都愿意听,而且每次都是乐在其中。一天,一个醉汉搬着一块大石头,向电视砸去,只听一声巨响,电视仍然好好的,这是为什么呢一次妈妈欢乐地征询我,还说答对有奖呢!我想了又想,猜了又猜,但是最终仍然没猜出来,我都快急死了,非要妈妈公布谜底原来是他没有砸到电视!但是我不解的征询那,那为什么会有一声巨响呢妈妈欢乐地说小笨猪,连这个都想不到,他的那块的石头砸到地板上了嘛!哦!原来如此!真是让我哭笑不得呀!像如此的欢乐事,还多着呢!都说小孩是父母的欢乐果,我看呀,妈妈才是我的欢乐果呢!我的好妈妈在关键时候也不失严峻,假设我在学习上粗心,她但是会毫不客气地给我上思想课这确实是严母出孝女嘛!告诉大家一个小机密,事实上这平文章写得不单单是我心目中的妈妈,她仍然我现实中的妈妈,我为有如此一好妈妈而感到骄傲!妈妈确实是如此一个人,一边爱着我,一边爱着家!我心中的妈妈篇二我的妈妈叫马明辉,是正那么小学的一名老师。她长得有点胖,不过奶奶说胖总比瘦好,说明人民生活水平高。妈妈有一头乌黑的长发,打着卷不断披到肩膀上,就像美丽的瀑布,风吹过时又像卷起的朵朵浪花。妈妈圆圆的脸蛋上镶嵌着一双总含着笑意的大眼睛,一张能说会道的嘴整天对着我说个不停。妈妈特别爱穿裙子,各式各样的裙子应有尽有,尤其是各种花布裙子,把她打扮得像花儿一样,更显得有女人味了。妈妈除了爱逛街外,还喜欢看书、唱歌、写日记她从十岁开始写日记,这个习惯不断保持到如今。如今她有十几本日记本,堆起来有几十厘米高。看的是沙滩上的小脚丫。在这本日记里,妈妈深情地记录下从她怀上我到我一周岁时发生的事情,里面有着妈妈的喜怒哀乐。每次我看着日记里有趣的事情都会哈哈大笑。因此,每次看了日记,我都会更深切地感遭到妈妈对我的爱,我也更爱妈妈了。妈妈不仅本人写日记,还带着她们班的同学写小说呢。我曾看到她保存着好多大哥哥、大姐姐写的小说。
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