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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。国际专利许可合同英文版专利实施许可合同备案工作是国家知识产权局为了切实保护专利权,标准交易行为,促进专利实施而对专利实施许可进行管理的一种行政手段。今天范文网小编为大家准备的是英文版的国际专利许可合同。具体内容如下,仅供参考阅读,希望能帮助到大家!patent license contract国际专利许可合同con tract no:conclusion date:conclusion place:indexarticle 1 defininitions article 9 guarantees and claimsarticle 2 scope of the contract article 10confidentialityarticle 3 price of the contract article 11infringementsarticle 4 conditions of payment article 12 taxes anddutiesarticfe 5 technical service and training article 13 forcemajeurearticle 6 technical documentation article 14 arbitrationarticle 7 verification and acceptance article 15 app1icable lawarticle 8 technical improvement article 16 durationappendixesappendis 1 name, content of patent documents and application of the patentsappendix 2 models, specifications and technical lndices of the contract productappendix 3 the starting date and counting methods of royaltyappendix 4 the content and method of licensors auditingappendix 5 training of party as personnelappendix 6 technical service or specialist send by party bappendix 7 verification and acceptance of the contract product this contract made_on_ day of_,by and be-tween _,organized and existingunder the laws of the peoples republic of china. with rehistered office at (hereinafterreferred to as party a) of the first part and _,organized and existing underthe laws of _,with its principal office at_.witnessthwhereas the patent right which said in the contract os owned by party b.whereas party b has the right and agreed to grant paryt a the rights to use,manufac-ture and sell the contract products of the ppatented technology;whereas party a hope to use the patented technology of party b to manufacture and sellthecontract products;both parties authorized representatives, through friendly negotiation, have agreeto en-ter into this contract under the ertms as stipulated below;artide 1 definitionsfor the purpose of this contract, the following terms have the following meanings;1.1.patented technologymeans those letters patent, and applications thereforpresently owned or hereafter acquired by party b and/or which party bhas or may have therigt to control or grant license thereof during the term hereof in any or all countriesof the world and which are applicable to or may be used in the manufacture of cotractproducts.1.2. contract productsmians the products described in appendis2 annexed hereto,to-gether with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respectthere-to.1.3. patty ameans_. or his legal representative, agent and inhetitor to theproperty of the company.1.4. party b means_,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,to the property of the company.1.5. the contraet factory means the place which party party a manufactures thecontract products. that is_.1.6.spare pmenas replacement parts for contract products or for any part there-of.1.7. componentsmeans those components and parts of contruct produets which par-tyb has agreed or may from time to time agree in writing to permit party a to manufacture1.8. technical documentsmeane engineering, manufacturing and originating1.9 net selling price menans remaining amount of invoice value of the1.l0 the date of coming into effect of the contractmeans the date of raification article2 scope of the contract2.1. party a agrees to acquire from party b and party b agrees to transfer to party a2.2 party b grants party a the non-exclusive right to design and manufacture2.3 party b shall be responsible to provide party a with documents relevant to the2.4 the contract does not cover the patented technology for the parts from other 2.5 party b shall be responsible for the training of party as technicl personnel 2.6 party b is obliged to send at its own expense technical personnel to party asfacto-ry for technical service (details as per appendix 6 to the contract).2.7 if it is required by party a. pafrty b shall be under an obligation to provide party aat the most favourable price wity parts, accessories, raw materials, fittings,2.8 party b grants party a the rignt to use party bs trade mark, and use the 3.1 price of the contract shall be calculated on royalty in accordance with the3.2 royalty under the contract shall be paid from_ months after the the date 3.3 royalty at the rate of_ % (_percent ) shall be calcuated in 3.4 the report of the selling quantity, net selling amount of the contract products 3.5 the contract products sold by party a pursuant to the patent license herein granted shall be
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