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Lesson 81 Escape脱逃【Text】When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead mans clothes. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself. Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed. When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.【课文翻译】那个战俘杀死卫兵以后,迅速地把尸体拖进了灌木丛。他在黑暗中忙活了一阵儿,很快就换上了死者的衣服。现在他身穿蓝军装,肩扛步枪,在军营门前大胆地来回走看。他听得军营里面的喧闹声。那里灯火通明,人们在东奔西跑:他们刚刚发现有一个俘虏跑了。 正在此时,一辆黑色大轿车在军营门口停了下来。里面坐了4个军官。军官们下了车,战俘立正站好,并在他们从他面前经过时敬了礼。他们走后,汽车司机向他走来,这人显然是想聊天。他上了年纪,有着灰白的头发和明亮的蓝眼睛。战俘为他感到惋惜,但却没有别的选择。当这个人走近时,战俘一拳把他打倒在地,然后跳进车里,以最快的速度把车开走了。New words and expressions 生词和短语blaze v. 闪耀salute v. 行礼elderly adj. 上了年纪的grey adj. 灰白的sharp adj. 猛烈的blow n. 打击prisoner n. 囚犯bush n. 灌木丛rapidly adv. 迅速地uniform n. 制服rifle n. 来福枪,步枪shoulder n. 肩march v. 行进【生词讲解】1. prisoner (1) n. 囚犯 jailbird (2) n. 俘虏POW:a prisoner of war 战俘eg:They were taken prisoner. 他们被俘prison 监牢、监狱 (jail) be in prison be in jail 坐牢 break prison break jail 越狱behind bard 在狱中 2. bush n. 灌木丛(比tree低而且多枝) shrub 灌木丛 ; a rose bush 蔷薇丛beat around the bush beat about the bush 绕弯子说话,转弯抹角地说话beat the bush 到处搜寻 ; bushy adj. 灌木丛生的;茂密的 3. rapidly adv. 迅速地 (反义词slowly) speak rapidly 迅速地说 ; speak more rapidly更迅速地说rapid 1) adj. 迅速的(反义词slow) more rapid most rapid2) adj. 快速的 、敏捷的a rapid stream 急流 ; a rapid worker 工作快速的人eg:He took a rapid glance at me . 他快速的看了我一眼。eg:Rapid progress was made. 进步很快。eg:Her thinking was rapid . 她的脑筋反应很灵敏。rapids n. 急流apidity n. 迅速、速度 ;with rapidity 非常迅速地with astonishing rapidity 以惊人的速度4. uniform (1) n. 制服a school uniform 校服 ; in uniform 穿着制服out of uniform 穿着便服eg:All the students must wear uniforms at our school. 在我们的学校所有学生必须穿校服(2) adj. 相同的、同行的a row of uniform buildings 一排相同的的建筑eg:The boxes are uniform in weight. 相同重量的箱子(3)adj. 不变的、一定的walk at a uniform pace 以一定的步伐走路5. rifle n. 来福枪,步枪hunting rifle 猎枪; trigger 扳机barrel 桶;筒,枪(或炮)管 ; gun 枪,炮machine gun 机关枪 ;pistol 手枪hold a pistol to a persons head 拿枪举着头6. shoulder 1) n. 肩膀sloping shoulder斜肩 ; square shoulder平肩eg:She looked over her shoulder . 她回过头向后看。shoulders 双肩eg:Take the responsibility on your shoulders . 你要自己负起责任来。eg:My sons finding employment took a load off my shoulders . 我的儿子找到工作卸下我肩上的担子。2) 肩部、路肩、肩the shoulder of a mountain 山肩the shoulder of a vase 花瓶的肩部cry on ones shoulder 向某人哭诉give someone the shoulder 冷淡地对待某人shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩shrug ones shoulders 耸肩7. march 1)v. 行进、进军eg:The troop marched along the street . 部队沿着街道行进eg:The mayor marched at the head of the parade . 市长走在游行队伍的前头。2)n. 行进、进军a days march 一日行军; a line of march 行军路线3) n. 音乐进行曲a wedding march 婚礼进行曲a death march 送葬曲、哀乐 a funeral march葬礼进行曲4) n. 发展、进展the march of science 科学的进步 ; the march of time 时间流逝March 3 月 (游罗马神话中战神mars 之月而来)8. boldly adv. 大胆地、厚颜无耻bold 1) adj. 大胆的、不知害怕的、有勇气的coward adj. 胆怯的、怯懦的timid adj. 胆怯的、羞怯的a bold idea 大胆的想法; a very bold action 大胆的行动bold to do sth 胆敢做某事It is bold of sb to do sth 某人真大胆,竟然敢做eg:Youre bold to climb that mountain alone . It is bold of you to climb that mountain alone .你真大胆竟敢独自去爬那座山2)adj. (女性) 厚颜无耻、冒失的eg:What a bold woman she is !多么厚颜无耻的女人!3)adj. 笔画粗的the bold outline of a mountain 山脉清楚的轮廓as bold as brass(厚脸皮) 极其厚颜无耻的9. blaze 1)v. 燃烧、冒火焰eg:The fire blazed all day . 火烧了一整天 。eg:The noon sun blazed in the sky . 中午的太阳在天空中闪耀2)v. 发怒、激怒eg:He was blazing with anger. 他怒火中烧。3) n. 火焰、火苗eg:The fire burst into a blaze. 火烧得通红。eg:She was rescued from the blaze. 她被从大火中救出。blazing adj. 炎热的 a blazing sun 炙热的太阳blazer 色彩鲜艳的运动上衣 、颜色鲜明的运动夹克 、燃烧体;发光体10. salute 1) v. 行礼、敬礼、问候或欢迎salute the flag 向旗帜敬礼2) n. 敬礼 give a salute 敬礼eg:The officer returned the sergeants salute . 军官向中士还了礼. salutation .sljutein n. 招呼, 致敬, 问候 n. (信函开头)称呼语11. elderly adj. 上了年纪的an elderly gentleman 上了年纪的绅士elder 年纪较长的、年长的 older(美)ones elder brother / sister 哥哥姐姐an elder son 年纪较长的儿子12. grey 1) adj. 灰白的(g
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