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Why dont you talk to your parentsUnit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?Period 2Content Section A 3a, 3b, 3c教学目标要求1能进一步谈论遇到的困难和麻烦。如:I cant get on with my family.2能针对问题和麻烦给别人提出解决办法和建议。3能合理评论别人的建议并说明原因。如:I agree / disagree with his advice because .4能读懂描述困难和麻烦的书信。5能读懂针对麻烦提出建议的书信。6能认读并能工整书写所学单词:relation, communication, argue, cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, communicate, explain, clear等。7能掌握并运用词汇和结构:make sth. clear, not allow, worried, get on with等。8能模仿录音正确朗读教材上的语篇。教学过程 活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间3 m1复习已学目标语及描述人物个性特点的单词。Look at the pictures, lets talk about their problems and give them advice.教师指着第一幅图和一个学生在班上为大家做示范。T: Whats wrong with Peter?S1: He had a fight with his best friend.T: Why doesnt he call him to say sorry?S1: He doesnt like to talk on the phone.T: He could write a letter to his best friend.S1: Thats a good idea! 2仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动。OK. Lets do pair work. Work in pairs and make conversations.学生双人对话活动,教师随机抽取几组学生展示。导入时间3 m3导入新课话题。Lets look at a picture.Whats wrong with the girl (or boy)?Can you get on well with your family?(If not) How do you feel?What should you do?(随机教授单词argue, relation, communication, communicate) 4读图,引入本课内容。Look at this picture. What are they doing?What do you think we are going to read this class?3a时间10 m5寻读课文,整体感知课文内容。Look at the picture again, scan the text and find a sentence to describe the picture. 学生寻读课文,找出描述图片内容的句子。(如果有困难,教师提问启发:What are they doing? Are they fighting or arguing?)6默读课文,理解生词和词组。Now read the text silently, write down what you dont understand. 鼓励学生根据上下文猜测单词的意思,教师适当帮助启发学生理解。随机教授解释生词和词组:cloud, elder, instead, whatever, nervous, offer, proper, secondly, explain, talk about, so that7读课文回答问题,把握课文内容,同时深入理解生词和词组。Now read the text again and answer the questions.核对答案,同时强化生词和词汇。 8读课文填表格,细节上把握课文内容。Now read the letters and fill in the chart.核对答案。 3b时间7 m9再读课文,深化对课文提供的话题和预料的理解。Read the letters aloud.10编写对话,反馈对课文内容的理解。1Discuss in groups and give your opinions: Do you agree / disagree Robert Hunts advice? Why?2Now, work in groups. Make a conversation between Sad and Thirteen and Robert Hunt. (学生以组为单位将语篇 内容改为对话。教师巡视鼓励学生给出与Robert Hunts 建议不同的理由,并给予必要的帮助。)3Lets do pair work. Suppose one of you is Sad and Thirteen, the other is Robert Hunt. Role-play your conversation.4学生双人活动,教师抽取几组学生表演对话。 3c时间6 m11阅读后语言知识学习,巩固和加强对部分词汇的理解与运用。Which words or phrases in the letters have the same or similar meanings as the following? Match them.核对答案。12翻译句子,进一步强化对生词和词组的理解和运用。1Now find out the sentences with the words and phrases. Try to translate them into Chinese.2Can you make some sentences using these words and expressions?学生自己在练习本上造句,然后向全班读自己的句子,同学们共同帮他修改。 拓展时间8 m13拓展:改编课本剧。Now lets make the two letters into a play.1First, lets think what role should be in the play? (学生 回答可能会包含:father, mother, brother, Sad and Thirteen, Robert Hunter,教师给予评价肯定并补充角 色)2Now lets think: what can cause argument in family? (学 生答案有很多)3Lets see the situation. (让一位学生朗读情节设计)4Next, discuss the words for each person in groups. (教师 巡视,提供必要的帮助)5OK, class. Now practice your play in groups. Which group would like to share your play?小组展示课本剧。 小结时间2 m14总结本课所学目标语。What did you learn this class?学生自己总结完之后齐声朗读。作业1 m15Homework(布置作业)1听语篇录音并进行模仿朗读3a。2工整抄写并熟读记忆语篇中的生词和词组。3用3c中的词汇结构造句。第 页
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