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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Chapter 1伊丽莎白统治之前的时代分为三个阶段:古英语(安格鲁撒克逊)时期,中世纪英语(安格鲁诺曼)时期,伊丽莎白统治前时期。大不列颠岛相继被卡尔特人、罗马人和安格鲁撒克逊人占据。【 The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period 】 The British civilization is one of the oldest in the world. sign: the Stonehenge(巨石阵)prehistoric monumental pile of stonesl Celts(凯尔特人)were probably the first inhabitants of the British Isles in recorded history.l One of their tribes, the Britons(不列颠人), came over in the 5th century BC. 亚瑟王传奇 Arthurian legends 500 years Roman Conquest, Julius Caesar(尤里乌斯凯撒) 55BC 500 years Anglo-Saxon Conquest, 5th centuryl In 597 AD the Anglo-Saxons began to be converted to Christianity. pagan elements/regular elements religion elementsl In the second half of the 7th century, the first English poet, Caedmon by name, began to sing.l Another century passed, Beowulf.l In the 9th century, King Alfred decided that literature should be written in the vernacular(方言) of Old English. With the arrival of St. Augustine in 597 AD and the subsequent spread of Christian influence and classical learning, heathen poetry was maneuvered out of the scene.l a time of intermingling(过渡时期) of the pagan with the Christian components in poetry.l 安格鲁撒克逊时期唯一完整的诗歌:Beowulf: 1. The national epic of English people, a pagan poem2. An epic of well over 3000 lines.3. The greatest epic ever left by the ancient Germanic tribes.4. The most ancient ever since the demise of the Greek and Roman literatures.5. The only organic whole poem to come out of the Anglo-Saxon period.6. The story takes place in Scandinavia, no mention of England.7. Anglo Saxons early life in England Theme: The poem tells the story of a 6th century hero, Beowulf. It is basically a two-part narrativeBeowulfs fight with the sea-monsters Grendel and his mother in the first part, and his killing a fiery dragon and his death in the second.1. human desire for some super power to conquer nature.2. great tradition of realism(现实主义传统) Versification: 1. Pagan story has an Christian overlay(覆盖物,表面).(作诗法) The mixture of pagan and Christian elements 2. using of kenning(一种描写手法) e.g.: sea is often “swans way” or “whale-path. 3. conspicious occurrence of alliteration(头韵). 4. narrator of the poem, the “I” is a minstrel/scop/gleeman(吟游诗人) 5. storys digressive manner of narration. 6. elevated tone(提高的音调). 7. the use of metaphors and understatements Then the pagan was superseded(超过) by the religious spirit, and minstrels(吟游诗人) gave way to learned men. Caedmon(凯德蒙): the first known poet in English literary history. The Ecclesiastical History of England(英格兰教会史)by the venerable Bede(比得).欧洲最早的编年史:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(编年史)founded by King Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大帝).【 Medieval(中世纪)Literature: a brief introduction 】 1066 Norman Conquest: marked the beginning of the Middle English or Anglo-Norman period.(1066-1400) In 1066, _, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.A. William the Conqueror B. Julius Caesar C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The Normans spoke _.A. French B. English C. Latin D. SwedishThe changes and replacement of dynasty and government:l The Norman line of kings 90 years l 1154 Angevin kings King Henry and his descendants 245 years l 1399 The House of Lancaster Few occurrences of historic magnitude:l The Establishment of the Feudal System(封建制)l William the Conqueror grabbed Anglo-Saxon land by force and gave it to his nobles and followers.l The 1381 Peasant Uprising(农民起义)l Led by Wat Tyler of Kent and Jack Straw of Essexl 1086 The Completion of the Domesday Book(末日审判书)l A historical record of Anglo-Saxon institutions, customs, and way of lifel The Launching of the Crusades.(十字军东征)l A serious of wars between Christians and the Muslims (1096-1270)l The first communication between east and westl 1215 The signing of the Magna Carter.(大宪章)l King John was forced to recognize the rights of the powerful barons.(男爵)(Duke公 Marquis侯 Count伯 Viscount子 Baron爵)l A significant event in the long decline of the monarchyl 1337-1453 The War with France or the Hundred YearsWar(英法战争)l Norman and Anglo-Saxon elements began to coalesce into
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