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Unit3 单元测试卷一、用英语写出下列数字。1. 14 _ 2. 15 _3. 16 _ 4. 17 _5. 18 _ 6. 19 _二、根据图片写单词。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _三、单项选择。( ) 1. A. ten hens B. ten pens ( ) 2. A. five rulers B. four rulers( ) 3. A. an apple B. one banana ( ) 4. A. twenty grapes B. twenty-two grapes( ) 5. A. eighteen eggs B. eight eggs四、读一读写出数学算式。1. How much is thirteen and ten? _ + _ = _2. How much is twenty and eleven?_ + _ = _3. Twelve and three is fifteen._ + _ = _4. Nine and fifteen is twenty-four._ + _ = _参考答案一、1. fourteen 2. fifteen 3. sixteen 4. seventeen 5. eighteen 6. nineteen二、1. cow 2. pig 3. horse 4. bird三、1-5 BAAAB四、1. 13+10=232. 20+11=313. 12+3=154. 9+15=24
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