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2023初二英语作文初二英语作文三篇 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家对作文都不生疏吧,作文依据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、争论文。信任许多挚友都对写作文感到特别苦恼吧,下面是办公室王秘书为大家整理的初二英语作文3篇,仅供参考,欢送大家阅读。 初二英语作文 篇1I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day . I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework.我暑假会很忙。 我每天要写作业。 我准备去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。我要做运动,如:打乒乓球、游泳等。我要去看爷爷奶奶并在那住一周。我要帮父母做家务。初二英语作文 篇2Tasting of reading in EnglishI often read western novels, and of course it has already been translated into Chinese. I didnt think there were a lot differences between English novels and Chinese novels. But during this winter holiday I read some novels in English and I found them very interesting. Why did not I find that before As I did not want to spend a lot time in studying- I always thought reading in English is a kind of studying - when I want to read some novels from England I would prefer to read the ones translated into Chinese. As we all know, translating can never be perfect, it would bring some mistakes and the translators own feelings. So when I read a novel in English, I found it was terrific and I could clearly know the difference between the two writing skills.As to most of the English novels, they prefer to tell the result first. Even in some paragraphs that describe the scene, they would use the skill. This situation would never be met in reading Chinese novels. We Chinese like to make attractive plot: after the readers have been brought into the story the writer would say “If you want to know what will happen in the end read the next chapter please.When we read the novels in English, we would be tired of the scene describing. There is a great number of scene describing in English novels. They use this skill to make the readers know how the characters feel at the moment. They prefer to describe the situation using special grammar and combined words. It does not go with the language usage and it is difficult for translators to translate it into Chinese without losing the feelings which the writer wanted us to know. For example, in the book “Jane Eyre there were a great many situations telling how Jane felt at time. It can be felt easily when we read the book in English but it was terrible when we read the Chinese edition. It was not only long but also can tell nothing to us about the characters feeling. That was because of the different language customs. The translators can only translate the words and they cannot translate the special grammar and the combination of the sentences. For example, there is an English sentence “I hear the laughter, I taste the tear. When we read the sentence we could have a strong feeling about what the writer wanted to tell us but none of us could translate it into Chinese without losing the feeling.This time when I read novels in English I found it was not so terrible to read the long describing. The novels did not change but I did. And I find no matter how clear I knew the novels when I read it in Chinese the next time when I read English it will be a different feeling.One language is different from another. The result of this is that we have so beautiful a world.初二英语作文 篇3Two years ago, I like to eat instant noodles very much, the instant noodles smell so delicious, because there are tasty flavor in it. When my mother was not at home, I would buy the instant noodles, as the time went by, I found my skin became bad and I would not like to eat rice. I felt so bad, my mother told me that I should not eat so much instant noodles, they contained no vitamins and also frustrated my appetite. I realized my problem and started to stay away from instant noodles, then my appetite became good and I wanted to eat rice again. Instant noodles are junk food, wed better eat it less.两年以前,我很喜爱吃便利面,便利面闻起来很香,因为有美味的调料在里面。当我妈妈不在家的时候,我会买便利面吃,随着时间的消逝,我觉察我的皮肤变得不好,我也不怎么喜爱吃米饭。我感到糟糕极了,我的妈妈告知我我不应当吃那么多的便利面,这些没有养分,也让我胃口不好。我意识到了我的问题,起先不吃便利面,我的胃口变好了,也有食欲吃米饭。便利面是垃圾食品,我们最好少吃。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页
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