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课时训练(十一)Units34(八下)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.Would you like some milk or coffee, sir?. Just a glass of water, please.A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.None2.A little monkey might feel sad because of having a new baby sister or brother!Yeah. I didnt know that I saw the film BorninChina. A.if B.until C.since D.although3.If you want to know more about space, please the book ABriefHistoryofTime.A.look throughB.look aroundC.look afterD.look down upon4.Allen, your bedroom is .Sorry, Mom. Ill keep it tidy next time.A.in a messB.in orderC.in good healthD.in an end5.I looked through my test paper again and again I wouldnt make any mistakes.A.soB.becauseC.so thatD.in order to6.How is Tom now?I hear the company him a good job, but he refused it.A.providedB.offeredC.passedD.introduced7.xx黄石 Its too hot. I swim in the lake?No, you . Thats too dangerous!A.Should; cantB.Need; mustntC.Must; needntD.Could; cant8.As one of the school rules, middle school students are not to smoke. A.orderedB.preparedC.allowedD.made9.The best way of the problem is by asking the teacher for help.A.dealing withB.agreeing withC.looking upD.giving up10.Could you look after my plants while Im away on business, please?. Ill water them on time.A.Come onB.With pleasureC.Take it easyD.Youre welcome.完形填空A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became 11. He walked into a restaurant, where he found a 12 at an empty table. The waiter took the pandas order.After he 13his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air. 14 he turned around and walked toward the door.Naturally, the waiter was horrified (恐惧的), but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a(n)15.The panda said to him, “What do I look like to 16?”The waiter answered, “Well, a giant panda, of course.”“Thats right,” said the panda. “Look it up.” And he walked out.The waiter called the 17. When they arrived, the waiter told them the whole story, 18 the pandas words “looking it up”. So the police officer 19a young man out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书).The young man returned with the encyclopedia. The officer 20 “panda” and there was the answer, “Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots(竹笋) and leaves.”11.A.tired B.angry C.crazy D.hungry12.A.seat B.note C.waiter D.newspaper13.A.ordered B.finished C.served D.cooked14.A.So B.Once C.Then D.Also15.A.talk B.excuse C.question D.explanation16.A.us B.him C.you D.them17.A.bosses B.police C.neighbors D.customers18.A.about B.like C.without D.including19.A.sent B.took C.drove D.invited20.A.turned to B.asked for C.looked up D.called on.xx衢州阅读理解I have read plenty of articles about self-improvement these past few months, and most of them tell you that you need to wake up and keep positive(积极的). When you wake up, you need to think that something great is going to happen today, and that you are going to have a great day. This kind of positive attitude(态度) is supposed to change your whole day.So this morning I woke up and decided to give it a whirl. The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window, and it immediately gave me this warm feeling inside. I thought to myself, “Today is going to be a great day. One of the best days ever!” I got out of bed, took my morning shower and began to get dressed. I put on a pair of dress pants I have not warned in a while, followed by my dress shirt and that is when it began. I reached into my left pocket and pulled out what felt like some paper.You know that feeling of finding a $20 bill in your pants and it feels like free money? Because you forgot all about it and thought you never did?I pulled out a $100 bill and a $50 bill in the same pocket. It seemed like the best thing that had happened to me these days. Yes, $150 starts off my day! Im sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood. I shouted in joy, with my poor dog looking at me like I was crazy!Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.21. made the writer think in a positive way. A.A person he knew B.A message he received C.The articles he read D.The pants he wore22.The meaning of the underlined phrase “give it a whirl” is probably similar to “”. A.get dressed B.have a try C.read books D.make money23.The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refers to . A.finding money in the pocket B.receiving help from others C.getting up early in the morning D.enjoying the morning sunshine24.What does the passage mainly tell us? A.It is important to be honest. B.Confidence leads us to success.C.Sharing with oth
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