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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Section A (1a-1c) 导学案【学习目标】1. 掌握重点词汇和句型。2. 能熟练运用情态动词must,might,could,cant表示推测的用法。3. 培养听说能力及合作学习的意识。【温故自查】1._ rabbits are these? They must belong to John.A. Whos B. Whose C. Who D. Whoses2.The toy truck must be (Tom). The toy truck must belong to (Tom) 3. The drivers license belongs to _(I). The toy bear belong to_(she). 4. whose book is it?It Lucys. Her name is on its cover。 A.must belong to B. Must be C.could belong to D. Could be5.Is that girl Susan?-oh,It be her,she has gone back to her hometown。 A.must B. mustnt C.could D. Cant【设问导读】Task 1. 根据听力材料选择正确答案 1.what things are there in the schoolbag?(多选题) A.a school T-shirt B. a hair band C.a book D. Tennis balls 2.was Linda at the picnic? A.yes, she was B.no,she wasnt C.sorry.I dont know3.who always forget things?A. Mei B.Linda C.Rita . D.Ann4.whose schoolbag is this in the end?A.Meis B.Lindas C.Ritas . D.Anns5.why does this schoolbag belong to her?Because she A.has long hair B.on the tennis team C.like forgetting things D.both A and B Task 2. Listen again and finish 2b(复习 must,might,could,cant)Task3. Listening Practice :2d 1.播放磁带,让学生划出情态动词表推测的句子2.listen again and explain the difficult phrases。3.let students read again and Role play the conversation, 【自学检测】(翻译)去野餐 捡起 1. Jane didnt school yesterday because of illness。A. attend B.take part in C.join D.attended2. Have you read todays newspaper ? -No, I havent. Is there in it ? A. Something interesting B. interesting something C.anything new D.new anything3. The rest of is TomS.A.apples B.books C.rice D. Hair bands 4. There is nothing valuable in the schoolbag,so it A. cant steal B. Must steal C.cant be stolen D. Mus be stolen 【强化提升】 5. He might breakfast now. It is 12oclock now。A. Eats B. have eaten C. be eating D. Eat 6. I couldnt find my watch everywhere and realized that I must have it on my way home。A. lose B. lost C. Loses D. losing 【拓展延伸】 Now there is a family problem. Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact we are probably 16 or 17 years old. In their eyes, we are always little ones and often do wrong things. For example, when I need to stay at home alone, they always worry about me and my life without them. Most parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their children live in a comfortable world. They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, everything that they can for their dear children. In return, they only want their children to get good results in the exams. But why still cant their children understand them? Does it mean that we still want more material(物质) things? No. As a matter of fact, what we want is a true family. What does a true family mean”? I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the cold world outside. From here, we can get warmth, we can get consolation(安慰), and we can get happiness. And one important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident(自信的) in the outside world because we know that we have a true family. So I think that parents should sit down to talk with their children to let them know that they have a true family, so the children and their parents could understand each other more and more. Then, parents will not treat their children as little ones.根据短文内容填空。1. In the eyes of most parents, children never _and seldom do_.2. Most parents alwaysthinkthey _ the best things for their children to live inthe world _.3. Children still _ their parents because what children needmostis notmaterial things but _. 4. Most parents want their children to get _in the exams while their children want to get _.5. The way to _ between parents and children is that they should have more communication with each other. Then, no children will _as littleones.答案:1.grow up ; do right things 2.have provided ; comfortably 3.cant understand; a true family 4.good results; warmth , consolation and happiness 5.solve the problem ; be treated
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