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深圳市2019高三年级第一次调研考试AFrances Stevens Reese Woodland Trail GuideThe Woodland Trail was opened to the public on October 21. 1997. Boscobels Board ofDirectors adopted a formal decision of naming the Woodland Trail in honor of former Boscobelboard member, Frances Stevens Reese(1917-2003), one year after his death.The trail(小径) is approximately10miles in length, leading down to Constitution Forest.When the West Point Glass Factory was operating during the Civil War, trees for miles around were cleared to provide firewood. Walking outof the forest, you will find a large mass of nativehard rock about three billion years old.Throughout this country path, you will find picture boards identifying birds and plants localto this region. You will also find signs with historic and environmental information written byarea specialists.When you take a walk through this undiscoveredforest land, please be a considerateguest. Before walking the trail, please purchase a pass in the Carriage House. Plan ahead, soyou will be back by closing timeFollow the trail markers and remain on the trail. Besides protecting the fragile forestecosystem,you will reduce the risk of poison plants and snakes.Leaverocks, plants, animals and art works where you see them so that the personbehind you can have the same experience.Carry out whatever you carry in because there are no rubbish containers on the trail. If you happen to see a piece of litter, be a good guest and pick itup.21. When was the trail named to honor Frances Stevens Reese?A. In 1997.B. In 1917.C. In 2003.B. In 2004.22. Whatcan you see along the trail?A. An old battle field.B. A glass factory.C. Information signs.D. Rock houses.23. What should you do as a thoughtful visitor?A. Leave the wildlife undisturbed.B. Throw the rubbish into the dustbins.C. Make reservations in the Carriage House.D. Protect the markers of the Woodland TrailBKevin, diagnosed with Dyslexia (读写困难症), rarely spoke a word in class, and if he did,it would be a Yes,“No, or“Maybe, in response to questions. He always scored badly in testsand saw no hope for the future. That was until he met Sarah, an advisor at a youth center Kidpreneur.In 2012, Kevin attended a course called Ready Set Go in that center. The course was for disadvantaged kids in Kingswood - a low-income area in Sydneys western suburbs-and itsgoal was to teach the kids how to create businesses and offer value to the neighborhood.At the end of the course, Sarah took the kids to the local area. She asked volunteers to sharetheir business experiences-Kevin immediately put up his hand. His challenge was to trade hishot-dog selling service for free bread at a bakery. Although scared, Kevin was able to share hisentrepreneur (创业) story with the shop owner and asked if he could exchange his service for some bread. Unexpectedly, the shop owner told Kevin how moved he was by his story andhanded him some bread for free. By the end of the afternoon, his belief in himself and what waspossible was at an all-time high.The following week, Kevin sold 70 hot-dogs in two hours and made over $200. Soon after,he delivered public speeches in 20 schools, and was selected as part of his schools leadershipteam. Now he heads a business group working on how to increase potential customer base.All of this would not have been possible if Kevin had not found his passion andperseverance to improve himself, and those around him. The guidance and trust of his advisoralso helped to kindle his enthusiasm to go after his goals and dreams in life.24. Whatwere the kids expected to achieve in the Ready Set Go course?A. To improve their test scores.B. To create a hot-dog business.C. To teach in low-income areas.D. To be beneficial to the local area.25. How did Kevin feel after visiting the local bakery?A. Scared.B. Confident.C. Touched.D. Grateful.26. What does the underlined word kindle probably mean?A.Inspire.B. Share.C. Continue.D. Express.27. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. On the Road to RecoveryB. Turning Failure into SuccessC. Growing Wealthy through Hard WorkD. From Hopeless Youth to Business LeaderCA woman held her phone tightly to her heart the way a church- goer might hold a Bible. She was anxious to take a picture of an impressive bunch of flowers that sat not so far away, but firstshe had to get through a crowd of others pushing their way to do the same. The cause of this wasBouquets to Art, one of the most popular events at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.Flower sellers were asked to create flower arrangements that respond to pieces of art on display, from ancient carvings to contemporary sculptures. Its extremely attractive and also memorable,to the point that it has become a problem.In recent years, the de Young received more than a thousand complaints from people whofelt that cell phones had spoiled their experien
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