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- 1 -2015届高三重点热点专项检测英语试题第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. They dont come to the book club any more, for _ reason or other.A. someB. allC. eitherD. both 22. Sometimes being confused can make us _, but it can also motivate us to adjust our learning strategy, largely depending on our attitude towards it. A. deduce B. withdraw C. correspond D. accelerate23. Dont worry about your future. As long as you try your best,a great future _ wait for you on your way.A. would B. can C. must D. should24. The Chinese sports idol Li Na shocked fans by _ her racket due to serious injuries in September, on the eve of a tournament in Wuhan, her home city.A. hanging upB. putting upC. breaking upD. holding up25. The negotiations have reached a delicate stage_ a decision must be made as soon as quickly. A. which B. that C. when D. where26. The telephone _ four times in the last twenty minutes, and each time it _ for my colleague.A. rang; has been B. has been ringing; is C. had rung; was D. has rung; was27. -Sharon, why is the man so upset now?-His wallet, mobile phone and ID card _, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.A. stole B. stolen C. being stolen D. having stolen28. _ you lose the paper document,sign in _ you might download all you need. A. If; which B. So long as; what C. In case; where D. Even if; as29. Measured_ our budget last year, $2.7 million seems small.A. beyond B. against C. for D. over30. “One thing Im looking for in a college,” Sandra told her teacher, “is _. I want to meet many different kinds of people.A. insightB. formulaC. proportionD. diversity31. I think the waiter has forgotten us. We _ here for over half an hour and nobody _ our order yet.A. waited; tookB. are waiting; has takenC. have been waiting; has takenD. have been waiting; has been taking32._ disappointed us most was that the guide was always asking us to leave _ we thought very interesting.A. It; where B. What; what C. What; where D. It; what33. I have preference for that firm as full-time employees are _ to receive health insurance.A. entitled B. differentiated C. exploited D. justified34. I cleaned my room today and Mum said I do it only _.A. at all timesB. once and for allC. one after anotherD. once in a blue moon35. Would you like to have a meeting about the matter this afternoon? _, we could discuss it at dinner.A. AlternativelyB. PreciselyC. ReasonablyD. Practically第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I still remember it was in the winter of 1990 that, together with the help of my old sister, I 36 down my wishes for Christmas onto a piece of paper. How I wished on Christmas Eve my grandest wish would be 37 and placed under the Christmas tree a puppy. When we were done, our wish-lists were collected by our parents with the promise to be 38 to Santas hardworking helpers.The next day, our parents sat us down in the living-room, with 39 expressions on their faces. As it 40 out, they had seen our wishes, now wanting to talk to us about one wish in 41 the puppy. For a moment, I held my breath, but was 42 when they told us that they werent against a puppy. What they 43 against was putting it under the Christmas tree. That was not a good idea.They 44 taught us that an animal was not a gift that belonged to the same 45 as our toys. Animals were creatures with 46 that we should decide to have one, and it would be a(n) 47 to our family. An animal 48 a lot of responsibilities. It wasnt anything one bought out of a mood. An animal could not be exchanged or put 49 when we didnt feel like it. An animal wasnt a toy. An animal was a 50 family member that needed lots of love and attention. An animal was not a 51 , but a family decision. A serious decision. And a big decision. 52 , my parents share my love for animals, so the decision came reasonably 53 . After our grandparents had given their 54 up for taking care of the dog, while we were on future vacations, the answer was yes. Yes, we would get a puppy.The following days and weeks, there was only one 55 : our new family members! Yes, a family member, because animals have their rights. They are not simply food or gifts. We humans must attend, love and protect them.36.A. leftB. gotC. setD. pulled37.A. rejectedB. declinedC. challengedD. fulfilled38.A. given awayB. passed onC. tak
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