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注:美国面签时签证官一般是用中文提问,用中文回答即可。1. Whydo want o study iUSA?Whyo yo ooe USA?(Have y applied for hse iversi?Wh?) 1) Ayousee, American eucatons fmus in tewol, peially theourse of econoy maagmnt. Unted Staesi th othercounr obuiness. So UAnivesite cousesar of corse inin ith modern financia rends andprctices. 2) rover, th MB apreateayby dyso studying S is cheap thaer bfo. 3) Its said ha he UA utrity wlometheChine sudet.Tharelseh lolecnmic criis. y doyouhooseU bnotEuroe? Athoughbaswerefouded iEuroefirst, theS conmic eveomen is moremu and dnaic lso, thente State is Cnas largst radig natinanUe competyonmi sytem.ble have made a erywis choice. ( hv cnsided but inally oee UA wth an i-pth csidrain.) 2 To ho m insttuons hve you apled,and wh arete? An oher cool adi ou? plied wo ivesitis, * University a Uiversity of North Aabaa Bthofhadmt e.ButIfon the *Uivesity A* pogram aigns most cosly with madecbackrondand cee gal. cary Uies o *dmiso etter.er is. 3hy dyo chos* Uvrsity? 1)ell, at the first,* Uniersty is a pc insttutoha wa founed in1 with lon hs*. 2)Secody, my pecialotio I is rar u exclentn *and *s MBAprogram iaredite y (CBS) (the ssociation colegate businessschls androgrms). 3)Alo,*offer me ndtional dmisso, so itisadaleor e tocose* to pre mysfand ngish proficincy. 4)reovr, Soell Clge ofBusness focuse on riing sdnts witprctial sillsnd bunessrobls solving aiity. . Do ou owhereti schoo ?Doo now whe youillstudy inthe US? It is lcaedn 601 Univrity venue, *, abaa. 5. What i you major? has i all about?Wht istfor?n wht aec of yourmajo l yo tdy? Can ou biefly eplanwt ou willean? a yoalk sething abut thecorse? Whyd yu like your ma? y mjr in USA wll beMBA withInterationalcoomic evome. hcurssinlde aountn, ancandarktandpractica sills. I can sk ery n-eth tuof Tae and Ecomi and n udsnding ofth mret roe btwen deveping utie ad deeope conies. Ive en workigin imp/expdeartmt of *Company for2years. Ths prorm teace mekowledge from anagmnt viewth e experise analyzing eciinanciarets an in vstmentstratgisd layout of nvsos. Thes courses il lea slidundaio formy car pa. Sotiotion fit me hats why le thismjr. (Ths i curriclum I illlearn in *) 6. hats t diene btwen you major nownd te jor in US? (Yualrea otanebaceos in law china,wy youclsto udyB?)(Why you cangeyor major?)Wl, chelrmor er isa in *Universiy. Thmajr MBIchosen in S llcrosthewo filds. Accorg to my unt iutio, is ne par to helpe fulfillmy ream. (u tis very ferent fro the lawin China and S. Illcome bc toChin, I couldtsudyU law. ) In themeatme ink Ciese lwis eoug t eal wththe wrkproblms. y needsome rossoalmanarial owldge tt is aso vitatohelpe becom agod enir mnaer. ik iI can combnethese two ajo in practice,mure Ill have a ight ftre. 7.Howoyo n hiUniversty? ell, Iknow *Univrsit in ChiaIntenationaducationa Ehibition, andthe imprtanc i I e ucyto met he recruitmen decr i Tianji. I nd the*universi suits mefo y acdemcbacgroun, prsona phioshy, an creer gs. . Havyu nwork expriences? (gve VO rese) ell, orkdor a cltemanufacure cmpany from o The mainbusinss i s tad. I was a manager ssistanc ofIm/Exp ement beforeI rsignd.am resonsible for asisting manag to cotat h custm ndspervie th der.9What didyou do after grdaon?(Whyy comeathina instead o fidinga b America?1) ll g bkmy ormer cmpay. My forerboss willwelcome me g ba to wokn ive a positio aseio aagerfter gaduati, becase d ben workng her fo t yars. (Aso, shextremely ecorages me to furher tuy inSAnd raze my dream) 2) Secondl, f orse I wiloe ckto join myparets.3)Thidly, I thk Ihave a god fturein y hmetw Tiajin,hh i one of he biget andmt impotantports4)Aso, hina s developing asnow and Amerca isCines
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