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新目标英语八年级下期1-2单元测试题(time:100mins full marks:120)Class_Name_ marks_一听力部分(20分)一听音选词 这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一句话。请你根据听到的内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出你听到的单词,并将字母标号填入题前的括号中。()1. A. homework B. housework C. hard work ()2. A. noon B. moon C. boon ()3. A. space B. shape C. bus ()4. A. comfort B. company C. computer ()5. A. prefer B. perform C. predict 二听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。6. A. A teacher. B. A policeman. C. A doctor.7. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she will. C. No, she doesnt.8. A. They are rich. B. Everything will be free. C. They have no money.9. A. Theyll work in factories. B. Theyll take vacations on the earth. C. Theyll take vacations on the moon.10.A. Hell go hiking. B. Hell go shopping. C. Hell go swimming.三听两段对话,选择最佳答案。听第一段对话,回答1113小题。11. Will people go to work on foot in the future? A. Yes, they will. B. No, they will. C. No, they wont.12. Will there be more cars or subways in the future? A. Cars. B. Subways. C. Both.13. They both think therell be _ pollution. A. less B. more C. no听第二段对话,回答1415小题。14. What will Joe probably be in the future?A. An astronaut. B. A doctor C. A scientist15. Where will Joe live?A. In a building. B. In an apartment. C. On a space station.四听一篇短文,选择最佳答案。16. People will probably spend their holiday_. A. under the sea B. at home C. on the moon17. Some people will live _. A. under the sea B. on the moon C. at home18. Women will have more free time because they wont _. A. go to work B. do housework C. look after babies.19. We will be able to do shopping when we _. A. are at home B. leave home C. are in shops.20. Children can study at home _. A. with robot B. on TV C. on the radio笔试部分一 单项选择。(15分)( )21. What the life in the future? A. is; like B. will; be like C. will; is like D. will; like( ) 22. He will pass the exam if he studies hard. A. is able to B. be able to C. can D. could( ) 23. Will there be a basketball game this Sunday? . Its between Class 4 and Class 3. A. Yes, there be. B. No, there wont. C. Yes, there will. D. No, there isnt.( )24. -I predict Brazil will win the next World Cup. - . The Brazilian team is becoming stronger and stronger. A. I dont think so. B. Why do you think so. CI agree. D. I disagree.( )25. There is milk in this glass than in that one. A. less B. little C. least D. fewer ( ) 26. You could give him a ticket a ball game. A. to B. with C. of D. about( ) 27. The boy is because he argued with his best friend just now. A. happy B. upset C. tired D. excited ( )28. He is unhappy because he has no money to summer camp. A. take B. spend C. pay for D.cost( )29.-You did wrong. You should call him up. - . But Ill try.A. I am sorry to hear that.B. Its not easy.C. You, first.D. Forget about it.( )30.Could you please give me some ? A. advices B. advise C. advice D.advises( )31. I think there more pollution. A. ; wont B. dont; will be C. ; wont have D. dont; have( )32. Books will only be computers, not paper. A. in; on B. on; in C. in; in D. on; on( )33. My parents will come back three hours. A.after B.in C. next D.with ( )34. - ? -My clothes are out of style. A. Whats matter? B. Whats wrong? C. What are you doing? D. Whats it?( )35.He doesnt like swimming , I dont like, . A.too B. also C.either D. neither二完形填空。(10分)What will our life be like in the future? Each family will have a 36 in the future. You can ask it to do everything 37 you. It will serve you 38 hours a day. The robot will 39 like a human. It can talk with you when you are 40 . You wont know it is a human 41 a robot when you meet it on the street.People will have 42 time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles(交通工具)
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